Viewpoint wrote:Propaganda.
Would that be the same propoganda that you spread that apparently 103 TC villages were destroyed and that many TCs were killed and put into mass graves. All propganda spread by MF's like you, oh, not forgetting the specially staged bathtub massacre. Nice one such propoganda needs an accolade.
Arsehole, they were TCs talking, hey gardash Bir, now show us your fucking compassion you crave for and claim all is one sided and we don't appreciate your sufferings. FU, the lot of you.
They should put this transalation on little cards and issue it to all CNG and reservists. Make them read it morning afternoon and night. Play it and read it out in schools, lest we forget, what you dogs did to innocent people. Then you have the audacity to claim victim status, hade assirktir.