kurupetos wrote:Schnauzer wrote:Get Real! wrote:What a load of poppycock!
Strangely enough, the word 'Poppycock' immediately precedes the words 'Poppy Day' in most dictionaries, one wonders if such close proximity is indicative of a mutual characteristic, OR, perhaps both could aptly be described as having been "Tarred with the same brush".
According to my dictionary the word 'Homo Sapiens' immediately precedes the word 'homosexual'.
Therefore your above argument makes perfect sense to me.
Well upon my soul, such astuteness on your part is quite amazing, tell me " Did you purposely look up the connection or are you a lexicographer and therefore quite familiar with the 'Latter' word ?".
The reason I made the above inquiry is that our friend seems to be somewhat 'Preoccupied' with matters pertaining to the 'Rear end' of any topic.