Cyprus is at war with Turkey. Its mission, to liberate the whole island. During times of war, special rules can be enforced. For example; view this extract from the BBC site:
Internment of civilian nationals belonging to opposing sides was carried out in varying degrees ...
At the outbreak of war there were around 80,000 potential enemy aliens in Britain who, it was feared, could be spies, or willing to assist Britain's enemies in the event of an invasion. All Germans and Austrians over the age of 16 were called before special tribunals and were divided into one of three groups:
'A' - high security risks, numbering just under 600, who were immediately interned;
'B' - 'doubtful cases', numbering around 6,500, who were supervised and subject to restrictions;
'C' - 'no security risk', numbering around 64,000, who were left at liberty.
We all know from this forum that there are 'enemy aliens' amongst us, albeit EU nationals, who present a risk to Cyprus' future by their constant promotion and peddling of anti-Cypriot propaganda as well as overtly and covertly supporting and distributing partitionist claims and demands.
The RoC would be within its rights to repatriate these people, restrict their movements or keep an eye on their daily activities.