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How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby BirKibrisli » Tue Dec 07, 2010 4:49 am

Afroasiatis wrote:
Piratis wrote:
I think there were many cases where TCs showed tendencies of making necessary and even hard (for them) compromises (e.g. the acceptance of the re-location of those who live on territory to be returned to GCs, something that means that some of them would become refugees for the third time). These could be even more, if there was a more encouraging atmosphere.

You can't compromise by giving back what does not belong to you in the first place.

This is just a legalist approach. We speak about people who lost their properties and houses already twice, and there were ready to do this for a third time, for the sake of peace and progress. That shows that, in principle, there is a willingness to compromise.

If all the TCs would "compromise" is to give to us back part of what belongs to us, then the equivalent compromise from us would be to also give them part of what they have the right to based on the 1960 agreements. They might illegally occupy 1/3rd of the land, but we keep the 100% of the government and legitimacy. Do you think the TCs would accept to get less than what they had with the 1960 agreements as they expect from us?

The TCs and the GCs aren't single bodies, they consist of various groups and individuals, who have different interests. The important is to find a solution which is best for most of them. If this is done, there is no reason why the majority of TCs and GCs shouldn't accept this solution, no matter what the 1960 agreements said.

The GC society has accepted that the situation as is today will continue since no solution is possible today. But the Cypriots (with a few exceptions of traitors) do not accept that the north part of Cyprus belongs to the Turks, and we will definitely take our lands back once this becomes possible.

Then why do the GCs in their overwhelming majority vote for parties and presidents who openly accept that the north part doesn't belong to GCs any more?

Time is nobodies ally. For as long as they have the balance of power on their side Cyprus will remain partitioned, regardless of what name we give to this partition (just naming this partition "unification of Annan plan" doesn't change the essence that it is still partition).

Once the balance of power will change then we will take back our lands, regardless if that happens in 50 years or in 2000 years.

Time is the ally of partitionists (GCs and TCs), because a new reality is created in North Cyprus day by day. Every day that passes makes re-unification more difficult, because the bonds between GCs and TCs, between GCs and North Cyprus, the TC culture itself which is a unifying element, get weaker.

As for what happens in 2000 years time, it's very questionable if GCs or TCs will still exist as group, and is very probable that due to climate change Cyprus will be a desert anyway, on which nobody would like to live. But even if we assume that nothing changes except the balance of power, if the GCs do a successful military operation to take over North Cyprus, they will be conquerors and not liberators. Just as Israelis in Palestine are faced by the global public opinion as conquerors. And just as the Greeks were going to be faced, if they decided to take over Izmir. Only a sick mind would accept that land belongs to somebody because of a reality which existed 2000 years ago. Especially after Hitler's defeat such ideas have less friends.

There are many things wrong when you are tying to profit on the expense of the human rights of others. This is what criminals do, and it is certainly wrong.

When the TCs are promised things like 30% of land, 50% of power, 30% of civil servant positions etc as a reward for maintaining division, how can unity be more rewarding to them? The only way that division will not be more profitable for them is if we don't let them to enjoy those ill received gains. And that is exactly what we are doing which is why division didn't turn out to be as nice as they were hopping.

It's not very probable that the average TC peasant would like a partition. Many people would have preferred to keep their houses and properties, and their relatives alive. Live in a situation which would allow them to prosper. And they would prefer to avoid a confrontation, as Cypriots are generally peaceful and conservative people, in my opinion at least. If they ended up preferring a partition, this was done first, through the propaganda of their leadership and second, through the attitude of the GC leaderships. I guess, one very important factor which made partition appear necessary to them was security.

I'd really like to see a JUST solution to the Cyprus problem now, without the need for the balance of power to change, but unfortunately such thing it is just not possible.

A just solution is anyway impossible in capitalism, injustice is one of its central elements. If there is once a socialist revolution, which will tear apart all borders between countries and peoples, then we can speak about a just solution.

For the time being, we have to find a solution inside the capitalist frame we live in. So, we should look for a solution will be bring as much improvements as possible to the lifes of as much people as possible.

.....for your balanced and considerate approach,for your deep insight and sensitivity,for your wide geopolitical acumen,for your realistic,sensible, and humanitarian approach to a Solution, YOU DESERVE MY UTMOST RESPECT AND ADMIRATION...Thank you!
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Postby Get Real! » Tue Dec 07, 2010 4:50 am


I don’t have a problem with you admitting that you and your family were TMT members/participants, but I DO have a problem when you then say things like…

The beauty of the digital age is that these little posts of ours will survive us,in all likelihood...future generations of Cypriots will be gobsmacked to see how intransigent your stand was...You will be condemned forever for causing untold damage to the people of Cyprus...Nothing will save you from history's judgement...And that judgement will be very harsh indeed..

…to people like Piratis who did not even exist in those days!

In other words, I just can’t stand your ugly hypocrisy! :evil:
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Postby Piratis » Tue Dec 07, 2010 10:03 am

Afroasiatis wrote:
Piratis wrote:
I think there were many cases where TCs showed tendencies of making necessary and even hard (for them) compromises (e.g. the acceptance of the re-location of those who live on territory to be returned to GCs, something that means that some of them would become refugees for the third time). These could be even more, if there was a more encouraging atmosphere.

You can't compromise by giving back what does not belong to you in the first place.

This is just a legalist approach. We speak about people who lost their properties and houses already twice, and there were ready to do this for a third time, for the sake of peace and progress. That shows that, in principle, there is a willingness to compromise.

Giving back a fraction of what they stole in order to legally keep the rest and have a ton of other gains on top of that doesn't count as a compromise to me. Ask any thief and you will see that they would be more than happy to make such kind of "compromises".

If all the TCs would "compromise" is to give to us back part of what belongs to us, then the equivalent compromise from us would be to also give them part of what they have the right to based on the 1960 agreements. They might illegally occupy 1/3rd of the land, but we keep the 100% of the government and legitimacy. Do you think the TCs would accept to get less than what they had with the 1960 agreements as they expect from us?

The TCs and the GCs aren't single bodies, they consist of various groups and individuals, who have different interests. The important is to find a solution which is best for most of them. If this is done, there is no reason why the majority of TCs and GCs shouldn't accept this solution, no matter what the 1960 agreements said.

You are not answering the question. If it is a "compromise" of TCs to give to us back what legally belongs to us, then an equivalent compromise from us would be to give to them part of what legally belongs to them. But the TCs want to give to us just a fraction of what is ours to begin with, while for themselves they want the 100% of what is legally theirs and a lot more beyond that.

The GC society has accepted that the situation as is today will continue since no solution is possible today. But the Cypriots (with a few exceptions of traitors) do not accept that the north part of Cyprus belongs to the Turks, and we will definitely take our lands back once this becomes possible.

Then why do the GCs in their overwhelming majority vote for parties and presidents who openly accept that the north part doesn't belong to GCs any more?

Give me a quote from even one party or president that said such thing. Even those who supported something like Annan partition plan they don't admit that it is partition but they are fooling people by telling them it was a "unification" plan.

Furthermore the results that parties get in parliamentary or presidential elections are due to many things, including things that people will never admit publicly, such as voting for those who will do "rousfetti" for them.

If you want to see what people think for a specific issue then you have to do a referendum on that specific issue.

Time is nobodies ally. For as long as they have the balance of power on their side Cyprus will remain partitioned, regardless of what name we give to this partition (just naming this partition "unification of Annan plan" doesn't change the essence that it is still partition).

Once the balance of power will change then we will take back our lands, regardless if that happens in 50 years or in 2000 years.

Time is the ally of partitionists (GCs and TCs), because a new reality is created in North Cyprus day by day. Every day that passes makes re-unification more difficult, because the bonds between GCs and TCs, between GCs and North Cyprus, the TC culture itself which is a unifying element, get weaker.

The bonds between GCs and TCs broke when the TCs collaborated with the foreign imperialists and attacked us back in the 50s. So there is no such "bond" to get weaker. The bonds of the majority of GCs with north Cyprus do not get weaker.

As for what happens in 2000 years time, it's very questionable if GCs or TCs will still exist as group, and is very probable that due to climate change Cyprus will be a desert anyway, on which nobody would like to live. But even if we assume that nothing changes except the balance of power, if the GCs do a successful military operation to take over North Cyprus, they will be conquerors and not liberators. Just as Israelis in Palestine are faced by the global public opinion as conquerors. And just as the Greeks were going to be faced, if they decided to take over Izmir. Only a sick mind would accept that land belongs to somebody because of a reality which existed 2000 years ago. Especially after Hitler's defeat such ideas have less friends.

This didn't stop the Turks from invading our lands, ethnically cleansing 100s of thousands of people and claiming that the north part of Cyprus is Turkish. And here you are today, just a few decades after the invasion, claiming that the "solution" is to legalize the results of the invasion and accept that north Cyprus is Turkish. Based on your own position we can only conclude that you and your Turkish partitionist friends have a sick mind and you are equivalent to Hitler.

But wait, wasn't it you that a few posts ago you were dismissing my argument about the post World War II world saying "I don't think that there was such a big difference between 1920s and 1950s, and the results have shown this." ... 563#639563

What you claim now and what you claimed in that post are contradictory.

Therefore, if such practices are unacceptable, then the results of the invasion are unacceptable, and a solution can be found only if those results are reversed. Otherwise, if such methods are acceptable, then "what's good for the goose is good for the gander" and it would be perfectly acceptable to take back our lands even after centuries from today.

So stop contradicting yourself and decide what is acceptable and what is not. What is acceptable for the Turks is also acceptable for the Greeks. No double standards accepted.
There are many things wrong when you are tying to profit on the expense of the human rights of others. This is what criminals do, and it is certainly wrong.

When the TCs are promised things like 30% of land, 50% of power, 30% of civil servant positions etc as a reward for maintaining division, how can unity be more rewarding to them? The only way that division will not be more profitable for them is if we don't let them to enjoy those ill received gains. And that is exactly what we are doing which is why division didn't turn out to be as nice as they were hopping.

It's not very probable that the average TC peasant would like a partition. Many people would have preferred to keep their houses and properties, and their relatives alive. Live in a situation which would allow them to prosper. And they would prefer to avoid a confrontation, as Cypriots are generally peaceful and conservative people, in my opinion at least. If they ended up preferring a partition, this was done first, through the propaganda of their leadership and second, through the attitude of the GC leaderships. I guess, one very important factor which made partition appear necessary to them was security.

It is obvious by now that the TCs prefer to give up their own land if in return they would get twice as much elsewhere.

Furthermore division is not just about land but many other things. For example when the TCs were promised 30% of civil servant positions (the most sought after positions in Cyprus) that would mean that a TC would have twice as many chances to get such position than any other Cypriot. Such discriminations and divisions would benefit them on the expense of all other Cypriots.

It is these promises for gains on our expense which are the main driving force behind the desire of TCs for division, and this is as true today as it was in the 50s.

I'd really like to see a JUST solution to the Cyprus problem now, without the need for the balance of power to change, but unfortunately such thing it is just not possible.

A just solution is anyway impossible in capitalism, injustice is one of its central elements. If there is once a socialist revolution, which will tear apart all borders between countries and peoples, then we can speak about a just solution.

For the time being, we have to find a solution inside the capitalist frame we live in. So, we should look for a solution will be bring as much improvements as possible to the lifes of as much people as possible.

What are you talking about mate? What capitalism and socialism have to do with this? The Cyprus problem is not a problem of struggle between classes, but one of ethnic division and foreign occupation.

Most capitalist countries are democratic one person one vote, without any racist discriminations or racist segregation. So capitalism is not an obstacle for a just solution to the Cyprus Problem.

So lets stick to the subject here and not go into how much justice "socialist revolutions" bring. If you have an issue with injustices within capitalist societies that is a totally different topic.
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Postby BirKibrisli » Tue Dec 07, 2010 3:12 pm

Get Real! wrote:BirKibrisli,

I don’t have a problem with you admitting that you and your family were TMT members/participants, but I DO have a problem when you then say things like…

The beauty of the digital age is that these little posts of ours will survive us,in all likelihood...future generations of Cypriots will be gobsmacked to see how intransigent your stand was...You will be condemned forever for causing untold damage to the people of Cyprus...Nothing will save you from history's judgement...And that judgement will be very harsh indeed..

…to people like Piratis who did not even exist in those days!

In other words, I just can’t stand your ugly hypocrisy! :evil:

There is no hypocrisy,ugly or otherwise...

Piratis is a callous and dangerous GC propagandist who is trying to justify the pain and suffering inflicted upon the TC people during the 60s and early part of 70s...He is attempting to rewrite our bloody history to justify the treacherous act of wanting to gift my country to Greece...I am simply telling him that he will not escape the harsh judgement of history...Because the truth has a way of coming out in the end...
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Postby EPSILON » Tue Dec 07, 2010 3:41 pm

BirKibrisli wrote:
Get Real! wrote:BirKibrisli,

I don’t have a problem with you admitting that you and your family were TMT members/participants, but I DO have a problem when you then say things like…

The beauty of the digital age is that these little posts of ours will survive us,in all likelihood...future generations of Cypriots will be gobsmacked to see how intransigent your stand was...You will be condemned forever for causing untold damage to the people of Cyprus...Nothing will save you from history's judgement...And that judgement will be very harsh indeed..

…to people like Piratis who did not even exist in those days!

In other words, I just can’t stand your ugly hypocrisy! :evil:

There is no hypocrisy,ugly or otherwise...

Piratis is a callous and dangerous GC propagandist who is trying to justify the pain and suffering inflicted upon the TC people during the 60s and early part of 70s...He is attempting to rewrite our bloody history to justify the treacherous act of wanting to gift my country to Greece...I am simply telling him that he will not escape the harsh judgement of history...Because the truth has a way of coming out in the end...

BirKibrisli, stop feeling that T/cs are the victims of this tragety we are leaving in Cyprus.

Start to be pragmatist and consider the "real fact" that T/cs ,as remains of Ottomans were just used by Turkey as their Trojan horse to re-enter and re-establish their lost rights in the Island.

Turks and T/cs are a "foreign body" in Cyprus. Only one way is available Cyprus to became Turkish. Turkish army to move and occupy the South also and to wait 400 years. -If no one appear in G/cs society to send you to hell then there is a possibility. You have other 360 years hv to wait
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Postby Piratis » Tue Dec 07, 2010 9:47 pm

BirKibrisli wrote:
Get Real! wrote:BirKibrisli,

I don’t have a problem with you admitting that you and your family were TMT members/participants, but I DO have a problem when you then say things like…

The beauty of the digital age is that these little posts of ours will survive us,in all likelihood...future generations of Cypriots will be gobsmacked to see how intransigent your stand was...You will be condemned forever for causing untold damage to the people of Cyprus...Nothing will save you from history's judgement...And that judgement will be very harsh indeed..

…to people like Piratis who did not even exist in those days!

In other words, I just can’t stand your ugly hypocrisy! :evil:

There is no hypocrisy,ugly or otherwise...

Piratis is a callous and dangerous GC propagandist who is trying to justify the pain and suffering inflicted upon the TC people during the 60s and early part of 70s...He is attempting to rewrite our bloody history to justify the treacherous act of wanting to gift my country to Greece...I am simply telling him that he will not escape the harsh judgement of history...Because the truth has a way of coming out in the end...

I never tried to justify TCs pain and suffering. I just remind you that in Cyprus the main victims are the Greek Cypriots, who have suffered for far longer and had far more casualties in wars and conflicts which were always initiated by the Turks (we never left our island to invade anybody, it is the Turks who invaded our island twice). But you are trying to distort history in order to present TCs as the main victims and in this way excuse yet more crimes against the Cypriot people. I am not going to let you pass your lame propaganda and historical distortions.

Cyprus might be your island, but it is our island also and we are the 82% of the population and the ones who lived in Cyprus for 1000s of years at a time when the Turks didn't even know where the Mediterranean is, let alone Cyprus. Therefore we can unite our island with whomever we want without the need to take the approval of your small minority.

Regarding "harsh judgment of history" your criminal actions of today will be judged in the same way as the criminal actions of all previous generations of Turks who passed from this island, who offered nothing positive to Cyprus but only created wars, conflicts and problems in their effort to deHellenize Cyprus and place it under their control. Cyprus would have been so much better without the invading Turks and this is something that history has already given its verdict.
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Postby Afroasiatis » Tue Dec 07, 2010 9:49 pm

BirKibrisli wrote:
Afroasiatis wrote:
Piratis wrote:
I think there were many cases where TCs showed tendencies of making necessary and even hard (for them) compromises (e.g. the acceptance of the re-location of those who live on territory to be returned to GCs, something that means that some of them would become refugees for the third time). These could be even more, if there was a more encouraging atmosphere.

You can't compromise by giving back what does not belong to you in the first place.

This is just a legalist approach. We speak about people who lost their properties and houses already twice, and there were ready to do this for a third time, for the sake of peace and progress. That shows that, in principle, there is a willingness to compromise.

If all the TCs would "compromise" is to give to us back part of what belongs to us, then the equivalent compromise from us would be to also give them part of what they have the right to based on the 1960 agreements. They might illegally occupy 1/3rd of the land, but we keep the 100% of the government and legitimacy. Do you think the TCs would accept to get less than what they had with the 1960 agreements as they expect from us?

The TCs and the GCs aren't single bodies, they consist of various groups and individuals, who have different interests. The important is to find a solution which is best for most of them. If this is done, there is no reason why the majority of TCs and GCs shouldn't accept this solution, no matter what the 1960 agreements said.

The GC society has accepted that the situation as is today will continue since no solution is possible today. But the Cypriots (with a few exceptions of traitors) do not accept that the north part of Cyprus belongs to the Turks, and we will definitely take our lands back once this becomes possible.

Then why do the GCs in their overwhelming majority vote for parties and presidents who openly accept that the north part doesn't belong to GCs any more?

Time is nobodies ally. For as long as they have the balance of power on their side Cyprus will remain partitioned, regardless of what name we give to this partition (just naming this partition "unification of Annan plan" doesn't change the essence that it is still partition).

Once the balance of power will change then we will take back our lands, regardless if that happens in 50 years or in 2000 years.

Time is the ally of partitionists (GCs and TCs), because a new reality is created in North Cyprus day by day. Every day that passes makes re-unification more difficult, because the bonds between GCs and TCs, between GCs and North Cyprus, the TC culture itself which is a unifying element, get weaker.

As for what happens in 2000 years time, it's very questionable if GCs or TCs will still exist as group, and is very probable that due to climate change Cyprus will be a desert anyway, on which nobody would like to live. But even if we assume that nothing changes except the balance of power, if the GCs do a successful military operation to take over North Cyprus, they will be conquerors and not liberators. Just as Israelis in Palestine are faced by the global public opinion as conquerors. And just as the Greeks were going to be faced, if they decided to take over Izmir. Only a sick mind would accept that land belongs to somebody because of a reality which existed 2000 years ago. Especially after Hitler's defeat such ideas have less friends.

There are many things wrong when you are tying to profit on the expense of the human rights of others. This is what criminals do, and it is certainly wrong.

When the TCs are promised things like 30% of land, 50% of power, 30% of civil servant positions etc as a reward for maintaining division, how can unity be more rewarding to them? The only way that division will not be more profitable for them is if we don't let them to enjoy those ill received gains. And that is exactly what we are doing which is why division didn't turn out to be as nice as they were hopping.

It's not very probable that the average TC peasant would like a partition. Many people would have preferred to keep their houses and properties, and their relatives alive. Live in a situation which would allow them to prosper. And they would prefer to avoid a confrontation, as Cypriots are generally peaceful and conservative people, in my opinion at least. If they ended up preferring a partition, this was done first, through the propaganda of their leadership and second, through the attitude of the GC leaderships. I guess, one very important factor which made partition appear necessary to them was security.

I'd really like to see a JUST solution to the Cyprus problem now, without the need for the balance of power to change, but unfortunately such thing it is just not possible.

A just solution is anyway impossible in capitalism, injustice is one of its central elements. If there is once a socialist revolution, which will tear apart all borders between countries and peoples, then we can speak about a just solution.

For the time being, we have to find a solution inside the capitalist frame we live in. So, we should look for a solution will be bring as much improvements as possible to the lifes of as much people as possible.

.....for your balanced and considerate approach,for your deep insight and sensitivity,for your wide geopolitical acumen,for your realistic,sensible, and humanitarian approach to a Solution, YOU DESERVE MY UTMOST RESPECT AND ADMIRATION...Thank you!

Thank you for your words, BirKibrisli. Although I don't think it's something so special that deserves admiration.
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Postby ZoC » Tue Dec 07, 2010 10:01 pm

Afroasiatis wrote:
BirKibrisli wrote:
.....for your balanced and considerate approach,for your deep insight and sensitivity,for your wide geopolitical acumen,for your realistic,sensible, and humanitarian approach to a Solution, YOU DESERVE MY UTMOST RESPECT AND ADMIRATION...Thank you!

Thank you for your words, BirKibrisli. Although I don't think it's something so special that deserves admiration.

:lol: birk's so full of shit, isn't he?
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Postby Afroasiatis » Tue Dec 07, 2010 10:49 pm

Piratis wrote:

Giving back a fraction of what they stole in order to legally keep the rest and have a ton of other gains on top of that doesn't count as a compromise to me. Ask any thief and you will see that they would be more than happy to make such kind of "compromises".

You don't see it as a compromise, because you continue to think the GCs and TCs as single bodies, and not each one as a individual. For the particular people concerned, it's a compromise to accept getting out of their home for the third time, for others to come back who only needed to get out once.

You are not answering the question. If it is a "compromise" of TCs to give to us back what legally belongs to us, then an equivalent compromise from us would be to give to them part of what legally belongs to them. But the TCs want to give to us just a fraction of what is ours to begin with, while for themselves they want the 100% of what is legally theirs and a lot more beyond that.

Not exactly. Through a solution many TCs will lose what is legally theirs in the South Cyprus.
But I repeat, the legality isn't the important point here. The important is to find a solution that will make lifes better for as much Cypriots as possible.

Give me a quote from even one party or president that said such thing. Even those who supported something like Annan partition plan they don't admit that it is partition but they are fooling people by telling them it was a "unification" plan.

Furthermore the results that parties get in parliamentary or presidential elections are due to many things, including things that people will never admit publicly, such as voting for those who will do "rousfetti" for them.

Almost all political parties and all elected presidents of RoC accepted BBF as a solution. Even most of the ones who rejected Annan-Plan accept BBF in principle. And BBF means that a big part of North Cyprus will be under TC and not GC administration.

You're very correct on your second point, but this means that getting back Kyrenia is at least not in their priorities, if they think that having good chances for rousfeti is more important.

The bonds between GCs and TCs broke when the TCs collaborated with the foreign imperialists and attacked us back in the 50s. So there is no such "bond" to get weaker. The bonds of the majority of GCs with north Cyprus do not get weaker.

Again, you see GCs and TCs as single bodies. I understand I'm not going to convince you that this way of thinking is wrong, in fact one of the reasons Cyprus ended up today as it is.
Bonds between normal average GCs and TCs always existed and still exist today, but if the status quo continues, there is a great risk that they will get weaker and weaker as time goes by.
As for the bonds of GCs with North, well, if you really think they don't get weaker through status quo, then what can I say.

This didn't stop the Turks from invading our lands, ethnically cleansing 100s of thousands of people and claiming that the north part of Cyprus is Turkish. And here you are today, just a few decades after the invasion, claiming that the "solution" is to legalize the results of the invasion and accept that north Cyprus is Turkish. Based on your own position we can only conclude that you and your Turkish partitionist friends have a sick mind and you are equivalent to Hitler.

But wait, wasn't it you that a few posts ago you were dismissing my argument about the post World War II world saying "I don't think that there was such a big difference between 1920s and 1950s, and the results have shown this." ... 563#639563

What you claim now and what you claimed in that post are contradictory.

Therefore, if such practices are unacceptable, then the results of the invasion are unacceptable, and a solution can be found only if those results are reversed. Otherwise, if such methods are acceptable, then "what's good for the goose is good for the gander" and it would be perfectly acceptable to take back our lands even after centuries from today.

So stop contradicting yourself and decide what is acceptable and what is not. What is acceptable for the Turks is also acceptable for the Greeks. No double standards accepted.

There is no contradiction and no double standards.

Turkey was able to invade Cyprus and carry out ethnic cleansing because the balance of power allowed it. But it is generally seen by the global public opinion as that, as an invading and occupying power. If a GC government does the same thing after 2000 years, because the balance of power will allow it, it will also be seen as a conqueror.

But the most important mistake of this mentality, is that is still based on the logic of confrontation. Using your logic, the TCs should only wait for the next chance that the balance of power changes, so that they can take their revenge. And it goes on like that.

With my logic, we should take the situation as it is today and try to make the best out of it, even the solution is not perfectly fair to some individuals (for whom the status quo is unfair anyway). The most important thing is to overcome this logic of confrontation, so that in the future they'll will be no basis for similar events to occur.

It is obvious by now that the TCs prefer to give up their own land if in return they would get twice as much elsewhere.

Furthermore division is not just about land but many other things. For example when the TCs were promised 30% of civil servant positions (the most sought after positions in Cyprus) that would mean that a TC would have twice as many chances to get such position than any other Cypriot. Such discriminations and divisions would benefit them on the expense of all other Cypriots.

It is these promises for gains on our expense which are the main driving force behind the desire of TCs for division, and this is as true today as it was in the 50s.

I think you see this very one-dimensionally. Some of these aspects are relevant (e.g. the thing with the civil service - although you also have to think that we speak about a time in which GCs dominated the private sector), but other aspects like security or propaganda played important role too.

What are you talking about mate? What capitalism and socialism have to do with this? The Cyprus problem is not a problem of struggle between classes, but one of ethnic division and foreign occupation.

Most capitalist countries are democratic one person one vote, without any racist discriminations or racist segregation. So capitalism is not an obstacle for a just solution to the Cyprus Problem.

It is, because the logic that the system works doesn't allow solutions that are fair to everybody. This applies to every capitalist country, in different ways. You can just take e.g. today's situation in Greece as an example.
So, we have to accept this as a fact, and, for the short-term, seek not a solution that is going be perfectly just to everybody, but one which will make the situation as better as possible for as much people as possible. In the long-term, we can make thoughts on how we can gradually improve the unfair sides of it.
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Postby Afroasiatis » Tue Dec 07, 2010 10:57 pm

ZoC wrote:
Afroasiatis wrote:
BirKibrisli wrote:
.....for your balanced and considerate approach,for your deep insight and sensitivity,for your wide geopolitical acumen,for your realistic,sensible, and humanitarian approach to a Solution, YOU DESERVE MY UTMOST RESPECT AND ADMIRATION...Thank you!

Thank you for your words, BirKibrisli. Although I don't think it's something so special that deserves admiration.

:lol: birk's so full of shit, isn't he?

That's not what I said, I'm honored by his words for me, especially since he's older than me and has first-hand experience as I understand, but I personally don't think what I said deserves so much admiration, because there are plenty of people who can make such and better thoughts on this issue.
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