kurupetos wrote:miltiades wrote:Have been on Paradise island for a week now, have enjoyed every minute, sad to be going back Sunday.
The weather has been fabulous, the people so friendly when smiled at , they respond in kind, and appreciate a chat on just about everything.
I'm preparing for todays celebratory event, my other "third's" 32nd birthday party at my apartment, much to prepare and cook. I love cooking so its not a daunting chore, I'm also practicing on my guitar a special song I wrote which goes something like this.....Happy Birthday to you.
By the way, I shall be back early May for my ...68th birthday !!
Is it true that donkeys are born in May?![]()
Let me tell you a story about donkeys and the month of May.
Many years ago when you were still hibernating in your fathers ...ameletita, 1961 to be precise, I went to the Ktima registrars office in order to obtain a birth certificate needed for my passport. The elderly lady in the office on being given a letter my godfather had handed me to give her, asked the month I was born, May I replied, oh she said you must be Akis,( my childhood name ) how did you know I said, you haven't even read the letter, well she said there was only 3 births in May in Stroumbi, you and ...two donkeys