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How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby boomerang » Mon Nov 29, 2010 2:19 am

BirKibrisli wrote:Well,well,well....The wasps have all come out to attack!!!

That is what happens when one pokes a stick in their nest,I suppose...

But it is worth my while...You do not want to hear the truth...You'd rather live in your glass house throwing stones at every passer by...Till you repent,till you accept,till you appologise...I will be on your case reminding you of your treacherous,immoral,cruel attempts to ruin my homeland...To oppress and dominate the TCs at all cost...You have nowhere to escape...History will condemn you eventually,but before that I will curse you and condemn you for what you have done to my country... :twisted:

the only stick stuck somewhere is up your bum, coz nothing in your responce addressed anything i said...

come on big boy, just show me one post...whered i did not defend democracy, human rights and rule of law for everyone...

i even gave yo examples of other countries how they overcame the SA...

but in your tiny little one track single brain cell, as per usual you ignore to address it, coz it just doen't siut your agenda...

oh yes the greatest injustice to the whole wide world was done against the chosen race...wasn't it?...
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Postby BirKibrisli » Mon Nov 29, 2010 3:06 am

boomerang wrote:
BirKibrisli wrote:Well,well,well....The wasps have all come out to attack!!!

That is what happens when one pokes a stick in their nest,I suppose...

But it is worth my while...You do not want to hear the truth...You'd rather live in your glass house throwing stones at every passer by...Till you repent,till you accept,till you appologise...I will be on your case reminding you of your treacherous,immoral,cruel attempts to ruin my homeland...To oppress and dominate the TCs at all cost...You have nowhere to escape...History will condemn you eventually,but before that I will curse you and condemn you for what you have done to my country... :twisted:

the only stick stuck somewhere is up your bum, coz nothing in your responce addressed anything i said...

come on big boy, just show me one post...whered i did not defend democracy, human rights and rule of law for everyone...

i even gave yo examples of other countries how they overcame the SA...

but in your tiny little one track single brain cell, as per usual you ignore to address it, coz it just doen't siut your agenda...

oh yes the greatest injustice to the whole wide world was done against the chosen race...wasn't it?...

And it doesn't suit your agenda to address the issues I keep raising...
My issues came till you address them to my satisfaction you will get them thrown in your face...Little boy,,,,,Enosis,,,,,Akritas Plan.....Robbery of TC rights,,,,Enclaving and ethnic cleansing,,,,The coup d'etat,,,,,Sampsonnnnnnnnnn!!!!! Murders and human rights abusersssssss

Repent and beg for mercy...The time is Nowwwwwwwwwwww!!!!Tomorrow will be toooooo lateeeeeeeee its now or neverrrrrrrr my looooooveeee wontttt waittttttt!!! :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
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Postby boomerang » Mon Nov 29, 2010 6:05 am

BirKibrisli wrote:
boomerang wrote:
BirKibrisli wrote:Well,well,well....The wasps have all come out to attack!!!

That is what happens when one pokes a stick in their nest,I suppose...

But it is worth my while...You do not want to hear the truth...You'd rather live in your glass house throwing stones at every passer by...Till you repent,till you accept,till you appologise...I will be on your case reminding you of your treacherous,immoral,cruel attempts to ruin my homeland...To oppress and dominate the TCs at all cost...You have nowhere to escape...History will condemn you eventually,but before that I will curse you and condemn you for what you have done to my country... :twisted:

the only stick stuck somewhere is up your bum, coz nothing in your responce addressed anything i said...

come on big boy, just show me one post...whered i did not defend democracy, human rights and rule of law for everyone...

i even gave yo examples of other countries how they overcame the SA...

but in your tiny little one track single brain cell, as per usual you ignore to address it, coz it just doen't siut your agenda...

oh yes the greatest injustice to the whole wide world was done against the chosen race...wasn't it?...

And it doesn't suit your agenda to address the issues I keep raising...
My issues came till you address them to my satisfaction you will get them thrown in your face...Little boy,,,,,Enosis,,,,,Akritas Plan.....Robbery of TC rights,,,,Enclaving and ethnic cleansing,,,,The coup d'etat,,,,,Sampsonnnnnnnnnn!!!!! Murders and human rights abusersssssss

Repent and beg for mercy...The time is Nowwwwwwwwwwww!!!!Tomorrow will be toooooo lateeeeeeeee its now or neverrrrrrrr my looooooveeee wontttt waittttttt!!! :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

you've got issues alright...try here...

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Postby Piratis » Mon Nov 29, 2010 8:53 am

BirKibrisli wrote:
Piratis wrote:
BirKibrisli wrote:
Piratis wrote:
BirKibrisli wrote:
Piratis wrote:
BirKibrisli wrote:Wise,compassionate,intelligent posts from one of the few GCs on this forum who keeps giving us some hope for a just future for the TCs in their own country...Thank you Bananiot...whenever I give up all hope,and begin to think Partition is inevitable,there is no way we can ever live together again,you pop up and lighten my spirit again...

When the futile attempts of the ultranationalists,fascists,Hellenic supremists,and their counterparts,to stop us from becoming a united nation finally goes bankrupt,we will find the opportunity and the goodwill to work for a just future for all Cypriots...When those responsible for our present seemingly hopeless situation realise there are far more fair-minded,empathetic,compassionate Cypriots who will not bend to their threats and intimidations,and when they realise they cannot hide from history,we will get a chance to rebuild our battered homeland from the scratch...All we have to do is hang in there,the time is running out for the bloodyminded merchants of hatred,division,bitterness,and death... 8)

Who are the compassionate Cypriots?

Those like yourself who support a "solution" based on the ethnic cleansing and human rights violations of 100s of thousands of innocent people? Those who want to make GCs "pay the price" (your words) for everything that happened in the past?

Or maybe the compassionate Cypriots are those like myself, who support equality of all Cypriots without racist discriminations, without segregation, and without trying to punish innocent people because of what happened in the past?

The answer is obvious.

Unfortunately whom you like are not the compassionate Cypriots, but those Cypriots like Bananiot who are willing to accept your racist terms, and let you officially Turkify the north part of Cyprus and enjoy privileges and powers on the expense of our human and democratic rights.

Piratis,don't kid yourself...You have no compassion for the TCs...

If you did you wouldn't deny the effect of Enosis with Greece dream on their collective psych...If you did you would not dismiss their pain and suffering by saying 'but we suffered more and for longer'...If you did you would not justify robbing them of their rights in the RoC,and you would not suggest they were always hell bent on Taksim,and left their homes and villages to go into enclaves to advance the cause of Taksim...You are only fooling yourself if you think you have any compassion for the TCs...You are as hard as they come,and as heartless as they come when it comes to the plight of the TCs...Both in the past and at present...So go sell your wares elsewhere,we are not interested...

You are confusing "compassion" with accepting your lame excuses for violating our human and democratic rights. The 2 are not the same thing.

If "enosis" would have such an effect on your "psych" to cause you to attack innocent people .....

There you go again...Totally misinterpreting history....

The TCs did not attack innocent people...They were too scared for their own lives and futures...The demand for Enosis with Greece ,and the presence of the EOKA militias made it necessary for the TCs to prepare for what was to come inevitably...They saw how the EOKA dealt with the British (killing innocent women and children) and they knew it was their turn once the British went...This is where you have no empathy or compassion for the TCs...You lie trough your teeth to justify your trecherous act of wanting to give my homeland to a foreign power...If the aim was for Independence and you sought the TC cooperations and did not get it,then you'd have reason to complain...As it turned out,you have yourself,EOKA and the Enosis dream to blame for robbing me of my homeland...That is why I am angry, and that is why I believe you need to pay "some" price at least for my and the rest of the TCs pain and suffering...You gave us no choice,and now you are blaming the victim for what happened...That is immoral and reprehensible...I will not stop telling you so...No matter how many misinformations and misinterpretations of history you keep repeating... :evil:

You are a liar. The TCs did attack innocent people starting the inter-communal conflict. The facts in this thread:

What we wanted was to liberate our island from foreign imperialists as it happened with all other Greek islands. Nothing more and nothing less.

Unfortunately instead of finally accepting that the Cypriot people can be free to democratically decide the destiny of their own island, you collaborated with the Colonialists and started to kill innocent people.

Now tell me, how different are you from the Ottomans?

During the Greek War of Independence in 1821, the Ottoman authorities feared that Greek Cypriots would rebel again. Archbishop Kyprianos, a powerful leader who worked to improve the education of Greek Cypriot children, was accused of plotting against the government. Kyprianos, his bishops, and hundreds of priests and important laymen were arrested and summarily hanged or decapitated on July 9, 1821.

Well,it is your word against mine,your selective interpretation of history,against my selective interpretation of history...Some people will chose to believe me and some to believe you...Some others might suspect the truth lies somewhere in the middle,but since we are as stubborn as our donkey's no one will admit the other could possibly be right in some of their arguments...Now,dear Piratis,can you see why we have not managed to find a solution all this time,and why we,the Cypriots,will have little say in our own future,and the future of our country???

And in which country all the citizens or all groups need to agree in order to find solutions to problems concerning the country? In fact such kind of universal agreement exists nowhere.

How all normal countries work is like this: The human and democratic rights of all citizens are guaranteed. For anything beyond that the various groups (parties, ethnic groups etc) try to find the greatest possible consensus (which can almost never be even close to 100%) and a decision is taken based on what most (rarely all) believe is right.

The foreign imperialists crippled Cyprus by taking away from us the democratic procedures that exist in all normal successful countries, in order to create a conflict that would serve their interests.

Therefore the problem doesn't exist because we don't agree (disagreement is 100% normal and happens in every country), but because democracy was taken away from us by brute force and blackmail in order to serve the interests of foreign imperialists and those of a small minority, on the expense of the human and democratic rights of the vast majority of Cypriots.
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Postby Bananiot » Mon Nov 29, 2010 10:37 am

Here is the answer to all xenophobic, racist fools of this forum. Here is the Cyprus me and Birkibrisli dream of:

Last week, there was a meeting in Brussels, at the Euro parliament and the topic of the meeting was: The missing persons of the Cyprus conflict and the pain shared by the next to kin".

Petros Souppouris was one of the speakers. He witnessed the whole of his family gunned down in 1974 by TC fanatics at Palaikithron. Among else he said:


Relatives of TC's, murdered in the same manner by GC fanatics, also attended the meeting and spoke along the same lines as Petros.
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Postby Piratis » Mon Nov 29, 2010 11:07 am

Bananiot, you and and Birkibrisli support the exact opposite of what that quote says. What you want is to institutionalize racism and segregation by supporting that ethnic cleansing and racist discriminations can be the "solution" for Cyprus.

On the other hand, what I support is that all Cypriots should be equal citizens, without any discrimination based on their ethnicity, and without separating them into "GCs" and "TCs". After all, if we were to divide Cypriots based on ethnic background, there would be far more groups than just GCs and TCs. Not only are such divisions racist but this specific division is created exactly to serve the interests of a single group on the expense of all others.
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Postby boomerang » Mon Nov 29, 2010 11:21 am

Bananiot wrote:Here is the answer to all xenophobic, racist fools of this forum. Here is the Cyprus me and Birkibrisli dream of:

Last week, there was a meeting in Brussels, at the Euro parliament and the topic of the meeting was: The missing persons of the Cyprus conflict and the pain shared by the next to kin".

Petros Souppouris was one of the speakers. He witnessed the whole of his family gunned down in 1974 by TC fanatics at Palaikithron. Among else he said:


Relatives of TC's, murdered in the same manner by GC fanatics, also attended the meeting and spoke along the same lines as Petros.

you surprice me with your comprehension bananiot...he is not talking about an apartheid set up...

he is talking democracy, human rights and rule of law...under a bbf solution...

i agree with kiks on this one...limit the tcs territory so it can be preserved mainly for tcs and adopt the EU aquis...

you support an apartheid system end of story, so it is you and the whiner that needs to adopt, otherwise with your solution, resentment will lead to massive problems in the will make 63 a playground...the more people a solution will satisfy the min future problems...get it?...

anyway about time you two get a room...
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Postby Bananiot » Mon Nov 29, 2010 12:38 pm

I have already written about these issues, let me repeat myself:

When it comes to a society deeply divided by conflict, democracy is not just about majority rule. The only cure is concosiationalism and if we are not happy about this pospect, too bad. We should have thought about this much earlier, especially when we had the upper hand.
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Postby boomerang » Mon Nov 29, 2010 12:41 pm

Bananiot wrote:I have already written about these issues, let me repeat myself:

When it comes to a society deeply divided by conflict, democracy is not just about majority rule. The only cure is concosiationalism and if we are not happy about this pospect, too bad. We should have thought about this much earlier, especially when we had the upper hand.

yeah well the south africa experience begs to greatly differ with your warped thoughts...end of the day as an individual you do not count...real examples with real countries offer more than warped perceptions...

wake up man there is a black man in the white house and the kkk still proudly parades...
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Postby Piratis » Mon Nov 29, 2010 12:55 pm

When it comes to a society deeply divided by conflict, democracy is not just about majority rule. The only cure is concosiationalism

Really? So why don't they "cure" themselves with "concosiationalism" in Turkey?

Can you also please show me where this "concosiationalism" theory excuses ethnic cleansing and forced segregation?

And if we were to adopt such system, would the Armenians, Maronites and Latins also get the same status ... or we will only have as much of "concosiationalism" as it suits your Turkish friends?
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