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How did Turkish Cypriots eliminate 5,000 GCs in 1974?

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Postby Get Real! » Thu Nov 11, 2010 10:03 pm

lovernomore wrote:7. something else. there is rumour that a lot of GCs were put on boats to be taken to Turkey but were executed a nd thrown in the sea. Terrible if true but unfortunately times of war make people do things that they regret later.

Aha! Now we're getting somewhere... and can anyone else confirm hearing this too? :?
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Postby Gregory » Fri Nov 12, 2010 8:20 am

lovernomore wrote:
Oracle wrote:So, over a thousand Greek Cypriots killed per week, by orders from Turkish Cypriots demanding elimination of the natives; and not one TC, now installed in land belonging to those killed or of the 200,000 GC refugees, has come forward to account for this barbaric behaviour!
turkish cypriots ordered nothing. all we wanted was to be saved from murderers. you resisted whn turkey arrived and paid a heavy price. simples.

Not the army, the TC's.

Brothers to bury five family members after 35 years (archive article - Friday, May 8, 2009) FIVE MEMBERS of a Greek Cypriot family between the ages of two and 48, who were murdered during the 1974 Turkish invasion will be buried on Sunday, 35 years after they were killed. Surviving brothers Costas and Petros Souppouris, who were eight and ten at the time, in an interview with the Cyprus News Agency yesterday said “never again” as they prepared for the funerals of their father Andreas Souppouris, 48, their mother Areti Souppouris, 39, brother Dimitris Souppouris 6 years old, sister Julia Souppouris, 2, and aunt Thekla Souppouris, 47. The remains of the five were recently located in a mass grave along with the remains of 12 other people, murdered during the same incident in Palekythro and identified through the DNA method. “We hope that what we have been through does not happen again, so that our children do not experience anything like that,” said Costas describing the incident on August 17, 1974 when a group of young Turkish Cypriots went to the family home, where 23 Greek Cypriots were hiding. “We hope that what happened then and past mistakes made by some persons from both sides on the island teach us a lesson. It is the only thing we hope for,” added Petros who said the funeral was very important for the family. “At least now we know what happened”, said Costas, who managed to escape the murderers just minutes before the killing. “One by one, they took us out of the house, my father, my mother, the Liasis family. My brother managed to escape and he went to our grandmother’s house,” said Petros of Costas. My brother Yiannis, whose remains have not yet been found, and I left the house last. They kept shooting. One of them ordered us out of the house and the rest were shooting at us. I was wounded. After a couple of hours, the Turkish army arrived and offered us medical care. During the next days I met up with my brother Costas and my aunts. After a few days they took us to the school at Voni village and a month later we came to the southern government controlled part of the country.” Petros said that he had never asked to learn the names of those who killed six members of his family. “The point is what will happen in the future. Of course the criminals still remain criminals, but the most important thing is what we, as Cypriots, choose to do; either to continue a vendetta and the killings or to learn about what happened and try to understand why those things happened. I have opted for the second choice,” he said. Copyright © Cyprus Mail 2009
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Re: How did Turkish Cypriots eliminate 5,000 GCs in 1974?

Postby revolver » Fri Nov 12, 2010 10:01 am

Get Real! wrote:How did Turkish Cypriots eliminate 5,000 GCs in July and August of 1974?

Surely your parents and grandparents must’ve been talking about all the July/August 1974 atrocities committed in the last 35 years, which no doubt they would’ve been looked upon as heroic deeds but nonetheless it’s interesting to know how so many people were executed.

So what’s the information you were being given?

I expect EVERY Turkish Cypriot of the CF to participate in this thread and give us their account from what they had seen and/or heard etc.

We are very interested to know.

What is your aim? to present how barbarians we were? or something else?
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Re: How did Turkish Cypriots eliminate 5,000 GCs in 1974?

Postby revolver » Fri Nov 12, 2010 10:03 am

revolver wrote:
Get Real! wrote:How did Turkish Cypriots eliminate 5,000 GCs in July and August of 1974?

Surely your parents and grandparents must’ve been talking about all the July/August 1974 atrocities committed in the last 35 years, which no doubt they would’ve been looked upon as heroic deeds but nonetheless it’s interesting to know how so many people were executed.

So what’s the information you were being given?

I expect EVERY Turkish Cypriot of the CF to participate in this thread and give us their account from what they had seen and/or heard etc.

We are very interested to know.

What is your aim? to present how barbarians we were? or something else?

by the way, did you read panikos neokleus's book of 'ignored 1974?"
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Re: How did Turkish Cypriots eliminate 5,000 GCs in 1974?

Postby B25 » Fri Nov 12, 2010 10:20 am

revolver wrote:
Get Real! wrote:How did Turkish Cypriots eliminate 5,000 GCs in July and August of 1974?

Surely your parents and grandparents must’ve been talking about all the July/August 1974 atrocities committed in the last 35 years, which no doubt they would’ve been looked upon as heroic deeds but nonetheless it’s interesting to know how so many people were executed.

So what’s the information you were being given?

I expect EVERY Turkish Cypriot of the CF to participate in this thread and give us their account from what they had seen and/or heard etc.

We are very interested to know.

What is your aim? to present how barbarians we were? or something else?

Not at all, this is just a myth buster, to show you are not the angels that many of your folk on here would have us believe. Nothing sinister, honest.

So, whats your contribution???
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Re: How did Turkish Cypriots eliminate 5,000 GCs in 1974?

Postby revolver » Fri Nov 12, 2010 10:38 am

B25 wrote:
revolver wrote:
Get Real! wrote:How did Turkish Cypriots eliminate 5,000 GCs in July and August of 1974?

Surely your parents and grandparents must’ve been talking about all the July/August 1974 atrocities committed in the last 35 years, which no doubt they would’ve been looked upon as heroic deeds but nonetheless it’s interesting to know how so many people were executed.

So what’s the information you were being given?

I expect EVERY Turkish Cypriot of the CF to participate in this thread and give us their account from what they had seen and/or heard etc.

We are very interested to know.

What is your aim? to present how barbarians we were? or something else?

Not at all, this is just a myth buster, to show you are not the angels that many of your folk on here would have us believe. Nothing sinister, honest.

So, whats your contribution???

Of course, we were not an angel. There was a war, and it was not a 'war of angels'.
I read a book last night, it is the memories of a soldier in 1974 war.
he wrote something horrified me:
One day, in bus, there were Greek Cypriots pow's, he saw a man that demanded water from him.
He tried to give him a water, but the turkish soldier did not let him to give.
He (writer) asked the soldier why he stopped him?
Solider replied: they deserved to die, they are animals.
then he showed up something to writer;
from the book: when I got in the bus, there was that bad smell, I wonder what was it. Soon I understood what was it.
He showed me a machine gun bag and said come an look at it.
I looked at the bag, I saw cut ears.
9 pairs of cut ears!!! 18 ears total!!!
Soldier told me "I cut them all, 9 of them, I have to show it to my mom in turkey"
I rushed out from the bus, I am still in shock! (from the book).

So my friend, there was a war, a dirty bitch war.
But war is over, we have to find a way
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Re: How did Turkish Cypriots eliminate 5,000 GCs in 1974?

Postby denizaksulu » Fri Nov 12, 2010 10:54 am

revolver wrote:
B25 wrote:
revolver wrote:
Get Real! wrote:How did Turkish Cypriots eliminate 5,000 GCs in July and August of 1974?

Surely your parents and grandparents must’ve been talking about all the July/August 1974 atrocities committed in the last 35 years, which no doubt they would’ve been looked upon as heroic deeds but nonetheless it’s interesting to know how so many people were executed.

So what’s the information you were being given?

I expect EVERY Turkish Cypriot of the CF to participate in this thread and give us their account from what they had seen and/or heard etc.

We are very interested to know.

What is your aim? to present how barbarians we were? or something else?

Not at all, this is just a myth buster, to show you are not the angels that many of your folk on here would have us believe. Nothing sinister, honest.

So, whats your contribution???

Of course, we were not an angel. There was a war, and it was not a 'war of angels'.
I read a book last night, it is the memories of a soldier in 1974 war.
he wrote something horrified me:
One day, in bus, there were Greek Cypriots pow's, he saw a man that demanded water from him.
He tried to give him a water, but the turkish soldier did not let him to give.
He (writer) asked the soldier why he stopped him?
Solider replied: they deserved to die, they are animals.
then he showed up something to writer;
from the book: when I got in the bus, there was that bad smell, I wonder what was it. Soon I understood what was it.
He showed me a machine gun bag and said come an look at it.
I looked at the bag, I saw cut ears.
9 pairs of cut ears!!! 18 ears total!!!
Soldier told me "I cut them all, 9 of them, I have to show it to my mom in turkey"
I rushed out from the bus, I am still in shock! (from the book).

So my friend, there was a war, a dirty bitch war.
But war is over, we have to find a way

A barbaric custom. We heard that many returning Turkish soldiers took these grizzly souveniers back home to momma. Shameful and barbaric
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Postby Oracle » Fri Nov 12, 2010 11:09 am

Average 100,000 TCs. Babies to Oldies. That's One Greek Cypriot killed for every gang of 20 TCs.

Remove the young, infirm, old etc from the equation and that is virtually ONE Greek Cypriot killed for every Turkish Cypriot in Cyprus, at the time.

Every TC is GUILTY of this crime!
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Postby denizaksulu » Fri Nov 12, 2010 11:12 am

Oracle wrote:Average 100,000 TCs. Babies to Oldies. That's One Greek Cypriot killed for every gang of 20 TCs.

Remove the young, infirm, old etc from the equation and that is ONE Greek Cypriot killed for every Turkish Cypriot in Cyprus, at the time.

Every TC is GUILTY of this crime!

ALL Cypriots are guilty then. Why stop at TC's? :roll:

I wish you would not generalise like that.
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Postby Oracle » Fri Nov 12, 2010 11:14 am

Deniz, your reasoning faculties have been totally eliminated.
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