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"Terror on the streets"

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Postby Schnauzer » Mon Nov 22, 2010 6:02 pm

bsharpish wrote:Took all of 30 seconds to research this one -

1 comment by 1 UN envoy............ and someone with an agenda in a news agency somewhere and bingo

The 'Hell' you say bsharpish, 30 seconds to research 2 articles ?, wow, that is 'Devilish' quick and I am 'Imp pressed'.

It's OK folks, I merely thought that as THIS is my 666th post, I should in some way mention the 'Old Chap'. :nevil:

I did think about giving the 'Pope's Mitre' a mention as the words "Vicarius Filii Dei' are written upon it (which many have interpreted as the number of the beast 666) but thought better of it.

As to the subject mentioned on the early morning news, I must agree with bsharpish that they may well be sensationalized somewhat BUT, what an extraordinary bulletin to have got past the censors, heads will roll no doubt. :wink:
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Postby Me Ed » Mon Nov 22, 2010 6:15 pm

Let's all congratulate the US and British forces for making Afghanistan safe again.
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Postby Schnauzer » Mon Nov 22, 2010 6:26 pm

Me Ed wrote:Let's all congratulate the US and British forces for making Afghanistan safe again.

Yeah, and at the same time, let's congratulate 'Eire' for the way it has the 6 counties surrounded !. :lol: :lol: :wink:
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Postby supporttheunderdog » Tue Nov 23, 2010 7:40 am

....and I thought this was a post about the hazards of walking about Nicosia, near the Hylton Hotel. My mistake.
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Postby Schnauzer » Tue Nov 23, 2010 1:40 pm

Contrary to that which was reported yesterday (when it was 'Highlighted' on the news that it is safer for children on the streets of Afghanistan than it is in major cities of both the UK and US), it would now appear that there has been a sudden 'Reversal' of the conditions.

One would immediately assume that an almighty 'Clean up' had taken place overnight and that the two nations mentioned in comparison, had achieved in 24hrs that which was impossible for them in several years previously.

Not so, it seems that the original report (of yesterday) was actually misquoted in the sense that it should have referred to the 'Sexual Safety' and not the 'General Safety' of children and therefore casts a totally different light on the matter.

Unfortunately, by attempting to cover up the 'Blunder' (if that be how one should view it) a far more sinister comparison is revealed, one that must cause us to consider just how grotesque are the conditions in the 'Civilized' cities of UK and US where innocent children cannot play safely in the streets.

Oracle is right, it is time for the troops to muster their force and patrol the streets of our own cities in order to protect the young, exposure to dangers at home whilst interfering with the lives of those abroad (which are NOT in so much danger) is far too high a price to pay. (IMHO)

Alas, the proposed cutbacks in police funding in the UK (as far as my discussions have revealed) may result in an escalation rather than an abatement of the problems faced by children. :roll:
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Postby Schnauzer » Sat Dec 11, 2010 6:35 am

"OFF WITH THEIR HEADS !" was the chant of the angry throng of disgruntled students as they rampaged through the streets of the 'UK's Capital City' and halted the 'Rolls Royce' which transported their future King. :shock:

These were not 'Muslim Fundamentalists' that screamed for such drastic action, these were the future populace of a nation whose leaders condemn the 'Unruliness' of many other nations they seek to impose their will upon. :roll:

One could be forgiven for thinking that they were witnessing the fervour of 'Jihadists' such was the uproar. :lol:

NOT a very safe environment for children (I would suggest) the fires and flying bricks and bottles, the confrontational battles with the 'Police Forces' and the smashing of shop windows, do little to convince the more moderate societies of the 'Civilized World' to adopt the 'Culture' of the UK. (IMHO). :roll:

One wonders whether the scenes of unrest (which are predicted to continue) will in any way influence those who advocate the adoption of 'Shari'a Law,' since 'The Met' seems to be powerless in their attempts to quell riots in the 'Dangerous' streets of the nation. :roll:

Not so far in the past, it was the prerogative of the Kings (or Queens) to order the severing of heads, perhaps it is time for another 'Oliver Cromwell' to take control of the nation, before the 'Mullahs' gain a firmer foothold. :lol: :lol: :shock:

May 'Allah save the Queen'. (it would appear that he Saved 'Charles and Camilla' THIS time, the 'Met' apparently could not.) :lol: :wink:
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