Viewpoint wrote:Wheres the condemnation of these actions? Why are you GCs making excuses? Or creating a smoke screen of you did this in the pst so its not a big deal.....this mentality is exactly what I talk about you GCs have not advanced one iota.
when do you condem anything the tcs do??!? ever? no matter what the turks or tcs do they do it perfect in your eyes and if its something bad you excuse it...
these gc nationalists should be ashamed with these actions, but tcs like you love this news because you can cry and say look we need to states..
does not make it any more ok.. i agree with you stuff like this should of never happened especially so long after the invasion so much hostility and hate from the nationalists fueled by the tcs like you who scream taksim and the mainland turks who wont go away and try take land and change things.