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Living the nightmare, not the dream

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Living the nightmare, not the dream

Postby janet.smith653 » Tue Nov 16, 2010 6:27 pm

our nightmare began when we brought a property in Cyprus we had visited Cyprus many times and we had some lovely holidays .We had been suffering a lot of stress in the UK due to our daughter being caught up in the savage world of drugs we had been bringing our grandson up from the age of 2 he was now 14 and had suffered so much so we decided to try and give him a better life little did we know what was awaiting us in Cyprus we brought off plan from a developer called tsgangaris from avgouru our lawyer was christos karas from paralimni when we took over our property there was no main water or electric our water came from a well about 40 to 50 meters down the road our electric was supplied to us by cable from a neighbours across the road .at this present time 20 months later there is no water or electric on taking our house over in march 2009 we was not allowed to do a snagging test as our estate agent had died and the offices were closed we could not get in touch with any one so we were left with just the developer there was many problems but he was not interested he had had all of our money.we went to our lawyer karas who also was not interested we could not understand why the lawyer wouldn't help us he seemed to be working more for the developer than us reason being he was his lawyer and ours at the same time .we then decided to go to another lawyer on looking at our contract he discovered there was no planning or building permit ,this was an illegal offence in Cyprus. we had been totally misled and lied to .when the developer found out we had gone to another lawyer he hit the roof and came to our house screaming and shouting in Greek. Then things started to happen all of our tyres were slashed on our car bags of cement were thrown in the pool rotten fruit was thrown at our windows this was getting to much for us to day the developers wife came to our home and stated shouting in Greek then she suddenly started shouting in English she was shouting at the top of her voice and became very abusive her words were your crazy English go back to England she was putting her finger to her head making gestures that we were crazy she then shouted it does not matter what you do or say here nobody will listen to you they will always be on our side because we are Cypriot she even threatened to get us locked up .I felt frightened and i did not know what to do but we decided to go to the police we had previously reported all the other incidents that had happened to us .We decided to leave Cyprus as we couldn't take any more when we arrived back in the UK we had no where to live we not only had ourself to think about we also had our grandson who we looked upon as our son we cried so much for him as he was also suffering we managed to get some where to live and are trying to move on in June this year we went back to Cyprus and demanded a meeting with the under secratry to the president to our shock we were invited into the presidents palace i explained what had happened to us and the government needed to put a stop to crooked developers and lawyers because if he didn't the Cyprus economy would suffer he agreed with us and offered his support we also appeared in the Cyprus mail and the politis a Cypriot paper to this day we have still have not got our money back and we are finding it difficult financially god knows when we will ever get in court .THE DEVELOPERS LAWYER WHICH IN FACT WAS OUR LAWYER AT THE BEGINNING OF OUR NIGHTMARE AND THE DEVELOPERS LAWYER AT THE SAME TIME IS TO OUR SHOCK AND DISBELIEF GOING TO REPRESENT THE DEVELOPER IN COURT HOW CAN THIS BE ALLOWED WHEN HE WAS OUR LAWYER THAT GOT US INTO THIS MESS THE BAR ASSOCIATION SHOULD BE BARRING HIM WE HAVE BEEN WAITING 16 MONTHS FOR A DISCIPLINARY MEETING WITH THE BAR ASSOCIATION WE WERE TOLD WE WOULD NOT WAIT ANY LONGER THAN 1YEAR WHEN YOU ARE 55 YEARS OLD AND YOU LOOSE EVERYTHING IN SUCH A CRUEL WAY YOU CANNOT DESCRIBE TO ANYONE HOW IT MAKES YOU FEEL WE ARE STILL WRITING LETTERS TO THE GOVERNMENT AS THEY MUST TAKE SOME RESPONSIBILITY WE ARE NOT A ENEMY OF CYPRUS ITS A BEAUTIFUL COUNTRY WE ARE JUST TWO GENUINE HONEST PEOPLE WHO HAVE BEEN TREATED VERY CRUELY AND IN SUCH A SHAMEFUL WAY I FEEL I AM EATING BREATHING AND SLEEPING A NIGHTMARE AND WE ARE BECOMING DRAINED we were never rich people and we used the money from the sale of our house in the uk which was 200.000 that was all we had solely for the purpose to try and give our grandson a better life we went from one nightmare straight into another nightmare .I remember one day just sitting there ,my head was buzzing i was constantly trying to find a way to make things better a crazy thought came into my head what if i write to peter andre the singer from cyprus perhaps he may be able to help us ,he comes from cyprus and still as property there .Then i thought no what are you doing he will think that woman is totally bonkers but sometimes the stress of what as happened overpowering I end my story by saying to anyone considering buying a property in cyprus ,yes cyprus is a lovely country but please make sure you check things thoroughly befor signing any documents and make sure you use a lawyer approved by the British High Commision in Nicosia dont end up in the position we are in now I F THERE IS ANYONE OUT THERE THAT MAY BE ABLE TO OFFER US SOME SUPPORT OR CAN DO ANYTHING TO HELP US THEN GIVE US AN EMAIL ON [email protected] OR RING US ON OUR UK LANDLINE PHONE 024 76 346 120.
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Postby CBBB » Tue Nov 16, 2010 6:31 pm

You cocked up there, didn't you?
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Postby janet.smith653 » Tue Nov 16, 2010 6:33 pm

yea bigtime
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Postby Daniella » Tue Nov 16, 2010 6:35 pm

Someone is kind enough to translate this text in English and maybe put the punctuation?
Do not know about you but my eyes are crossed at about the seventh row.
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Postby apc2010 » Tue Nov 16, 2010 6:39 pm

What happened to the property ....???
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Postby SSBubbles » Tue Nov 16, 2010 6:42 pm

CBBB wrote:You cocked up there, didn't you?

The lady is looking for help CBBB! :roll:

Sorry Janet, I cannot help but I wish you luck.
Last edited by SSBubbles on Tue Nov 16, 2010 6:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby janet.smith653 » Tue Nov 16, 2010 6:42 pm

Its still there
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Postby SSBubbles » Tue Nov 16, 2010 6:44 pm

Daniella wrote:Someone is kind enough to translate this text in English and maybe put the punctuation?
Do not know about you but my eyes are crossed at about the seventh row.

Daniella, take a deep breath and scroll down/read one line at a time - I did.
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Postby apc2010 » Tue Nov 16, 2010 6:45 pm

janet.smith653 wrote:Its still there

Can you not sell or rent it ..???
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Postby janet.smith653 » Tue Nov 16, 2010 6:48 pm

no because theres no main electric or water for the house ...... its use less :(
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