Recent example post by gabaston here ... &start=110:
"US Congressmen to fly direct to northern Cyprus
Cypriot Government Spokesman Kypros Chrysostomides....."
on a thread "Update on UK travel advice for the property issue in Cyprus."
you, yourself cannedmoose said "Gabaston, shouldn't that be in another thread mate? Doesn't seem to relate to this one, which has totally lost its way anyway".
However you didn't delete this post, nor moved it!!!!!
A bit biased aren't we??
My post was in "Politics and Elections
Everything related to politics in Cyprus and the rest of the world."
and was definetely a post related to politics in the world that related to Greece and Cyprus and a reply with some info to the other members.
If you like to hear only what you want to hear then just block this forum for anyone else and just agree with each other. It seems that many people here don't really like democracy.
I feel that just deleting my post without any warning (and I always think before I write if something is relevant) as offensive.