denizaksulu wrote:Hello my dear friend.
You seek him here, you seek him seek him everywhere.....
So there you are. I can imagine you picking up your grandchildren from school. Seems to be my full-time job now.....since my retirement. What a great pleasure it is. But we don't have the sunshine you have.
I missed you reh gero. Hope you are keeping well with your new!
Regards from Ann and myself.
All the best to you and all my Cypriot friends.
Lovely to hear from you Deniz haven't see you for such a long time. Hope you and Ann are well settled in your new environment. Must arrange a meet when I get back.
Just finished preparations for tonights ....wild party bash. My 3 grandchildren, daughter, and my other ...thirds Belarussian friends who live here and are married to Cypriots. I made sure I got plenty of vodka and have been practising my guitar so that I can play them a tune or two.
An observation I made about Belarussians is that the women never stop talking
My other ...third not only does not stop talking she also manages to annoy me with her incessant frivolous talk, could be the age difference I suppose