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How did Turkish Cypriots eliminate 5,000 GCs in 1974?

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby BirKibrisli » Fri Nov 12, 2010 4:24 pm

Why are you guys taking GR seriously and trying to talk sense with him...
He is just a provocateur,and Oracle is his sidekick....

All you need to do is reverse his and her logic back onto them...

How did the Greek Cypriots manage to ethnically cleanse 100 TC villages in 1963???? And how did they manage to steal the powers of the RoC from the TCs??? This makes every GC a thief,following Oracle's logic...There ...
That is all the answer GR and his sidekick deserve.... :twisted:
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Shame on you all!

Postby Paphitis » Fri Nov 12, 2010 4:51 pm

Get Real,

this YouTube contains some eye witness accounts of Turkish Soldiers of mass executions. The video is in Greek.

There is also a former Turkish Army Officer who has given talks at the University of Cyprus about some of the War Crimes he witnessed. I don't recall his name, but this chap is unable to enter Turkey because he is now a wanted man and will be arrested. I think he either lives in France or Switzerland.

I hope this helps....
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Postby denizaksulu » Fri Nov 12, 2010 5:07 pm

It would be more helpful if it was in Turkish. From what I understand of it it does not sound good.
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Postby Gregory » Fri Nov 12, 2010 9:50 pm

Well I don't know Turkish but here's a translation in English I just did.

Hussein Kofen Chief Gunner heavy artillery of the 61st Regiment Turkish Infantry

Village Execution

We were on Pentadaktylos, at some point we approached and circled a montaineous village. Not all of its inhabitants had deserted it. There was an order issued for the villagers to assemble in the village square.

A sergeant chose about 10-15 people from the assembled and placed them in a side by side along the wall. Amongst the people there were also women. After they removed their earings, the necklaces from their necks, their watches their money and any other valuables they had in their pockets they began to fire without mercy.

While some of those defenseless ran through the blood left and right trying to escape and others were fighting for their last breath our troops were cheering and laughing out loud, making victorious cries.

Eyewitness Mustapha Okan platoon leader sergeant Turkish army
Mora massacre 100 people

In the village of Mora (merits) near Nicosia a group execution of approximately 100 Greek Cypriots was carried out. They were inhabitants of the village and others who had escaped to there from nearby areas.
Amongst the people that had been killed while trying to escape through the village exits were old people, women and children.
After that inhumane slaughter the corpses remain unburied for about a week. With the heat we were in (was the middle of summer) their exposure to the sun created risks to our health. The atmosphere had an intense smell to it. Large black flies swarmed in to the area and the soldiers began suffering from nausea, diarrhoia and vomitting. After that the commanders were afraid that the germs would create an epidemic and the gave the command to bury the corpses.
The commands execution was carried out by me and my colleague Sevket Avcioglou who happened to be a from the same place as me. I knew how to handle digging machinery and bulldozers so they placed me in charge. With a digger we were given we opened up a huge ditch and threw the dead amputated bodies in that were in advanced decay.
Don't ask me how we collected the bodies and placed them in the ditch. Sevket Avcioglou is an eye witness and can verify this fact regarding the slaughter and mass burial of the victims of the village of Mora.

The grave is situated a little outside the village close to a (rema?) I still remember that place very well and could go there today if needed and locate it.

In that mass grave there are about 100 people of which no one knows anything about.

Hussein Bazardzikli
Turkish Commando
Ceasaria Paratrooper Regiment.

Child Murders

As we neared the airport we met a car moving along the public road. We signaled it to stop. It was a civilian car colour blue and inside there was a Greek Cypriot couple around 30-35 and 2 children one boy and one girl. The children were young under 10 years old. We took the man out of the car. He was crying and gesturing to us somehting in Greek. We understood he was pleading to let them go. All 3 of us were reserves. One of the other two was a friend of mine Arif Kotja, Kurdish Alevi from Sebastia and the other was a Turk. We looked at each other and realised none of us wanted to harm them.
We were at a location were no one was looking. We gestured to him to go. The man thanked us with gestures and climbed happily into his car and they sped off. The car had not gone 300-500 metres and we met up with another team.
We heard gunshots and ran towards the car.

When we got there we saw the people we had let go moments before covered in blood. My god the car was full of bullet holes. They had committed a cold blooded murder, an atrocity. We were speachless when we saw how they shot them. They didn't even feel sorry for the children. Out of fear we never mentioned the event.

Yalcin Kutchuk
2nd lieutenant Turkish army

Spread her legs and fired in her vagina

most of the atrocities were committed in Tymbou (Ercan). the village was nearly empty when we got there. In the yard of a house there was a grapevine. A sat underneath to rest under its shade and I tried some of its grapes which where delicious as I remember. Suddenly I heard machine gun rounds being fired and straight afterwards a shout.

"I killed my commander, I killed!" I went towards the shooting and came in contact with a horrendous sight. They had emptied 2 cartridges in the vagina of young woman who's hands were tied behind her back and her legs spread wide. The girl was full figured with her arms small in scale to her body.
She seemed to be a special needs person. She was still alive so I approached her. She moved softly and from her vagina the blood run thick knot by knot like black grapes. After a while the light was gone from her eyes. This horrendous murder was committed by 2 of our brave mehmetchik.

After a while one of the commanders came over and after he congratulated them he said "mission accomplished our mission has been met with complete success." When I heard that I was filled with disgust and rage that I was surrounded with cold blooded killers. Together with 2 other soldiers we covered the body of the woman and buried her. I've seen many kills in Cyprus but that one shocked me. I'll never forget it.

There's a couple more but I'll do it later.
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Postby Viewpoint » Fri Nov 12, 2010 9:58 pm

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Postby B25 » Fri Nov 12, 2010 10:10 pm

Viewpoint wrote:Propaganda.

Would that be the same propoganda that you spread that apparently 103 TC villages were destroyed and that many TCs were killed and put into mass graves. All propganda spread by MF's like you, oh, not forgetting the specially staged bathtub massacre. Nice one such propoganda needs an accolade.

Arsehole, they were TCs talking, hey gardash Bir, now show us your fucking compassion you crave for and claim all is one sided and we don't appreciate your sufferings. FU, the lot of you.

They should put this transalation on little cards and issue it to all CNG and reservists. Make them read it morning afternoon and night. Play it and read it out in schools, lest we forget, what you dogs did to innocent people. Then you have the audacity to claim victim status, hade assirktir.
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Postby Get Real! » Fri Nov 12, 2010 10:11 pm

Viewpoint wrote:Propaganda.

Well then why don't you set the record straight by posting your account of how 5,000 odd people died in less than two months...
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Postby Viewpoint » Fri Nov 12, 2010 10:15 pm

Get Real! wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:Propaganda.

Well then why don't you set the record straight by posting your account of how 5,000 odd people died in less than two months...

You people are so stupid that you killed each other.
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Postby Viewpoint » Fri Nov 12, 2010 10:17 pm

B25 wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:Propaganda.

Would that be the same propoganda that you spread that apparently 103 TC villages were destroyed and that many TCs were killed and put into mass graves. All propganda spread by MF's like you, oh, not forgetting the specially staged bathtub massacre. Nice one such propoganda needs an accolade.

Arsehole, they were TCs talking, hey gardash Bir, now show us your fucking compassion you crave for and claim all is one sided and we don't appreciate your sufferings. FU, the lot of you.

They should put this transalation on little cards and issue it to all CNG and reservists. Make them read it morning afternoon and night. Play it and read it out in schools, lest we forget, what you dogs did to innocent people. Then you have the audacity to claim victim status, hade assirktir.

All hearsay any real hard evidence?
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Postby denizaksulu » Fri Nov 12, 2010 10:20 pm

Gregory wrote:Well I don't know Turkish but here's a translation in English I just did.

Hussein Kofen Chief Gunner heavy artillery of the 61st Regiment Turkish Infantry

Village Execution

We were on Pentadaktylos, at some point we approached and circled a montaineous village. Not all of its inhabitants had deserted it. There was an order issued for the villagers to assemble in the village square.

A sergeant chose about 10-15 people from the assembled and placed them in a side by side along the wall. Amongst the people there were also women. After they removed their earings, the necklaces from their necks, their watches their money and any other valuables they had in their pockets they began to fire without mercy.

While some of those defenseless ran through the blood left and right trying to escape and others were fighting for their last breath our troops were cheering and laughing out loud, making victorious cries.

Eyewitness Mustapha Okan platoon leader sergeant Turkish army
Mora massacre 100 people

In the village of Mora (merits) near Nicosia a group execution of approximately 100 Greek Cypriots was carried out. They were inhabitants of the village and others who had escaped to there from nearby areas.
Amongst the people that had been killed while trying to escape through the village exits were old people, women and children.
After that inhumane slaughter the corpses remain unburied for about a week. With the heat we were in (was the middle of summer) their exposure to the sun created risks to our health. The atmosphere had an intense smell to it. Large black flies swarmed in to the area and the soldiers began suffering from nausea, diarrhoia and vomitting. After that the commanders were afraid that the germs would create an epidemic and the gave the command to bury the corpses.
The commands execution was carried out by me and my colleague Sevket Avcioglou who happened to be a from the same place as me. I knew how to handle digging machinery and bulldozers so they placed me in charge. With a digger we were given we opened up a huge ditch and threw the dead amputated bodies in that were in advanced decay.
Don't ask me how we collected the bodies and placed them in the ditch. Sevket Avcioglou is an eye witness and can verify this fact regarding the slaughter and mass burial of the victims of the village of Mora.

The grave is situated a little outside the village close to a (rema?) I still remember that place very well and could go there today if needed and locate it.

In that mass grave there are about 100 people of which no one knows anything about.

Hussein Bazardzikli
Turkish Commando
Ceasaria Paratrooper Regiment.

Child Murders

As we neared the airport we met a car moving along the public road. We signaled it to stop. It was a civilian car colour blue and inside there was a Greek Cypriot couple around 30-35 and 2 children one boy and one girl. The children were young under 10 years old. We took the man out of the car. He was crying and gesturing to us somehting in Greek. We understood he was pleading to let them go. All 3 of us were reserves. One of the other two was a friend of mine Arif Kotja, Kurdish Alevi from Sebastia and the other was a Turk. We looked at each other and realised none of us wanted to harm them.
We were at a location were no one was looking. We gestured to him to go. The man thanked us with gestures and climbed happily into his car and they sped off. The car had not gone 300-500 metres and we met up with another team.
We heard gunshots and ran towards the car.

When we got there we saw the people we had let go moments before covered in blood. My god the car was full of bullet holes. They had committed a cold blooded murder, an atrocity. We were speachless when we saw how they shot them. They didn't even feel sorry for the children. Out of fear we never mentioned the event.

Yalcin Kutchuk
2nd lieutenant Turkish army

Spread her legs and fired in her vagina

most of the atrocities were committed in Tymbou (Ercan). the village was nearly empty when we got there. In the yard of a house there was a grapevine. A sat underneath to rest under its shade and I tried some of its grapes which where delicious as I remember. Suddenly I heard machine gun rounds being fired and straight afterwards a shout.

"I killed my commander, I killed!" I went towards the shooting and came in contact with a horrendous sight. They had emptied 2 cartridges in the vagina of young woman who's hands were tied behind her back and her legs spread wide. The girl was full figured with her arms small in scale to her body.
She seemed to be a special needs person. She was still alive so I approached her. She moved softly and from her vagina the blood run thick knot by knot like black grapes. After a while the light was gone from her eyes. This horrendous murder was committed by 2 of our brave mehmetchik.

After a while one of the commanders came over and after he congratulated them he said "mission accomplished our mission has been met with complete success." When I heard that I was filled with disgust and rage that I was surrounded with cold blooded killers. Together with 2 other soldiers we covered the body of the woman and buried her. I've seen many kills in Cyprus but that one shocked me. I'll never forget it.

There's a couple more but I'll do it later.

Thanks for that.

My friend Loucas had just translated for me. Shocking.
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