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The real reason why TCs were oppressed - TMT

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby boomerang » Sun Nov 28, 2010 3:26 pm

whine...whine and more bloody whine...

You get told every day you are not Cypriots but Ottoman remnants,thieves,traitors,ethnic cleansers,racist separationist
here is your official policy build on all of the above...

how come your officials never come out and say how is the 2 people, and blah blah blah was build on?...

further more lets look at a real situation, south afrrica...the blacks, and i will not even call them second class citizens, but from the whites perspective garbage citizens...they seemed to have overcome their differences with a unitary solution build on democracy and the rule of law...

now the gcs have made a compromise where they accepted a bbf, to be build on democracy, human rights and the rule of law...but as per usual you want to keep what you aquired by collective punishment, want to be bankrolled, you want a confederation, you want an apartheid system, and what ever disgusting thought enters your mind...oh and i forgot, you wanna keep on reminding and rubbing salt to the wounds with your picasso on the mountain...

and then you whine coz they call you all of the above...and then you wonder why as an ever shrinking community no one in the world takes you seriously...

on top of that i have a suspision that the money turkey sunk in the shithole is gonna be demanded to be paid back by the new FULL...

no way jose...who ever pays calls the shots...something what turkey demands and not like, stop whining blaming others from one fuck up to the next...

this is my the next 5 years the tcs rather than migrate and instead of putting up with the settlers will move to the roc...coz 50kms is a long way for a cypriot to a unitary state, something you dread...

yes the roc has faults...yes there are fascists elements around...but with intergration these will slowly and surely will diminish as time goes...the roc of today is no where near to what it was in the past...with eu intergration every day seems to be brighter...

hell even the kkk along with the nazis still parade in the what? they have a black president...

surely you have experience racism in oz...remember the 60's and 70's?... unless of course you lived in a cocoon...we couldn't even speak our native language in the street...nothing was translated in our native language...look where we are today...they work coz democracy, human rights and the rule of law...

in the mean time happy whining, and when you say you lost your homeland you mean the shithole will get over run by settlers and you do not like living with them...coz my homeland is still there, albeit 37% less, coz of the stupidity of your own people due to your insistance of dishing collective punishment...
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Postby boomerang » Sun Nov 28, 2010 3:45 pm

You get told every day you are not Cypriots but Ottoman remnants,thieves,traitors,ethnic cleansers,racist separationist

lets analyse the words above...

ottoman remnants...well you have nothing to do with turkey, you were an ottoman...nothing wrong with's your heritage...unless ofcourse you see something wrong with this and you feel you..?..i am a cypriot australian...should i feel stigmatised by it?...

thieves...well you did still others peoples homes, profited for others land, see your buddy loveboy, and everything that was left behind...or have you given anything back?...

ethnic cleansers...see above point...the pockets of gcs that stayed behind you made sure they left, and you still insists on an apartheid pure race state line with your, and trying not to laugh here, "goverments" policy...

racist separationists...again see above point...your elected leadership is bent over hell in promoting it self as 2 people 2 states, build on all of the above?...

do you think anyone is lying when they call you all of the above?...

lets not kid ourselves and call a spade a spade?...

all these are as from today, not in your, again trying not to laugh, your "governments" best interest at heart is how they can benefit not our homeland but what kind of a cypriot are you exactly?...
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Postby Oracle » Sun Nov 28, 2010 4:16 pm

BirKibrisli wrote:..The GC villages had no reason to be armed,you were not in any danger of attack from the TCs...We were too busy trying to prepare our own defence...

Are you for real? You are the ones who refused to allow a democracy. You are the ones who took up arms to overthrow our government. You are the ones who accepted weapons from Turkey.

You've already told us many times, and there is plenty of independent evidence to show the TCs were preparing for what actually happened. Yes, you had many weapons. No, it was not defence, but preparations for attack and invasions! One attempt at invasion with bombs and Napalm in 1964 and then two more massive invasions in 1974 killing thousands of GCs.

Get lost, BirKibrisli. Your fantasies and exaggerations don't leave a mark against what the TCs were actually doing and are STILL doing!
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Postby denizaksulu » Sun Nov 28, 2010 8:47 pm

Oracle wrote:
BirKibrisli wrote:
Oracle wrote:From the mixed TC/GC villages, the TCs voluntarily moved out (now we know, it was enforced by TMT) and formed larger villages or took over huge areas. They now call them "enclaves" but in reality they were prime land which they took over and cultivated and looked after themselves very well. Of course, they presented a real aggressive and sizeable community in those enclaves, usually near impoverished GC villages.

As I said, and perfectly verifiable, the GCs were NOT armed by the government. But the TCs certainly were armed by Turkey via TMT. These "enclaves" were fortresses full of weapons, bombs, guns etc. BirKibrisli has already told us how just in his house, his father kept many weapons for the TMT.

Yup, the TMT was a professional and well armed militia, terrorist group, financed by Turkey, to destroy Cyprus.

And we poor peasants in our GC villages, struggling to survive the droughts and harsh winters and without so much as a hunting rifle between us, lived in fear and taught each other to hide in the banana plantations to survive the TMT/TC forays ... ...

Oracle,stop exaggerating what I've said...

In 1958,here is a list of weapons held by the TMT area command,to be used in defending a village of over 500 people :

One bren gun
3 sten guns
5-6 WWI rifles
not more than 5 pistols
3-4 hand grandes
a few hundred rounds of ammunition...

That is the best of my recollection...

What the fuck!!! :shock: This is what you knew as a young boy? I wouldn't be surprised if there wasn't more that you were unaware of. Especially in the early 60's when Turkey increased its presence on the island.

Despite that, it verifies what I described. Our village was several hundred people also. Yet, we had nothing more than the odd hunting rifle. We were in constant danger from continued re-inforcemnts to the already well armed neighbouring TC villages (further supplies through Kokkina??). Our village appealed for help from the police and government officials but we were told the coffers were empty. There were no weapons to give out. The GCs were NOT preparing for more conflicts.

But the danger (this time from TCs) was real, proven here again. The TCs were well armed! It's eye-opening how you consider such a stash (at least, of what you were aware of as a young boy), supplied by Turkey/TMT, as not being very much! [Plus, a few supplies from the Brits.]

It's quite apparent now that the TCs had an official, well organised strategy to become armed, populate together and take over (at least half) of the island for Turkey -- accomplished!

Would O mind to tell us her age at the time she was so familiar with the armaments situation in her village?
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Postby Oracle » Sun Nov 28, 2010 9:57 pm

denizaksulu wrote:
Oracle wrote:
BirKibrisli wrote:
Oracle wrote:From the mixed TC/GC villages, the TCs voluntarily moved out (now we know, it was enforced by TMT) and formed larger villages or took over huge areas. They now call them "enclaves" but in reality they were prime land which they took over and cultivated and looked after themselves very well. Of course, they presented a real aggressive and sizeable community in those enclaves, usually near impoverished GC villages.

As I said, and perfectly verifiable, the GCs were NOT armed by the government. But the TCs certainly were armed by Turkey via TMT. These "enclaves" were fortresses full of weapons, bombs, guns etc. BirKibrisli has already told us how just in his house, his father kept many weapons for the TMT.

Yup, the TMT was a professional and well armed militia, terrorist group, financed by Turkey, to destroy Cyprus.

And we poor peasants in our GC villages, struggling to survive the droughts and harsh winters and without so much as a hunting rifle between us, lived in fear and taught each other to hide in the banana plantations to survive the TMT/TC forays ... ...

Oracle,stop exaggerating what I've said...

In 1958,here is a list of weapons held by the TMT area command,to be used in defending a village of over 500 people :

One bren gun
3 sten guns
5-6 WWI rifles
not more than 5 pistols
3-4 hand grandes
a few hundred rounds of ammunition...

That is the best of my recollection...

What the fuck!!! :shock: This is what you knew as a young boy? I wouldn't be surprised if there wasn't more that you were unaware of. Especially in the early 60's when Turkey increased its presence on the island.

Despite that, it verifies what I described. Our village was several hundred people also. Yet, we had nothing more than the odd hunting rifle. We were in constant danger from continued re-inforcemnts to the already well armed neighbouring TC villages (further supplies through Kokkina??). Our village appealed for help from the police and government officials but we were told the coffers were empty. There were no weapons to give out. The GCs were NOT preparing for more conflicts.

But the danger (this time from TCs) was real, proven here again. The TCs were well armed! It's eye-opening how you consider such a stash (at least, of what you were aware of as a young boy), supplied by Turkey/TMT, as not being very much! [Plus, a few supplies from the Brits.]

It's quite apparent now that the TCs had an official, well organised strategy to become armed, populate together and take over (at least half) of the island for Turkey -- accomplished!

Would O mind to tell us her age at the time she was so familiar with the armaments situation in her village?

I've never had any interest in weapons, since we never had any, unlike BirKibrisli who slept with them in his bed. He had weapons and asks us to believe he knew the whole arsenal. We never had any, a fact which had many reverberations. Such was the difference. Our lack of weapons grew up with me, being the reason we eventually had to abandon our village for a valley and then a forest living under canvass and then eventually moved to the safety of my gran's house in Greece. Our lack of weapons, resulting in our searching for a safer place, was repeated over a discussion just a few days ago with some relatives from the village, who were in their teens at the time.
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Postby Get Real! » Mon Nov 29, 2010 12:00 am

BirKibrisli wrote:In 1958,here is a list of weapons held by the TMT area command,to be used in defending a village of over 500 people :

One bren gun
3 sten guns
5-6 WWI rifles
not more than 5 pistols
3-4 hand grandes
a few hundred rounds of ammunition...

:shock: If you had all that in the 60s in a remote and virtually unknown village of Paphos, one can only imagine what the TCs had elsewhere… :?
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Postby BirKibrisli » Mon Nov 29, 2010 1:31 am

Get Real! wrote:
BirKibrisli wrote:In 1958,here is a list of weapons held by the TMT area command,to be used in defending a village of over 500 people :

One bren gun
3 sten guns
5-6 WWI rifles
not more than 5 pistols
3-4 hand grandes
a few hundred rounds of ammunition...

:shock: If you had all that in the 60s in a remote and virtually unknown village of Paphos, one can only imagine what the TCs had elsewhere… :?

This village was not remote and unknown...It is not my maternal village...It was the command center of our defence of the whole region...
Thousands of TC lives depended on the protection of those weapons...And as I mentioned elsewhere it was not neccessary to fire one single bullet in anger,at that time at least...Things somewhat changed after 1963...
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Postby BirKibrisli » Mon Nov 29, 2010 1:37 am

Oracle wrote:
BirKibrisli wrote:..The GC villages had no reason to be armed,you were not in any danger of attack from the TCs...We were too busy trying to prepare our own defence...

Are you for real? You are the ones who refused to allow a democracy. You are the ones who took up arms to overthrow our government. You are the ones who accepted weapons from Turkey.

You've already told us many times, and there is plenty of independent evidence to show the TCs were preparing for what actually happened. Yes, you had many weapons. No, it was not defence, but preparations for attack and invasions! One attempt at invasion with bombs and Napalm in 1964 and then two more massive invasions in 1974 killing thousands of GCs.

Get lost, BirKibrisli. Your fantasies and exaggerations don't leave a mark against what the TCs were actually doing and are STILL doing!

I repeat, the TC community was desperately trying to get ready for what they knew was coming...a systematic,political and physical attack from the fanatical Hellenic warriors which included notable GC political and religious leaders from Makarios to Yorgadjis to Papadopoulos to Sampson to Lyssaridis to Grivas...We had no means or motivation to attack anyone...No amount of lies and misinformation will change this fact... 8)
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Postby Get Real! » Mon Nov 29, 2010 1:44 am

BirKibrisli wrote:Thousands of TC lives depended on the protection of those weapons...

In your previous post "500 people" depended on them and now its "thousands"! :roll:

You win the “CF poster most full of shit award!” hands down! :lol:
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Postby BirKibrisli » Mon Nov 29, 2010 1:53 am

boomerang wrote:
You get told every day you are not Cypriots but Ottoman remnants,thieves,traitors,ethnic cleansers,racist separationist

lets analyse the words above...

ottoman remnants...well you have nothing to do with turkey, you were an ottoman...nothing wrong with's your heritage...unless ofcourse you see something wrong with this and you feel you..?..i am a cypriot australian...should i feel stigmatised by it?...

thieves...well you did still others peoples homes, profited for others land, see your buddy loveboy, and everything that was left behind...or have you given anything back?...

ethnic cleansers...see above point...the pockets of gcs that stayed behind you made sure they left, and you still insists on an apartheid pure race state line with your, and trying not to laugh here, "goverments" policy...

racist separationists...again see above point...your elected leadership is bent over hell in promoting it self as 2 people 2 states, build on all of the above?...

do you think anyone is lying when they call you all of the above?...

lets not kid ourselves and call a spade a spade?...

all these are as from today, not in your, again trying not to laugh, your "governments" best interest at heart is how they can benefit not our homeland but what kind of a cypriot are you exactly?...

You doth protest too much,me thinks!!!

No amount of wiggling and dirty dancing will cahnge these facts which were the determinants of our little conflict...






When you study this list and assimilate it,you might want to get down on your knees and appologise for your treachery and immorality...Who knows,we might even forgive you... :twisted:
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