Kikapu wrote:But those in the north who are into illegal trades like money laundering, human and drugs trafficking and so on will be happy to divide Cyprus formally and not become an EU member for obvious reasons. VP has indicated that he does not want the "trnc" to join the EU, as if the "trnc" had any chance to begin with. One wonders what is VP up to in the north to not want to be in the EU.??
Viewpoint wrote:Kikapu can you tell us anything about the money laundering antics in the south the scale and links with former Yugoslavian officials?
I'm sure it was big, but you are also talking about events taking place before Cyprus became an EU member.
Viewpoint wrote:I'm not a great supporter of the EU as I believe that originality and cultural differences enrich our lives people not standardization which the EU enforces whereby over time all the people will become officially assimilated and clone like. The EU is not this perfect entity you try to make out so that you can try to dangle it in front of the noses of TCs, there are plenty of countries who do very well and are not in the EU. Have you been to the GC government offices lately? they are the worst I have ever encountered, if that's the EU you can keep it.
Actually, each individual country retain their own identity as far as culture and traditions go, therefore the EU does not impose changes where individuals need to forgo their own culture to be assimilated to become an "EU culture", what ever you may think that is, I have no idea. EU's policies are to standardise policy makings that are practiced within the western societies to be more uniformed and standard where all EU members are on the same wavelength. This does not mean they have all lost their own country's identity.
Many countries in the Europe were doing well before becoming an EU member, but yet, they chose to become an EU member, because the benefits outweighed any negatives. Over the long period, I can see all the so called "Christian Countries" in Europe/Eastern Europe to be in the EU, including Russia, and even my newly adopted country, Switzerland, even though, with already so much Bi-lateral agreements that exists between CH-EU, we might as well be an EU member, just not formally yet... All these countries who are in the EU and all those who wants to and will be in the EU in the future, can't be all wrong, VP. And yes, I did visit some government offices in the RoC when I was there in 2007 and for the most part, they did seem to be a little chaotic, which goes to show, that each country does retain their own characteristics, no matter how chaotic they may be and the EU is not forcing anyone to do otherwise. The EU is only interested in carrying out the policies agreed on by all the EU members. How they achieve this, is on the individual countries to do it in the best way they know how.
Viewpoint wrote:As for dividing Cyprus if both sides have rights then that means TCs also have a say in how our future is shaped, if the alternatives put before us are not any better than what we have today then we to have the right to reject it like the GCs did when they were asked about the UN and EU supported solution. Do you realize this fact?
Each side cannot move forward as a unified country and one citizenship and yet retain the right to decide separately for their own future. This is not how things are done in a multi cultural societies. There needs to be one rule for everyone where that rule either benefits or harms everyone equally. In democratic countries, changes are made through public support through the ballot box and not by dividing the country into pieces. What everyone should expect from their country, is that it holds everyone accountable with a constitution that is based on Rule of Law, Equal Rights, Human Rights, International Laws, and in our case in Cyprus now, the EU Principles. These are the principles and boundaries that will secure every one's future. Once anyone who wants to go beyond those boundaries to make themself to be an special case and to seek a separate future for themselves, is when things stars to go wrong, mainly for those who wants to break away. You cannot ask more for yourself than the others within that country, other than special protection rights given to minority groups in certain situations, but if all citizens wants to be treated as equals, which I believe is what it is that you are asking for, and deservedly so, then you too will need to accept the good times and the bad times equally, as is the case in Switzerland among it's 4 main ethnic groups that make up the country.