If the intention of the author of a post is to illustrate that He/She is superior to others, then the accusation (or suggestion as in Talisker's case) of 'Arrogance' is valid.
However, since I invariably include MYSELF in connection with ALL others that may be in some way affected by what is under discussion, I can hardly be so described.
My usual intention (when I submit a new topic) is to invite other members to discuss that which I consider to be worthy of such, it is unfortunate that the general attitude of SOME members, compels them to either post some derogatory remark, an insult or an obscenity as a response.
They have my sympathy and in THAT sense (if the non-use of offensive language by one, is a sign of superiority compared to one who does use offensive language) I would have to admit to a certain degree of 'Arrogance'

(I will admit that I have been called far worse in my time )