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Postby RichardB » Wed Nov 24, 2010 1:53 pm

Get Real! wrote:I have nothing but the outmost respect for the French…

The French Legionnaires

The Arianespace program

Concorde technology

Mirage fighter jets

Mistral missile systems ... RUB%5F366/

French nuclear facilities ... rgies.html

Awesome technology! 8)

No you havn't you're just looking for an argument :lol:
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Postby Get Real! » Wed Nov 24, 2010 1:55 pm

RichardB wrote:
Get Real! wrote:I have nothing but the outmost respect for the French…

The French Legionnaires

The Arianespace program

Concorde technology

Mirage fighter jets

Mistral missile systems ... RUB%5F366/

French nuclear facilities ... rgies.html

Awesome technology! 8)

No you havn't you're just looking for an argument :lol:

How about a similar British list? :wink:
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Postby RichardB » Wed Nov 24, 2010 2:01 pm

Ok maybe I was a little harsh with my post so I'll even things out

20 Reasons why the French hate the English

1. Because of the Waterloo train station
It is a major train station in the England capital. Furthermore and since many years, the Eurostar from Paris came directly to this station. Because it was too insulting for the French, they decided to move the Eurostar to another station.

2. Because of the Queen
French always fought against the royalty and Brits just keep it as a symbol. It is very “choquant” for a French to live with a Queen in the 21st century.

3. Because they don’t know how to cook good French fries
French cuisine is the best in the world, so why English used the word “French” in such a crap meal?

4. Because they buy beautiful houses in the French Countryside
And as a consequence, they are a reason why the prices are so high.

5. Because people speak English everywhere in the world, not French
This point stresses the French complex of inferiority.

6. Because English live one hour before the French
Dover is just 70 kilometers far from Calais. So is there a scientific reason to have one hour less than everybody else?

7. Because English don’t use the Euro currency
So each time French go to London, they have to look for a Bureau de change.

8. Because English don’t have good doctors
A lot of English women go to France in order to deliver their babies.

9. Because they have 5 airports for London
Whereas Paris just has 2.

10. Because London is the seventh biggest French city
Why so many young French leave their country in order to work in London?

11. Because their London night buses are useful
But what about the Noctambus in Paris??

12. Because they are sarcastic
They are friendly with everybody very quickly, but that doesn’t mean they are your friend.

13. Because they eat Fish and Chips!!!
No comment.

14. Because they beat France in the 2007 Rugby World Cup
This was pure luck.

15. Because they think they are the center of the world
But they’re not. They’re the center of themselves.

16. Because computers speak English
That’s why French find error messages very rude.

17. And even the French speak English
French are secretly using a lot of English words in their day-to-day life such as: week-end, meeting, planning, PC…

18. Because they always have a bad weather
It is raining all the time.

19. Because they don’t make good cars
Jaguar and Rolls Royce are the only companies making cars over there.

20. Because they hate the French but they love France
The Cote d’Azur, the French Riviera, the ski resort etc are very appreciated by the English.
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Postby Get Real! » Wed Nov 24, 2010 2:09 pm

Yeah, there's not much to list is there... :?
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Postby Daniella » Wed Nov 24, 2010 2:23 pm

Oh well said.
Where is Voltaire...? :lol:
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Postby bsharpish » Wed Nov 24, 2010 3:00 pm

He's off to London for 3 years to hide from his government.
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Postby RichardB » Wed Nov 24, 2010 3:15 pm

Get Real! wrote:
RichardB wrote:
Get Real! wrote:I have nothing but the outmost respect for the French…

The French Legionnaires

The Arianespace program

Concorde technology

Mirage fighter jets

Mistral missile systems ... RUB%5F366/

French nuclear facilities ... rgies.html

Awesome technology! 8)

No you havn't you're just looking for an argument :lol:

How about a similar British list? :wink:

Well I suppose I could brag about the Regiment or the RAF F35 Joint Strike Fighter or numerous other British Military Equipment and units...which I am sure even you would find hard to disagree are among the best in the world :wink:

But instead for your perusal

Britain has given the world its number 1 international language.English is the native language for millions throughout the planet and the 2nd language for billions more.

Britain invented Parliamentary Democracy and legal systems - since adopted by nations throughout the world (well ther are some exceptions :lol: ).

Isaac Newton and his theories on gravity,maths,astronomy, physics,laws of motion,optics & prisms are still used as the basis for all science worldwide.

Charles Darwins' Theory of Evolution transformed human beings understanding of ourselves and our place in the natural world.
More recently in the 1980s Tim Berners-Lee invented the World Wide Web.

Britain started the Industrial Revolution with all its world changing pioneering engineering,mechanical,manufacturing and scientific techniques - the world's first steam engine, first train etc.....

The sports of cricket,rugby, and football (the worlds' favourite game) all came from Britain.

More importantly,Britain gave the world punk rock,heavy metal, glam rock, psychadelia,the punk/ska two tone revolution and street styles and fashions-'tudors' (teddy boys), skinheads (the proper ones),mods,punks,goths,new romantics - most now found throughout the world.

Britain has produced a mass of internationally renowned literature which has since passed into folklore.This includes Mary Shelley's 'Frankenstein' which first introduced to the world the concept of the zombie.Bram Stoker's 'Dracula' was the world's first 'undead' vampire.
British literature bequeathed the classics of Shakespeare,and Charles Dickens (A Christmas Carol/Scrooge,Oliver Twist,Great Expectations),works by Roald Dahl (Matilda,Charlie & The Chocolate Factory,The Witches) and HG
Wells(The Time Machine,War Of The Worlds) Alice In Wonderland, Peter Pan,The Hobbit,Lord Of The Rings,Sherlock Holmes,Brave New World,Narnia,Lion The Witch & The Wardrobe,Golden Compass,Harry Potter and more.
Many of these have since been made into films

Since the days of Charlie Chaplin,Stan Laurel,Boris Karloff,Cary Grant and Hitchcock to Michael Caine,Sean Connery,Antony Hopkins to more
recently Daniel Day Lewis,and Jude Law British actors and directors have played a pivotal role in both Hollywood and the UK film industry.

7 of the 10 most popular worldwide films of the past 5 years were based on British books including 'Narnia', 'Harry Potter','Charlie & The Chocolate Factory','Lord Of The Rings' and James Bond.
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Postby BirKibrisli » Wed Nov 24, 2010 3:26 pm

' I do not agree with what you say...but I will defend to death,your right to say it...' Did I get it right??? where is Voltaire when we need him??? :)
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Postby Daniella » Wed Nov 24, 2010 4:18 pm

Really the Brits have done all this things? :shock:

Galileo Galilei...Alessandro Volta...Enrico Fermi...Amerigo Vespucci...Cristoforo Colombo...Guglielmo Marconi....Dante Alighieri...Michelangelo..Donatello... Tiziano, Raffaello...Leonardo da Vinci....

French and Brits are all the same.
One example? Why our " Gioconda" stay in Louvre instead of an italian museum??? Give us our treasure back!

I see YOU were very good at plundering the treasures of the countries that YOU have invaded and conquered by force.
You are a mass of thieves.

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Postby EricSeans » Wed Nov 24, 2010 5:08 pm

"Galileo Galilei"

Figaro Magnifico-o-o-o-o

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