'Ignorance' is very often misinterpreted and is very commonly referred to when a person displays a lack of good manners.
Whereas it is acceptable to make such connections (in polite society), the TRUE meaning of the word actually refers to the state of 'Not Knowing' and could be applied to the most learned among us for the simplest of things.
Thus, an eminent Professor, Lawyer, Doctor, or Mathematician, faced with the prospect of mending a simple fuse, might find themselves unable to do so since they may not 'Know' how to do it.
Ergo, they could be said to be bound by 'Ignorance' of the subject (in it's TRUE sense).
If any one of us is intentionally kept uninformed of a situation which others may know about, the only purpose of such intention must be to ensure that we remain in 'Ignorance' of the situation.
Therefore, 'Ignorance' does not necessarily indicate that a person is lacking in good manners etc, rather that the person is lacking in knowledge.
It is the duty of us ALL, to ensure that our fellow members do not wallow in 'Ignorance', the way forward MUST be that we firstly accept that there is a possibility that factual information is purposely kept from US (in whichever form or field), in order that WE remain in 'Ignorance' and by so being, never really gain a TRUE perspective of what is going on under our very noses. (IMHO) what say you?.