This thread stared with the observation that Brits were frequently attacked on this Forum for moaning. A description of us that I go along with. That opened what I said could be a worthwhile exchange of views and opinion. I predicted that the ‘Forum Rottweilers’ would take over and destroy any sensible discussion with the normal vitriol and inherent dislike some Cypriots have of the British. You, and others, have proved yourself worthy of my description.
Had I wished to go to a country where I had total disregard for my own welfare and that of my wife but went there with some crazy notion of doing my bit to improve things for the less fortunate, then I would have gone to Somalia, Afghanistan or even Pakistan! So your comment is merely fatuous and really not worthy of some body who is obviously intelligent. We won’t go into the ‘ageing population argument’ here, or the significant contribution the Brits make to the Cypriot economy, if you wish, start another thread. I would be happy to discuss it with you.

Guilty. Unfortunately when you have been in a ‘management’ position (as in being a colonial power) some traits do have the habit of becoming part of a national personality. It is difficult to discard that part of our character that says we are right, because in the past it has often, although not always, proved to be true. But humility is also one of our attributes. We do have the capacity to admit when we are, or have been wrong and apologise for it. So, give us a bit of credit, love us or hate us, we do have our good points and no race is perfect.
How much territory of Britain does Germany occupy today?
Now you have scored an own goal!!! In answer, quite simply, ALL OF IT

. Check the history books. We are Anglo Saxons, i.e Anglo as in English and Saxon as in Saxony, now part of Germany. Our Royal family is of German origin and descent and only changed their name from the House of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, the German family name to Windsor, in 1917 when we were at war with Germany. It didn’t look to good on the family tree and did nothing for national morale at the time, so they invented a new identity, which basically means they are still Germans. So, add to that the fact that we had another slight confrontation in the years between 1939 and 1945, and, going on your principals, we should still be at one another’s throats not comrades in arms fighting what is perceived as a common foe, as in Afghanistan. Again, the rights and wrongs of that are a separate argument. But it just shows that different nationalities have different thought patterns, presumably bought about by life’s experiences which could be described simply as ‘evolution’?
I would however go on record of having great sympathy for the Palestinians and feel they have suffered great wrongs in the past and, unfortunately, still do.

Again, another interesting topic and well worthy of discussion?
You are obviously, as I said an intelligent man, but tend to use emotive rather than rational and factual thought processes. But I hold no ill feelings against any Cypriot either now or in our past history. It was all in the past, it is time to accept one another and move on into another stage of the evolutionary process.
Get Real. Don’t take statements out of context to suit your argument, it does you no credit, it just gives the impression you are biased

(As if?)!!!!! The same comments as above in general apply to your comments, they are driven by irrationality and emotion not a well thought out opinion based on consideration of others experiences, opinions and thought processes and then combining them into a logical argument. I am sure you can do better than simple one liners with an evocative inference?
Oracle – sorry I missed the bit about newspapers being used before the invention of toilet paper. Even then, San-Izal (
if you can remember that, it gives your age away!) only had the one advantage that it did not leave printers ink all over your private regions. As a child it was one of my chores to tear up the News of The World into 4” squares, poke a hole in one corner and insert a piece of string. Mind you, having had experience of some of the less developed areas on this planet, the training did come in handy later in life!
Oh and by the way. The difference between ‘quality’ and ‘comfort’ is splitting hairs. A Mercedes has quality, therefore it exhibits comfort. If it did not have quality it would no doubt be uncomfortable. Personally, my preference is for the old Jaguars anyway.