Get Real! wrote:There is a small group of conmen in the construction industry and a larger group of naïve and incompetent foreigners coming to settle in Cyprus, that together have created this new mess where no such thing existed before on the island!
Without the one you can’t have the other… the conman thrives on fools and fools go straight to the conman!
Throw them both out of Cyprus!
Dear Janet
Ignore any post like this by GR - he has a reputation for finding any excuse to rubbish the Brits, in particular to make the victims somehow responsible, overlooking the fact that you and many other victims have thought you were getting proper independant legal advice, but are bieng misled by a person you think you can trust, "your "lawyer , only to LATER find he is the developer's lawyer.
I just wonder if he thinks ladies who may where certain revealing clothing deserve to be sexullay assulted, as that is one logical extension of his victims' responsibility theory, though I suspect in his haste to denigrate the victims he has not properly thought through all of the logical extension.
The real disgrace is the you have a bar association and a government who are unwilling to act. There is a lot the government can do, in particular in enforcing the laws as they are, or imposing new laws to deal with the obvious abuses, and , secondly if the bar assoction is unwilling to deal with the wrongdoing of its members to take action to impose an external disciplineray body.
Keep the pressure up - see my motto