Talisker wrote:Schnauzer wrote:I am currently in the UK and will be for some time to come.
My stay here thus far has been quite interesting although I must confess that the weather is frightful.
Weather in UK in November 'frightful'?And you're surprised by that?
Schnauzer wrote:The general populace are about to face a period of 'Severe Austerity' (or so they have been informed by the government) and V.A.T. is to be increased to 20% shortly.
That'll be less than the vast majority of countries in Europe then.......
Schnauzer wrote:Senior Citizens are huddled around their meagre fires, some wearing woollen gloves with the fingers cut off (just as in the days of Charles Dickens) and supping bowls of broth and lentils.
More likely ordering in a pizza or curry.......
Schnauzer wrote:The future looks bleak BUT, there IS a light on the horizon (even though there is talk of their 'Winter heating allowance' being withdrawn or cut and their 'Bus passes' scrapped, their PRINCE WILLIAM has announced his engagement to Kate (actually Catherine) Middleton.
She will be henceforth known as 'Kate' since the Royal circles are not too sure of how the initials WC may be suitably entwined on the commemorative mugs and chamber pots that will shortly be on sale.
The engagement ring has been exhibited amid gasps of admiration and the forthcoming hardships for the people of the UK have momentarily been placed on the 'Back Burner'.
The latest news, is that there is to be something of a 'Free for all' among dress designers when decisions are made as to who will actually be responsible for the wedding dress.
Prince William will probably be in full military attire and the whole spectacle will be enormously appreciated by, 'The General Public'.
I think you might be referring to the enthusiasm of the UK (and foreign) media rather than the healthy apathy of 'The UK General Public'. Is that confusing for you?
Schnauzer wrote:Puts me in mind of the historic situation when 'Marie Antoinette' was informed that the people were complaining that they had no bread, to which she uttered the immortal words, "Then let them eat cake!" (Ha Ha Ha).
Much more in keeping with the situation would be,
Kate shuffling down the aisle dressed in rags like Cinderella, with William and his entourage trailing behind with the arses out of their trousers, truly representative of the condition their 'Subjects' may soon find themselves in.![]()
Jimmy Light could be seated in the front row, perfectly depicting what the rest of the country will be dressed like, if things don't soon look up.
Could be worse, be Jayzus, you could be further West.......somewhere wetter and even more depressed......
To one recently returned from regions where the temperatures reach the high forties, finding oneself prone to exposure in the 'Quantocks' Is frightful.
The levels of V.A.T. increases 'ON TOP' of the notification that the citizens of the UK were facing a period of severe austerity (announced earlier than the V.A.T. increases) has little to do with what is happening elsewhere in Europe where standards of living may be better.
The elderly of the UK (as far as I have seen) ARE fearful for their futures, there ARE fears that winter fuel allowances and bus passes may be under threat from government cutbacks, the sales of cheap soups ARE noticeably UP and the elderly ARE facing hardships.
As to the 'Royal Wedding', the trick of announcing some event (designed to capture the imagination of the general public) immediately after bad news, is no new idea and is hardly worth mentioning, other than it unfortunately STILL works to a certain degree.
As to 'Further West', don't mind THOSE people mate, they can handle the clamp of the 'Bulldog's Jaw' well enough, "Be Jayzus".