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Stop Turkey Blog

Benefits and problems from the EU membership.

Stop Turkey Blog

Postby Hermes » Thu Nov 25, 2010 1:07 am

Recently came across this site:

Stop Turkey Blog
This blog is a campaign against Turkish accession to the European Union. Through original articles, and links to relevant sources of information, it aims to demonstrate why Turkish EU membership would be a disaster for Europe and for Western civilisation.

Lots of disturbing material. Particularly the most recent post (24/09/2010) on Turkish interference in German Politics (the video footage has to be seen to be believed):

It shows Erdogan looking almost Hitlerian as he declaims against a map of the world containing a massive Turkey, bloated in red :"We are now the world power Turkey! Other countries don't set the agenda for Turkey. We set the agenda for them!"
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Postby Oracle » Thu Nov 25, 2010 1:22 am

Excellent! :D

Once enough finally agree the EU is not the right place for Turks, they can then help us remove them from here ...
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Postby vaughanwilliams » Thu Dec 23, 2010 1:20 pm

Hungary will take over the rotating presidency of the EU from Belgium in January 2011. Belgian and Turkish officials have already confirmed that it will not be possible to open a new negotiation chapter during the six-month-long rotating EU presidency of Belgium, with the Turkish side hoping to open the competition chapter during the Hungarian presidency....Hungarian Foreign Minister János Martonyi has meanwhile pledged to do his best to aid progress in Turkey’s membership process in the next six months. The EU will have to make a strategic choice, Martonyi said in remarks delivered to online news portal ABHaber this week. “Either a new Ottoman Empire outside of the EU will be founded and will compete with the EU, or forces will be joined and Turkey will become an EU member. I believe that Turkey’s membership will provide significant advantages to the union,” Martonyi was quoted as saying. Turkey should not be disappointed because of political problems during its membership process, and should instead focus on the negotiations, he added. ... urkey.html

Take your pick!
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Postby DT. » Fri Dec 24, 2010 11:39 am

vaughanwilliams wrote:Hungary will take over the rotating presidency of the EU from Belgium in January 2011. Belgian and Turkish officials have already confirmed that it will not be possible to open a new negotiation chapter during the six-month-long rotating EU presidency of Belgium, with the Turkish side hoping to open the competition chapter during the Hungarian presidency....Hungarian Foreign Minister János Martonyi has meanwhile pledged to do his best to aid progress in Turkey’s membership process in the next six months. The EU will have to make a strategic choice, Martonyi said in remarks delivered to online news portal ABHaber this week. “Either a new Ottoman Empire outside of the EU will be founded and will compete with the EU, or forces will be joined and Turkey will become an EU member. I believe that Turkey’s membership will provide significant advantages to the union,” Martonyi was quoted as saying. Turkey should not be disappointed because of political problems during its membership process, and should instead focus on the negotiations, he added. ... urkey.html

Take your pick!

If the presidency of the EU matters so much what do you think will happen to Turkey once we take over the Presidency in 2012?
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Postby vaughanwilliams » Fri Dec 24, 2010 1:23 pm

DT. wrote:
vaughanwilliams wrote:Hungary will take over the rotating presidency of the EU from Belgium in January 2011. Belgian and Turkish officials have already confirmed that it will not be possible to open a new negotiation chapter during the six-month-long rotating EU presidency of Belgium, with the Turkish side hoping to open the competition chapter during the Hungarian presidency....Hungarian Foreign Minister János Martonyi has meanwhile pledged to do his best to aid progress in Turkey’s membership process in the next six months. The EU will have to make a strategic choice, Martonyi said in remarks delivered to online news portal ABHaber this week. “Either a new Ottoman Empire outside of the EU will be founded and will compete with the EU, or forces will be joined and Turkey will become an EU member. I believe that Turkey’s membership will provide significant advantages to the union,” Martonyi was quoted as saying. Turkey should not be disappointed because of political problems during its membership process, and should instead focus on the negotiations, he added. ... urkey.html

Take your pick!

If the presidency of the EU matters so much what do you think will happen to Turkey once we take over the Presidency in 2012?

I think that what will happen is you will show yourselves to be completely out of step with the EU, and your very obvious game will be up.
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Postby ZoC » Fri Dec 24, 2010 1:55 pm

vaughanwilliams wrote:
DT. wrote:
vaughanwilliams wrote:Hungary will take over the rotating presidency of the EU from Belgium in January 2011. Belgian and Turkish officials have already confirmed that it will not be possible to open a new negotiation chapter during the six-month-long rotating EU presidency of Belgium, with the Turkish side hoping to open the competition chapter during the Hungarian presidency....Hungarian Foreign Minister János Martonyi has meanwhile pledged to do his best to aid progress in Turkey’s membership process in the next six months. The EU will have to make a strategic choice, Martonyi said in remarks delivered to online news portal ABHaber this week. “Either a new Ottoman Empire outside of the EU will be founded and will compete with the EU, or forces will be joined and Turkey will become an EU member. I believe that Turkey’s membership will provide significant advantages to the union,” Martonyi was quoted as saying. Turkey should not be disappointed because of political problems during its membership process, and should instead focus on the negotiations, he added. ... urkey.html

Take your pick!

If the presidency of the EU matters so much what do you think will happen to Turkey once we take over the Presidency in 2012?

I think that what will happen is you will show yourselves to be completely out of step with the EU, and your very obvious game will be up.

Only a brainwashed Turk talks like you do.
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Postby vaughanwilliams » Fri Dec 24, 2010 2:00 pm

ZoC wrote:
vaughanwilliams wrote:
DT. wrote:
vaughanwilliams wrote:Hungary will take over the rotating presidency of the EU from Belgium in January 2011. Belgian and Turkish officials have already confirmed that it will not be possible to open a new negotiation chapter during the six-month-long rotating EU presidency of Belgium, with the Turkish side hoping to open the competition chapter during the Hungarian presidency....Hungarian Foreign Minister János Martonyi has meanwhile pledged to do his best to aid progress in Turkey’s membership process in the next six months. The EU will have to make a strategic choice, Martonyi said in remarks delivered to online news portal ABHaber this week. “Either a new Ottoman Empire outside of the EU will be founded and will compete with the EU, or forces will be joined and Turkey will become an EU member. I believe that Turkey’s membership will provide significant advantages to the union,” Martonyi was quoted as saying. Turkey should not be disappointed because of political problems during its membership process, and should instead focus on the negotiations, he added. ... urkey.html

Take your pick!

If the presidency of the EU matters so much what do you think will happen to Turkey once we take over the Presidency in 2012?

I think that what will happen is you will show yourselves to be completely out of step with the EU, and your very obvious game will be up.

Only a brainwashed Turk talks like you do.

It's not me that's talking - it's the foreign minister of Hungary. :roll:
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Postby Gasman » Fri Dec 24, 2010 2:20 pm

There are already calls to have the bi annual rotating presidency of the EU scrapped, not least because of the problems of having very small countries holding it.

The argument put forward is that there is a problem of credibility, particularly when a small country with limited diplomatic clout holds the presidency.

And that they are too tempted to use their spell to further their own domestic political agendas, and that non-Europeans simply do not take the EU very seriously when this is the case. This may be insufferable prejudice on their part, but it is a political reality that the EU must take seriously.
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Postby ZoC » Fri Dec 24, 2010 2:56 pm

vaughanwilliams wrote:
ZoC wrote:
vaughanwilliams wrote:
DT. wrote:
vaughanwilliams wrote:Hungary will take over the rotating presidency of the EU from Belgium in January 2011. Belgian and Turkish officials have already confirmed that it will not be possible to open a new negotiation chapter during the six-month-long rotating EU presidency of Belgium, with the Turkish side hoping to open the competition chapter during the Hungarian presidency....Hungarian Foreign Minister János Martonyi has meanwhile pledged to do his best to aid progress in Turkey’s membership process in the next six months. The EU will have to make a strategic choice, Martonyi said in remarks delivered to online news portal ABHaber this week. “Either a new Ottoman Empire outside of the EU will be founded and will compete with the EU, or forces will be joined and Turkey will become an EU member. I believe that Turkey’s membership will provide significant advantages to the union,” Martonyi was quoted as saying. Turkey should not be disappointed because of political problems during its membership process, and should instead focus on the negotiations, he added. ... urkey.html

Take your pick!

If the presidency of the EU matters so much what do you think will happen to Turkey once we take over the Presidency in 2012?

I think that what will happen is you will show yourselves to be completely out of step with the EU, and your very obvious game will be up.

Only a brainwashed Turk talks like you do.

It's not me that's talking - it's the foreign minister of Hungary. :roll:

He sounds like a brainwashed Turk.
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Postby DT. » Fri Dec 24, 2010 5:34 pm

:D Loving the fact that all these Brits are foaming at the mouth that Cyprus will hold the presidency.

Be nice now or else we'll bring back the EU constitution again.
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