As a general concept it seems very easy to build without permits (thanks to lawyers easily corruptible, unscrupulous builders and ignorance ) and without any planning. The result of this senseless way to act primarily affects those who have made a purchase without care and later on the whole community.
When Italian’s authorities are aware of buildings constructed without permits and without the requirements of the law act in different ways.
1 - proceed to the expropriation of the building and provide collapse (this refers to development in coastal areas of merit or in areas protected by special statutes such as archaeological sites)
2 - the government gives the opportunity to owners to pay what we call “building amnesty” so they can continue to stay in the building (this happened more often in the past)
3 - expect the building collapses with the landslide on which it was built. Or that the building is engulfed by the overflowing of the river in whose bed was constructed.
Now, to exclude the possibility that Cyprus decides to plunge suddenly into the sea are at least two factors to be considered in addition to human stupidity.
Risk of earthquakes and landslides.
A friend of mine is the builder of a complex of 6 new villas on a huge landslide area in cyprus.
I Omit details of the conversation we had when I try to aware him of risk, on one hand because were 3 o’clock in the morning (and I was little drunk) and the other comes into play because when divine protection need to be involved I haven’t weapons to fight with.
I ask you: who will pay the damages when the houses begin to collapse?
Why despite previous crashes continue to be property for sale on the same ground?
We know that a retaining wall could be raised on its feet, but what to do if the whole mountain decides to move?
From what I saw with my eyes during last period of reflection in cyprus, I would also have your say.
I live a link of what is happening in an area of housing development. ... /id=003261