Why though has the AG,s office launched an appeal IF what the judge summized was satisfactory? Because her summation was,nt, it was incorrect and biased. And huge and damning ommisions from the evidence heard.
To quote one comment above hundreds of others :- quoted by a GC
'It is after all an ideal opportunity for the Cyprus judicial system to show the world and not least Europe that we can behave in a just, impartial & legal manner with integrity. Sadly until it happens & the justice is seen to be done then most people will remain sceptical and with justification'.
Parts of Todays Cyprus Mails Opinion :-
"It was critically important to show that the law offered protection to foreigners decieved by developers; The case of the lawyer who was ordered to pay damages to his clients was a step in the right direction. But in the last week this good work has been undone by the case of Conor O'Dwyer.
The Courts leniency towards O'Dwyers attackers was quite astonishing and will not boost the confidence of foriegners in our justice system. It is more likely to encourage the view rightly or wrongly that the courts are not very tough on crimes by Cypriots against foreigners.
The authorities may have finally realised the damage being done to Cyprus' image by our systems failure to protect property buyers, but unfortunately this seems like a case of too little too late.
there are many that cannot do what he does, here is a statement from one of many thousands who feel trapped.
"We sit in silence.
Not daring to rock the boat for fear that we will lose everything. We are being held hostage by the developer who has not/will not issue our title deeds. This stops us expressing any opinion.
At times I (and most probably all other purchases from this developer) feel at a total loss as to what we should/shouldnt be doing. None of my neighbours ever speak of this issue, too afraid of speaking to the wrong person".
Of course IF one knew the order of evidence one would know why the camera was needed maybe after the
first assault, this was the second more vicious attack by three onto one. I of course can carry a hidden camera to catch people in the act as can journalists who very often do thats how we get the UK politicians and dodgy builders in court for crookedness and corruption. Its not an offence. Its only provocation to those who know they will get caught out.
His then Lawyer managed to 'lose' the evidence from that camera
How strange? so it was,nt used anyway. They were convicted without it
Then one complaint about O'Dwyers website came five years after he started it