this whole argument is based on a fallacy that a state of war exits: there is indeed a dispute with Turkey over its illegal occupation, but I dont see soldiers on either side shooting at each other - I don't see the Turkish Airfoce flying over and bombing the National Guard Facilites: there is no sign of the Turkish navy chasing the two or three support boats. It si more a "cold war" along the green line.
It is however based upon the fallacy that a state of war exists that Oracle is seking to defend the utterly indefensible, ie forced suppression of the views of thiose who do not conform to her narrow minded one-eyed facist view. IMHO with this one, Oracle has "lost the plot":
May I repeat I do not support partition, but, in a democratic society, one is allowed to hold divergent even quite offensive political views.
This however not the first time that IMHO Oracle seems to have lost the plot: one had for example the attempt to explain (if not excuse) the actions of some property developers by seeking to describe the sales as leasehold sales, not freehold sales, again IMHO a pathetic argument: let's face it, Pet! The latest indications are that that despite what the AG says, sales of property with a seller's mortgage attached is not allowed, and IMHO those that are engaging in such practices and the lawyers that are participtaing in such matters are therefore crooks.
Finally, in considering the proposition that Oracle has lost the plot, should one take into account all of the last nights posts with Video clips aimed at Militades?