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Postby paliometoxo » Wed Nov 17, 2010 7:45 pm

when you have not lived in cyprus they dont really see you as cypriot most of them.. especially if you cant speak the language.

but buying houses a lot of the people from nicosia they are good friends or relatives and cant really do anything stupid because then it brings shame to their family and every one will find out what they do... with foreigners some think its ok to try get away with it :/
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Postby Gasman » Wed Nov 17, 2010 7:57 pm

Yes Palio that's what my Cypriot Charlie neighbour told me. He said some Cypriots wear it like a badge of honour on their sleeve if they manage to fleece a Brit and boast and laugh about it with their pals.
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Postby B25 » Wed Nov 17, 2010 8:07 pm

Gasman wrote:Yes Palio that's what my Cypriot Charlie neighbour told me. He said some Cypriots wear it like a badge of honour on their sleeve if they manage to fleece a Brit and boast and laugh about it with their pals.

Thats total bollocks and another one of your unsubstantialed put downs.

If you dispise us so much just stick out your broom stick and hook onto the next flight out.
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Postby RichardB » Wed Nov 17, 2010 8:36 pm

B25 wrote:
Gasman wrote:Yes Palio that's what my Cypriot Charlie neighbour told me. He said some Cypriots wear it like a badge of honour on their sleeve if they manage to fleece a Brit and boast and laugh about it with their pals.

Thats total bollocks and another one of your unsubstantialed put downs.

If you dispise us so much just stick out your broom stick and hook onto the next flight out.

Look Its true they are even giving badges out to gullible Brits

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Postby supporttheunderdog » Wed Nov 17, 2010 8:47 pm

Get Real! wrote:There is a small group of conmen in the construction industry and a larger group of naïve and incompetent foreigners coming to settle in Cyprus, that together have created this new mess where no such thing existed before on the island!

Without the one you can’t have the other… the conman thrives on fools and fools go straight to the conman!

Throw them both out of Cyprus!

Dear Janet

Ignore any post like this by GR - he has a reputation for finding any excuse to rubbish the Brits, in particular to make the victims somehow responsible, overlooking the fact that you and many other victims have thought you were getting proper independant legal advice, but are bieng misled by a person you think you can trust, "your "lawyer , only to LATER find he is the developer's lawyer.

I just wonder if he thinks ladies who may where certain revealing clothing deserve to be sexullay assulted, as that is one logical extension of his victims' responsibility theory, though I suspect in his haste to denigrate the victims he has not properly thought through all of the logical extension.

The real disgrace is the you have a bar association and a government who are unwilling to act. There is a lot the government can do, in particular in enforcing the laws as they are, or imposing new laws to deal with the obvious abuses, and , secondly if the bar assoction is unwilling to deal with the wrongdoing of its members to take action to impose an external disciplineray body.

Keep the pressure up - see my motto
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Postby janet.smith653 » Wed Nov 17, 2010 9:02 pm

supporttheunderdog wrote:
Get Real! wrote:There is a small group of conmen in the construction industry and a larger group of naïve and incompetent foreigners coming to settle in Cyprus, that together have created this new mess where no such thing existed before on the island!

Without the one you can’t have the other… the conman thrives on fools and fools go straight to the conman!

Throw them both out of Cyprus!

Dear Janet

Ignore any post like this by GR - he has a reputation for finding any excuse to rubbish the Brits, in particular to make the victims somehow responsible, overlooking the fact that you and many other victims have thought you were getting proper independant legal advice, but are bieng misled by a person you think you can trust, "your "lawyer , only to LATER find he is the developer's lawyer.

I just wonder if he thinks ladies who may where certain revealing clothing deserve to be sexullay assulted, as that is one logical extension of his victims' responsibility theory, though I suspect in his haste to denigrate the victims he has not properly thought through all of the logical extension.

The real disgrace is the you have a bar association and a government who are unwilling to act. There is a lot the government can do, in particular in enforcing the laws as they are, or imposing new laws to deal with the obvious abuses, and , secondly if the bar assoction is unwilling to deal with the wrongdoing of its members to take action to impose an external disciplineray body.

Keep the pressure up - see my motto
I do ignore sad remarks ,they do not rubbish the Brits when they take there money,do they,our hearts all beat the same and our blood runs the same way ,so sad
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Postby Jack M » Wed Nov 17, 2010 10:41 pm

I believe a group of people in the UK are forming a pressure group to lobby Parliament and to get as many MPs together who have constituents with problems. As a group they can apply more pressure to the UK government to do something about the situation than an individual can.
Have you heard anything about this group Janet?
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Postby CBBB » Wed Nov 17, 2010 11:01 pm

Jack M wrote:I believe a group of people in the UK are forming a pressure group to lobby Parliament and to get as many MPs together who have constituents with problems. As a group they can apply more pressure to the UK government to do something about the situation than an individual can.
Have you heard anything about this group Janet?

Everyone here is quaking in their shoes!
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Postby Jack M » Wed Nov 17, 2010 11:09 pm

If it didn't involve a little learning to use a computer I'd be thinking many posters on this board were still in booties. :lol:

They quite obviously still have dummies going by the number of times they spit them out.
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Postby janet.smith653 » Wed Nov 17, 2010 11:12 pm

Jack M wrote:I believe a group of people in the UK are forming a pressure group to lobby Parliament and to get as many MPs together who have constituents with problems. As a group they can apply more pressure to the UK government to do something about the situation than an individual can.
Have you heard anything about this group Janet?
no i have not heard about this group
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