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Should Turkey Join the EU??

Benefits and problems from the EU membership.

Should Turkey Join the EU??

Total votes : 40

Postby demetriou_74 » Thu Aug 11, 2005 11:20 am

Thank you for spoiling my thread. What was the begining of a potentially intresting thread has turned into a slagging match. Cheers
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Postby cmantas_liberal » Thu Aug 11, 2005 12:14 pm

Talking about the EU referendum, it is not easy to say why the frenchies said No. I dont think that the turkish bid affected more than 10-20% of No voters. There were some other issues such as :

1)Lack of democracy. The current system sucks, europe needs a direct-participative system, where the citizen will vote for every important issue and not every 5 years for the euro elections

2)Social issues, Frenchies are still fear of the liberal social system. Also the new constitution limits the right to strike, which was emphasized from the Unionists

3)National sovereinghty issues and several others.

N.F. and other parties left Turkey as the final argument against the EU's constitution, which was not used since the NO vote was for sure.

Furthermore Bulgaria and Romania seem not to be ready for EU and it will be good for us to postpone or even cancel their admision. Romania has probs with the human rights of the Gipsies, while what a mess...Furthermore they have nothing to offer to EU rather than having two more countries taking our money for CAP.

EU shall stop this CAP charade before bringing any new members in the union. CAP is an unfair protectionist policy and it is against the rules of capitalism and free economy, while the third world is suffering bcoz of CAP policies.
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Postby Murtaza » Thu Aug 11, 2005 12:18 pm

Furthermore they have nothing to offer to EU rather than having two more countries taking our money for CAP.


what bulgarian offered is not much different than greece, well except greece and cyprus also offered EU a big headache "turkey" what is greece offering EU?
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Postby cmantas_liberal » Thu Aug 11, 2005 2:32 pm

Firstly i am against CAP and any expansion. 10 countries (or 9 according to turkish policies) are enough for the time being

Greece is offering its trade fleet, products such as olive oil (which are not as funded from CAP as others), recreation facilities, olympic games offered a knowledge sharing on issues such as security (britain asked for assistance after July 7), civil and commercial marine services (such as Attika ferries in scotland, belgium, ireland and the baltic sea), export of minerals, many Greek scientists are working on european research centres, I.T. industry and construction. In addition greece is the cultural heart of the european civlization. Dont forget that 400 years of ottoman occupation left greece ages behing the rest of europe and it had to work hard to overcome the shock of the ottoman empire in order to re-build the country. Marine is very useful for europe since the 33% of the world fleet belongs to greek ship onwers and Eu needs this fleet to carry its product abroad.
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Postby cmantas_liberal » Thu Aug 11, 2005 4:00 pm

well.. it seems that we have a domino effect. Now oscar Lafontene is against the turkish entrance ( ... gDtrID=245)...who is next? lets make some bets. The vatican has also said no bcoz of what is going on with the christians in their own home in constantinople.

I bet the next one will be a 'new europe' country or Spain. Who wants to make a bet?
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Postby ManoWAR » Thu Aug 11, 2005 4:06 pm

Of course not!
What the hell???
Turkey is not a European Country!
Whith the same logic why dont Israil, Egypt, Syria, Algeria, Maroco, Tunisia, etc. becoame a member of EU?
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Postby Murtaza » Thu Aug 11, 2005 4:06 pm

So bye bye to Ataturk dream, we have following this dream much, we waste to much energy, maybe It would be better for us.
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Postby cannedmoose » Thu Aug 11, 2005 4:14 pm

cmantas_liberal wrote:I bet the next one will be a 'new europe' country or Spain. Who wants to make a bet?

Spain is already an EU member re...

My thoughts are that Croatia will become a member before Turkey. Croatia probably in 2012, followed by Turkey in 2016.
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Postby theg » Thu Aug 11, 2005 5:18 pm

ManoWAR wrote:Of course not!
What the hell???
Turkey is not a European Country!
Whith the same logic why dont Israil, Egypt, Syria, Algeria, Maroco, Tunisia, etc. becoame a member of EU?

You are not being fair....ok true so much turks dont want to join EU but we are a europen country from 1071(mazkiret)....

look man we had we were, are, and will euorpe...
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Postby cmantas_liberal » Thu Aug 11, 2005 6:25 pm

mosse..mate i meant..who is going to make the next statement against the turkish bid.. it would be stupid to say that Spain is not in EU..

Concerning the map of the previous user... Polish songs are talking about the barbarians that they stopped in Wien's walls.

The map is a bit.... well i didnt know that Prossi and Poland were Ottoman come you did not add Britain as well?

Because you occupied parts of Europe doesnt mean that your are European.,
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