boomerang wrote:You get told every day you are not Cypriots but Ottoman remnants,thieves,traitors,ethnic cleansers,racist separationist
lets analyse the words above...
ottoman remnants...well you have nothing to do with turkey, you were an ottoman...nothing wrong with's your heritage...unless ofcourse you see something wrong with this and you feel you..?..i am a cypriot australian...should i feel stigmatised by it?...
thieves...well you did still others peoples homes, profited for others land, see your buddy loveboy, and everything that was left behind...or have you given anything back?...
ethnic cleansers...see above point...the pockets of gcs that stayed behind you made sure they left, and you still insists on an apartheid pure race state line with your, and trying not to laugh here, "goverments" policy...
racist separationists...again see above point...your elected leadership is bent over hell in promoting it self as 2 people 2 states, build on all of the above?...
do you think anyone is lying when they call you all of the above?...
lets not kid ourselves and call a spade a spade?...
all these are as from today, not in your, again trying not to laugh, your "governments" best interest at heart is how they can benefit not our homeland but what kind of a cypriot are you exactly?...