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Postby supporttheunderdog » Fri Nov 19, 2010 6:56 pm

Oracle wrote:
I won't break the confidence inherent in a PM, even though it was unsolicited, but before you do any more harm to the Court Case (as I have already warned you that you might be doing) I suggest you do as GR! says and ask Admin to lock or delete this thread.

Are you stupid or what?

I ask as on the PM's issue IMHO you have already breached confidence by broadcasting the fact that you have had a PM which is potentially damaging.

Why did you have to refer to in in public? Why if response was needed on the PM did you not reply by PM or at the mimimum leave it out in any public post?
Last edited by supporttheunderdog on Fri Nov 19, 2010 7:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Get Real! » Fri Nov 19, 2010 7:03 pm

I strongly believe in the “conman attracts conman” theory!

Both victim and perpetrator have a lot in common… one is looking for a super bargain too good to be true, while the other runs a get-rich-quick scheme providing the sought after unreal bargains!

Indeed, some of the victims are so impressed at how fast and how well they are done for, that they later set up real estate agencies themselves!

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Postby supporttheunderdog » Fri Nov 19, 2010 7:19 pm

Get Real! wrote:I strongly believe in the “conman attracts conman” theory!

Both victim and perpetrator have a lot in common… one is looking for a super bargain too good to be true, while the other runs a get-rich-quick scheme providing the sought after unreal bargains!

Indeed, some of the victims are so impressed at how fast and how well they are done for, that they later set up real estate agencies themselves!

The hand fits the glove perfectly…


Dear Janet

The usual smears and innuendos and generalisations from GR to support his own crack-pot theories, or is he suggesting that any such people who may have been conned and then going in to property business are themselves crooked? If so who and and on what basis?

GR- give us some facts, or wind your neck in, bonny lad!

Do NOT be put off by those who want this thread shut down. There is a small group of self appointed people with agendas of their own, some of whom are racist, and who think they own the Forum, and who do not like to get real to the fact that there are few rotten apples who are sadly souring the whole barrel that is Cyprus, which is a shame as it has lot going for it, including most of the people. Like everywhere there are bad people, sadly including devious estate agents, crooked developers, and most disgraceful of all, the crooked lawyers who betray the people they are both ethically and legally bound to protect, when they accept them as a customer, but while also secretly working for the developer/vendor, in clear breach of law society rules.

They, above all, deserve looking up!

However rather than tackle the underlying problems of crooked estate agents, developers and lawyers, and a government lacking the will to deal with the problems, with a judicial system that is arguably unfit for purpose, all of which, even probably unintentionally, is more to the benefit of the crooks, not the victims, and which sadly tarnishes the reputation of the whole of the Island, they try to censor debate.

At worst they try to denigrate the victims and indeed this post by GR is a classic of the genre. You know when it gets to this stage you have got someone worried.

However do be careful how you tread as at least one property developer has resorted to violence, and if that were happen your earlier conduct may be used against you to get charges reduced in seriousness and/or small sentences handed out.

Any way best of luck: there are lot of people rooting for you and other victims of property scams and threads like this will keep coming until the Powers that be take action and deal with the crooks.

Just don't let the bastards grind you down.
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Postby Oracle » Fri Nov 19, 2010 8:06 pm

supporttheunderdog wrote:
Oracle wrote:
I won't break the confidence inherent in a PM, even though it was unsolicited, but before you do any more harm to the Court Case (as I have already warned you that you might be doing) I suggest you do as GR! says and ask Admin to lock or delete this thread.

Are you stupid or what?

I ask as on the PM's issue IMHO you have already breached confidence by broadcasting the fact that you have had a PM which is potentially damaging.

Why did you have to refer to in in public? Why if response was needed on the PM did you not reply by PM or at the mimimum leave it out in any public post?

It's the business of the receiver what they do with any PM. I didn't approach them; and so was under no obligation to reply. However, it could have been a cry for help and I couldn't completely turn my back on them.

I chose not to reply (this is my right) to this unsolicited PM precisely because of the contents. I thought it best not to enter into communication with this "character". However, I felt it was in the character's best interest that because of what they told me in the PM (the contents of which I respect) and what has passed on the forum that they should reconsider their actions, and perhaps let other forumers know that they should back-off encouraging these actions, because they really do not know what they are dealing with! Enough said!

I am pleased to see "janet.smith" has not posted, further, on this matter and if they want any more assistance, I strongly suggest they contact CF Admin who is extremely intelligent and very helpful for all sorts of things.
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Postby supporttheunderdog » Fri Nov 19, 2010 10:16 pm

You did however reply, in public, and made reference to (a) the existence of the PM and (b) an observation on the conetnts thererof, which IMHO is in complete contradiction to your rermark that you would not break confidence.

I think you put your fingers in to gear before you used what little brain you have. Now you engage in a diversionary attack with another thread on the Cyprus Justice system. It aint going to work, as it is
to late babe, you have shown yourself for what you are - stupid!
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Postby Oracle » Fri Nov 19, 2010 10:22 pm

No, I did NOT reply, nor disclose any contents, because you do not know what the PM said to know what my "reply" would have been. Stating I had a PM is neither here nor there!

You are merely demonstrating the kind of person I was warning "janet.smith" about, who is hell bent on winding people up to respond, even when it is to their detriment.

I am pleased to see that they are not, now, being swayed by selfish people such as you, with their personal agendas, to keep on posting.

Starting 'other threads', are not diversionary tactics, but what this forum is all about ...
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