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Why is this law not enforced ???

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby Gasman » Tue Nov 09, 2010 3:29 pm

Of course it is. The rightful owners of property/land are those that hold the title deeds.

So it makes no difference to you whether it is sat as it ever was, whether any buildings on it have been demolished or are being occupied, whether anything growing there has gone or whether 2 thousand new homes sit on it now?

Your hope is what? Just to get it back? Or to be able to live in or on it? How do you hope to achieve that if you don't know what the status of it now is?

Your president is bargaining about all this. He is not asking for every square inch of GC land to be returned to its rightful owner is he? Or do you imagine he is?

Can anyone confirm what I've heard that there was actually a short period of time when the GC side DID agree to this 'exchange' idea? But that they had to go back on that on account of it being so unpopular? I've heard that they did, at first, agree but later withdrew that agreement.
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Postby Kikapu » Tue Nov 09, 2010 3:35 pm

Gasman wrote:Of course it is. The rightful owners of property/land are those that hold the title deeds.

So it makes no difference to you whether it is sat as it ever was, whether any buildings on it have been demolished or are being occupied, whether anything growing there has gone or whether 2 thousand new homes sit on it now?

Your hope is what? Just to get it back? Or to be able to live in or on it? How do you hope to achieve that if you don't know what the status of it now is?

Your president is bargaining about all this. He is not asking for every square inch of GC land to be returned to its rightful owner is he? Or do you imagine he is?

Can anyone confirm what I've heard that there was actually a short period of time when the GC side DID agree to this 'exchange' idea? But that they had to go back on that on account of it being so unpopular? I've heard that they did, at first, agree but later withdrew that agreement.

A lot of GC land owners from the north upon a settlement can then just charge rent to the occupants since they own the land, or prosecute them for trespassing as per the Orams case and still collect back rent. The occupants will have the right to move their newly built houses on GC land to elsewhere and return the land as bare as it was before, or just move out and leave the property intact. The future is not so bright for those who built on GC land, I'm afraid.
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Postby apc2010 » Tue Nov 09, 2010 3:52 pm

back to my point , i agree with gasman .. enough f**king talking , if they entered via ercan then try to cross the greenline/border/cease fire line to fly from larnaca/paphos , tell them bollocks....

if you offered a private company to serve summons they would ....

btw gasman lordos is still with the echr....i think not the ipc ......
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Postby Get Real! » Tue Nov 09, 2010 3:56 pm

Gasman wrote:Can anyone confirm what I've heard that there was actually a short period of time when the GC side DID agree to this 'exchange' idea? But that they had to go back on that on account of it being so unpopular? I've heard that they did, at first, agree but later withdrew that agreement.

Not that we know of but anyway...

Our current president is but one of the many in line who have come and gone and no doubt plenty more will follow thereafter.

Now, what each of these successive presidents discussed or failed to discuss with the illegal Turkish occupier, we may never know in its entirety; it may even be about pop music for all we care, but at the end of the day what matters to us is what is IMPLEMENTED.
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Postby Get Real! » Tue Nov 09, 2010 3:58 pm

apc2010 wrote:btw gasman lordos is still with the echr....i think not the ipc ......

Now you're confusing Gasman with unnecessary details! :roll:
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Postby annaka » Tue Nov 09, 2010 4:22 pm

Most Cypriots are aware of every inch of land they own and want it back, if not for themselves, then for their heirs in the future.

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Postby Jerry » Tue Nov 09, 2010 4:45 pm

The carpetbaggers on CY44 have discussed the problem of "Greeks" visiting GC land on several occasions. They always advise that the registration number of the vehicle be noted and the "police" informed. I certainly would not hang around my property in the north if I knew I was likely to be arrested. Having said that some of my cousins visited their house in Komi Kebir and were invited in for a drink by the TCs who lived their, I doubt a carpetbagger would be as hospitable.
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Postby Gasman » Tue Nov 09, 2010 4:47 pm

Yes I know that Annaka. I read it expressed often enough. You miss my point. It seems they don't know WHAT their Pres is 'negotiating on their behalf' (do they not care because they know it has to go to referendum?) From what I've read so far he is not negotiating for every inch of GC owned land to be returned to its rightful owner.

What was the point of passing that law about anyone found crossing the line in possession of any documents relating to property purchase (I heard that could include just brochures from developers) was risking 7yrs imprisonment if they had no intention of enforcing it?

Was it done just to clarify the situation in the future should there ever be a 'settlement'? To be able to say summat like 'Well under such and such law - this was an illegal transaction?' or what?

What is the point of them talking on the one hand about prosecuting people who stay in GC owned hotels in the North and then happily allowing these holidaymakers to be collected by taxis and coaches from the 'TRNC' (no mistaking them - they are emblazoned with company names and TRNC plates) and taken over the line to be delivered to the said hotels that they are threatening to sue the guests of?

Nothing discredits the serious intention of a body quicker than when the word goes round 'nothing will happen' or 'no one ever gets nicked for it', or when documentation starts preceding the 'rules' with words like 'in theory' or 'strictly speaking' or 'according to the law, but in practice'.

I don't believe the personal hatred between GC and TC is as rife as it would appear it is on somewhere like here. I live where both live. TC registered cars park alongside GC plated ones here in my carpark and along the road and outside houses - no one is blowing them up or damaging them.

And where TC owned and operated businesses have GC customers and where you can sit and listen to Greek and Turkish being spoken at the same time. My Greek is pretty bad but my Turkish almost non existent. I've often had a GC or Greek speaking TC translate for me when someone who only speaks Turkish talks to me.

And as for the debacle of the Festival on Friday. Well, I recently attended a joint TC - GC music and dancing bash here locally lasted til about 2am. A good time was had by all - half the band were TC, the other half GC. Customers mixed with one or two Brits chucked in well - one Brit (me) and a few Brit Cyps over on holiday.

Not a word of politics spoken all night long. In fact quite a few 'Charlies' (I learned that word since coming to Cyprus - never heard it used in the UK!) I meet here who are over on holiday, when asked about any of this Cyprob shrug it off saying they all get on together in the UK, it's only in Cyprus they cannot but that over here they are about 100 yrs behind the times.
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Postby miltiades » Tue Nov 09, 2010 4:52 pm

And most purchasers are not hardened criminals, they are old age pensioners!

Most are bird brained , single rusty cell brained ignorant mostly English old codgers who know nothing about Cyprus , in fact they know nothing about nothing since they spent their lives growing up watching ...Coronation Street , Eastenders and other highly ...sophisticated intellectual ...soaps.
All without exception are senile old fools !!
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Postby miltiades » Tue Nov 09, 2010 5:00 pm

I forgot to add that the RoC OUGHT to put its mouth where its ...laws are. Those that enter Cyprus illegally should be deported and banned from setting foot on Cypriot land. We are bloody hypocrites to say the least. We tolerate law breakers and turn a blind eye towards the senile fools who have become the most vociferous critics of the RoC SOME OPENLY EXHIBITING HATRED BEYOND IMAGINATION. Lets tell these English , mostly , fucking peasants where to go , England does not want them we have enough bloody yobs without them joining in.
Ban them from the free areas I say.
While I'm on the subject let me say how revoltingly disgusting I find these type of English , mostly, peasants !
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