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Turkey in The European Union, a Lethal Fait Accompli

Benefits and problems from the EU membership.

Postby Turkey (( * » Tue Aug 09, 2005 5:47 pm

Well Chomskyfan I can't do anything if you are too ...... to understand a post
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Turkey (( *
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Postby ChomskyFan » Tue Aug 09, 2005 5:57 pm

Turkey (( * wrote:Well Chomskyfan I can't do anything if you are too ...... to understand a post

I did understand it, you alluded to the European Constitution, ironically enough, Turkey's acceptance for talks was one of the 4 main factors (as cited by Gallup Pollsters) for France and Netherlands' rejection of the plan. Most continental Europeans like the idea of a politically unified Europe, there are differences of opinion over domestic policy and priorities though. For example, CAP, or whether the model of EU Constitution was 'too anglo-saxon'. These are differences of opinion in fiscal policy of the EU mostly, not whether the EU should exist.
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Postby gabaston » Tue Aug 09, 2005 9:24 pm

I thought that the constitution and the parties are the guarantees for a republic and not the Army.

yeah right the constitution of cyprus.

toilet paper.
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