erolz wrote:ChomskyFan wrote:
People should not be forced out of their homes against their will for any reason. However that does not change the fact that in Cyprus many were. Saying that we should now force people from their homes of 30+ years to solve the problem of those that it was done to 30 years ago, without any consideration for how responsible those to be forced from homes today are for being in someones home of 30 years ago and without any considerations of the wider issues that led to the prior forcing of people from their homes (and ignoring the forcing of people from thier homes prior to that), is to me not a sensible or constructive appraoch.
No, it's simple legality, it doesn't belong to them, ergo, why should their actions be justified simply because they have lived in them for 30 years?
We will not be forced to give up our right of return. Sorry, it ISNT going to happen. We will not let highwayman bandit do this to us.ChomskyFan wrote:
You have asserted this many times before (and ignoring you lack of disctionction between T and TC). It is in my view simply not the case that TC want full RoR in a Cyprus settlement. This is a GC 'red line' (to some degree or other). If anything TC want a right to not now be forced from their homes against their will.
Really? Can you spot the irony in the last part?