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Do you have any suggestions on how we can improve our forums?

Moderator: Admin

Postby fi » Mon Aug 08, 2005 10:25 pm

Recent example post by gabaston here ... &start=110:

"US Congressmen to fly direct to northern Cyprus


Cypriot Government Spokesman Kypros Chrysostomides....."

on a thread "Update on UK travel advice for the property issue in Cyprus."

you, yourself cannedmoose said "Gabaston, shouldn't that be in another thread mate? Doesn't seem to relate to this one, which has totally lost its way anyway".

However you didn't delete this post, nor moved it!!!!!

A bit biased aren't we??

My post was in "Politics and Elections
Everything related to politics in Cyprus and the rest of the world."
and was definetely a post related to politics in the world that related to Greece and Cyprus and a reply with some info to the other members.

If you like to hear only what you want to hear then just block this forum for anyone else and just agree with each other. It seems that many people here don't really like democracy.

I feel that just deleting my post without any warning (and I always think before I write if something is relevant) as offensive.
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Postby gabaston » Tue Aug 09, 2005 12:06 am

stop all this moderator bashing - these chaps do a fine job in keeping some order in this forum. they dont always get it right especially when the get rid of my stuff.

just a bit of brown nosing, but carry on chaps and thanks from me.
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Postby gabaston » Tue Aug 09, 2005 12:27 am

that post in my view had relevance to travel. i could have started a new one with no problem but since we have discussed travel in many threads i sought one out.

ive no problem if the mods wish to start it as a new one, thats their pregrogative.
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Postby cannedmoose » Tue Aug 09, 2005 12:45 am

fi wrote:I feel that just deleting my post without any warning (and I always think before I write if something is relevant) as offensive.

Once again. In my opinion your post was irrelevant to the topic and was deviating from it, as a result it was removed. If you object, complain directly to Admin. To be completely honest, it's people like you who claim 'injustice' when moderators attempt to keep this forum on track that make this job such a pain in the backside. I now know what Erolz, MicatCyp and Alex L have to deal with everyday. If we get things right, you ignore us, as soon as you feel aggrieved you're onto us like flies around dung... give it a break.

As for your claim about inconsistency re: gabaston's post... I'M NOT EVEN MODERATOR FOR THAT SECTION! THEREFORE HOW CAN I APPLY RULES WHERE I AM NOT A MODERATOR! Therefore, since you claim to be so careful being typing, you might want to check your facts in future before bandying about allegations. As a result, you are confirming that I am being even-handed across the board in pulling gabaston up on this, so thank you for that confirmation.

Anyway, this is my final word on the matter in public, like I said, if you have a grudge, address it to admin. I've been a member of this forum for a lot longer than you and appreciate what it means to have freedom of speech. I therefore don't delete things lightly. However, to keep my section of the forum in order, deletion is sometimes necessary. If that's offensive, I'm sorry, but that's how it must be in some instances.
Last edited by cannedmoose on Tue Aug 09, 2005 12:50 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Postby fi » Tue Aug 09, 2005 12:45 am

Hi gabaston (as I pm one of the moderators).

I personally don't want people's posts to be removed. This is in relation to a post another moderator completely deleted today, which was regarding Italian (and westerner) censorship of the news regarding the war in Kosovo and did belong to the Politics section (which states that it does concern world wide politics). In my opinion my post was absolutely relevant and a reply to one of the posts.

I'm just trying to make a point that some moderators seem a bit more heavy handed for some users but not so for others.

Again sorry nothing personal!!! :)
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Postby fi » Tue Aug 09, 2005 12:46 am

cannedmoose can you please retreive my post as I don't have a copy so I can forward it to the Admin.
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Postby erolz » Tue Aug 09, 2005 1:08 am

fi wrote:cannedmoose can you please retreive my post as I don't have a copy so I can forward it to the Admin.

Just so everyone knows what the rules are

The rule on discussion of mod decisions was originaly

4. Complains/criticism against the action of moderators
These should be addressed to the moderator involved via a Private Message together with a copy of your original post. (It is your responsibility to keep copies of your posts).In case you are not satisfied with the explanation you can always refer to the Admin. Complains/objections posted publicly in the forum will be deleted.
Do not use the forums to make complaints about moderators. If you are unsatisified about something, please consider other forum users, and PM a moderator directly.

following the thread here and pending the creation an publishing of updated rules we are currently 'informaly' working under this (previously unpublished but consistent with thread above) version of the rule

4. Complains/criticism against the action of moderators

These should be addressed in the first instance to the moderator involved via a Private Message together with a copy of your original post. (It is your responsibility to keep copies of your posts).

In event that you are not satisfied with the explanation of the moderator concerned you can refer to the Admin via PM.

If you feel that you must raise issues in public about either specfic moderators decisions or moderator decsions in general then this is permissiable provided the following guidelines are understood and followed.

a) Such post are only made in the Cyprus Forum Website / Suggestions and Feedback section of the forum. You must not post them in the thread that they relate to and such posts will be removed. You can and should provided a link back to the thread they relate to

b) Moderators are not required to answer any critisim or questioning of their actions in public. They choice of whether they do so or not is entirely theirs and if they chose to is a curtesy and not a duty.

I would reiterate a couple of sections of this current working rule

"It is your responsibility to keep copies of your posts"


"b) Moderators are not required to answer any critisim or questioning of their actions in public. They choice of whether they do so or not is entirely theirs and if they chose to is a curtesy and not a duty. "
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Postby fi » Tue Aug 09, 2005 9:04 am

Hey sounds ok.

My post was about the censorship of the media by westerners during the war in Kosovo and the bombing of civilians by NATO.

More specifially that the censorship was so bad that Italian journalists couldn't download images from the sattelite and one had to ask a Greek journalist to send him some images of how NATO was bombing Serb civilians. Just as an example and that many westerners have never heard the other side of the story.

I posted it here as a reply to ChomskyFan. I'm waiting on the Admin to decide.
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Postby ChomskyFan » Tue Aug 09, 2005 12:43 pm

fi wrote:Hey sounds ok.

My post was about the censorship of the media by westerners during the war in Kosovo and the bombing of civilians by NATO.

More specifially that the censorship was so bad that Italian journalists couldn't download images from the sattelite and one had to ask a Greek journalist to send him some images of how NATO was bombing Serb civilians. Just as an example and that many westerners have never heard the other side of the story.

I posted it here as a reply to ChomskyFan. I'm waiting on the Admin to decide.

Fi, where is your post, i cannot see it?

Fi, if you are up for it I would be glad to have a 2 on 2 debate about whether the Kosovo War was Wrong, Me and you versus 2 others who supported the War.
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Postby fi » Tue Aug 09, 2005 1:10 pm

Hi ChomskyFan,

Unfortunately it was deleted and without any warning!!!!!!!

Unlike what is said here

"The moderator will first communicate with you to advise on their decision, following which, you will have a defined period of time to amend your previous post. " I was never warned but received a PM AFTER the post was deleted.

ChomskyFan this is a subject that interests me greatly however I don't think that I'm that of an expert unfortunately :( been reading your posts with great interest however!
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