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The CF Judgment for the O’Dwyer case!

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Postby Schnauzer » Thu Nov 11, 2010 9:42 pm

CBBB wrote:Passed by the Presidential Palace today, no sign of conner, just a few cardboard boxes.

Are there any photographs available ?.
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Postby Mr. T » Thu Nov 11, 2010 11:31 pm

Milo wrote:Reports of shots being fired at a British TV crew in Cyprus, who have been on the Island investigating and filming a number of property scams, have appeared in the Greek language media.

ACCORDING to reports in a number of Greek language newspapers, shots were apparently fired in the direction of a British TV crew filming in Cyprus for the upcoming ITV series ‘Homes from Hell’.

The incident occurred last Sunday when the crew travelled to Frenaros to film the property at the centre of the Conor O’Dwyer case. While filming at the rear of the house they heard gunfire and the sound of shotgun pellets landing in their vicinity.

At the front of the house the film crew were confronted by a number of men, some of whom were armed. They were told that they were on private property and were ordered to stop filming.

The TV crew reported the incident to the Famagusta Divisional Police Headquarters. But apparently the Police declined to visit the scene saying that the shots probably came from hunters in an area near the property where hunting is allowed.

We shall bring you more news on this story as it unfolds. The TV crew are flying back to the UK this evening and we hope to speak with them early next week. ... /id=006121

The following comments made on the Cyprus Mail website are beginning to touch on the ' Cyprus self destruct button'.

Road Warrior comments:
You could not make it up, welcome to “Banjo Country”, they could not show their country in a worse light.

When this is aired in the UK, it will not matter about Eurocypria going bust, possibly eventually followed by Cyprus Airways, nobody will want to come here anyway, why not just close the airports and build another two golf courses……..

Property industry in meltdown, tourist industry in crisis, people stabbing each other in the street in Larnaca and “The Pres,” is pressing the flesh in New York and on a jolly to Slovakia.

Surely, at the next election the Cypriot people will deliver a reality check.

November 11, 2010 at 7:51 pm
Matt comments:
This really resembles a scene from a gipsy camp you know. Where the police or unwelcome visitors arrive and you’re greeted with a shotgun in your face.

Cyprus – where are you heading? Who really wants to live there and who wants their kids growing up amongst this village culture – Not I for sure.

Holidays from Hell – more like the island that time forgot!

It can only get worse from now on and will the British Consulate step in?

I think not..

November 11, 2010 at 7:31 pm
Andrew comments:
A brilliant idea. Congratulations to the persons who fired in the direction of the film crew.

Now UK ITV will certainly be back again and hopefully BBC, Channel 4/5, SKY NEWS etc and maybe even the world media in General.

November 11, 2010 at 7:19 pm
Peter comments:
Welcome to Cyprus where anything goes in a 3rd World Country, how did it ever get into an exclusive club like the EU?

Even the village idiot knows that shooting alongside houses for a certain distances or in a built up area is forbidden.

Hope the crew got all the pictures for their TV program, it will be worthwhile watching another nail in the coffin of Cyprus.
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Postby Oracle » Thu Nov 11, 2010 11:52 pm

Mr. T wrote:it will be worthwhile watching another nail in the coffin of Cyprus.


You pitiful "gang" of evil-wishers, rubbing your hands with glee. Enjoy the eternal hell ruminating in your shrunken brains.

Plenty of Brits waiting in the wings to join Cyprus now the pathetic prototypes have failed to survive in the cut and thrust of Mediterranean living ... :D
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Postby Schnauzer » Thu Nov 11, 2010 11:53 pm

Mr. T wrote:
Milo wrote:Reports of shots being fired at a British TV crew in Cyprus, who have been on the Island investigating and filming a number of property scams, have appeared in the Greek language media.

ACCORDING to reports in a number of Greek language newspapers, shots were apparently fired in the direction of a British TV crew filming in Cyprus for the upcoming ITV series ‘Homes from Hell’.

The incident occurred last Sunday when the crew travelled to Frenaros to film the property at the centre of the Conor O’Dwyer case. While filming at the rear of the house they heard gunfire and the sound of shotgun pellets landing in their vicinity.

At the front of the house the film crew were confronted by a number of men, some of whom were armed. They were told that they were on private property and were ordered to stop filming.

The TV crew reported the incident to the Famagusta Divisional Police Headquarters. But apparently the Police declined to visit the scene saying that the shots probably came from hunters in an area near the property where hunting is allowed.

We shall bring you more news on this story as it unfolds. The TV crew are flying back to the UK this evening and we hope to speak with them early next week. ... /id=006121

The following comments made on the Cyprus Mail website are beginning to touch on the ' Cyprus self destruct button'.

Road Warrior comments:
You could not make it up, welcome to “Banjo Country”, they could not show their country in a worse light.

When this is aired in the UK, it will not matter about Eurocypria going bust, possibly eventually followed by Cyprus Airways, nobody will want to come here anyway, why not just close the airports and build another two golf courses……..

Property industry in meltdown, tourist industry in crisis, people stabbing each other in the street in Larnaca and “The Pres,” is pressing the flesh in New York and on a jolly to Slovakia.

Surely, at the next election the Cypriot people will deliver a reality check.

November 11, 2010 at 7:51 pm
Matt comments:
This really resembles a scene from a gipsy camp you know. Where the police or unwelcome visitors arrive and you’re greeted with a shotgun in your face.

Cyprus – where are you heading? Who really wants to live there and who wants their kids growing up amongst this village culture – Not I for sure.

Holidays from Hell – more like the island that time forgot!

It can only get worse from now on and will the British Consulate step in?

I think not..

November 11, 2010 at 7:31 pm
Andrew comments:
A brilliant idea. Congratulations to the persons who fired in the direction of the film crew.

Now UK ITV will certainly be back again and hopefully BBC, Channel 4/5, SKY NEWS etc and maybe even the world media in General.

November 11, 2010 at 7:19 pm
Peter comments:
Welcome to Cyprus where anything goes in a 3rd World Country, how did it ever get into an exclusive club like the EU?

Even the village idiot knows that shooting alongside houses for a certain distances or in a built up area is forbidden.

Hope the crew got all the pictures for their TV program, it will be worthwhile watching another nail in the coffin of Cyprus.

The British have done enough damage to Cyprus already, doubtless they will now wallow in whatever capital they can make out of this nonsensical episode in order to support Conor's campaign (in tandem with their REAL interest in bolstering the position of the 'Carpetbaggers') so that eventually they may extricate themselves from yet another situation they have created to the detriment of the innocent.

Actually, the British public may not be too interested in what the T.V. crews may report............ 'Bad Timing' you see.................... poor Jack Duckworth has just died in 'Coronation Street' and, coupled with 'Remembrance Sunday' and the 'Student Riots', it may well prove to be too much for them to take in at one time, especially since the 'Dossers' are facing severe cutbacks in their handouts.

Like Karayiannis said (and thank God) "You are not in England now!".

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Postby CBBB » Fri Nov 12, 2010 12:02 am

Mr. T wrote:
Milo wrote:Reports of shots being fired at a British TV crew in Cyprus, who have been on the Island investigating and filming a number of property scams, have appeared in the Greek language media.

ACCORDING to reports in a number of Greek language newspapers, shots were apparently fired in the direction of a British TV crew filming in Cyprus for the upcoming ITV series ‘Homes from Hell’.

The incident occurred last Sunday when the crew travelled to Frenaros to film the property at the centre of the Conor O’Dwyer case. While filming at the rear of the house they heard gunfire and the sound of shotgun pellets landing in their vicinity.

At the front of the house the film crew were confronted by a number of men, some of whom were armed. They were told that they were on private property and were ordered to stop filming.

The TV crew reported the incident to the Famagusta Divisional Police Headquarters. But apparently the Police declined to visit the scene saying that the shots probably came from hunters in an area near the property where hunting is allowed.

We shall bring you more news on this story as it unfolds. The TV crew are flying back to the UK this evening and we hope to speak with them early next week. ... /id=006121

The following comments made on the Cyprus Mail website are beginning to touch on the ' Cyprus self destruct button'.

Road Warrior comments:
You could not make it up, welcome to “Banjo Country”, they could not show their country in a worse light.

When this is aired in the UK, it will not matter about Eurocypria going bust, possibly eventually followed by Cyprus Airways, nobody will want to come here anyway, why not just close the airports and build another two golf courses……..

Property industry in meltdown, tourist industry in crisis, people stabbing each other in the street in Larnaca and “The Pres,” is pressing the flesh in New York and on a jolly to Slovakia.

Surely, at the next election the Cypriot people will deliver a reality check.

November 11, 2010 at 7:51 pm
Matt comments:
This really resembles a scene from a gipsy camp you know. Where the police or unwelcome visitors arrive and you’re greeted with a shotgun in your face.

Cyprus – where are you heading? Who really wants to live there and who wants their kids growing up amongst this village culture – Not I for sure.

Holidays from Hell – more like the island that time forgot!

It can only get worse from now on and will the British Consulate step in?

I think not..

November 11, 2010 at 7:31 pm
Andrew comments:
A brilliant idea. Congratulations to the persons who fired in the direction of the film crew.

Now UK ITV will certainly be back again and hopefully BBC, Channel 4/5, SKY NEWS etc and maybe even the world media in General.

November 11, 2010 at 7:19 pm
Peter comments:
Welcome to Cyprus where anything goes in a 3rd World Country, how did it ever get into an exclusive club like the EU?

Even the village idiot knows that shooting alongside houses for a certain distances or in a built up area is forbidden.

Hope the crew got all the pictures for their TV program, it will be worthwhile watching another nail in the coffin of Cyprus.

The ravings of semi-literate benefit fraudsters.
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Postby Jack M » Fri Nov 12, 2010 12:24 am

There was of course Alan Waring's letter in todays Cyprus Mail too.

They say there's no such thing as bad publicity but then again, a convicted criminal beating up his customers really can't be classed as a good marketing tool for attracting future business. ... d/20101111

The court of world opinion has already decided

Now that the judgement on the Conor O'Dwyer assault case has been handed down, many people around the world will be drawing their own conclusions about the quality and integrity of the Cyprus justice system.

The Sunday Mail editorial opinion on the ramifications was spot-on. In many respects, the judgement, light sentences and judge's comments seeking to blame the victim for being beaten up have become somewhat irrelevant in the wider scheme of things.

For, the Court of World Opinion had already delivered its own judgement and was already administering its own collective punishment. The particular defendant company will be lucky to survive, given the extent of the global media antipathy towards the defendants.

Whatever the public position of the Cyprus establishment in apparently supporting errant developers in general in their appalling and often fraudulent treatment of buyers, they are now definitely feeling the pain of the consequences. The entire property industry and the economy as a whole will continue to be punished by the on-going failure to correct the title deeds-cum-fraud scandal. The latest Conor O'Dwyer judgement will simply ensure that foreign buyers do not return for some years, even if the government took drastic corrective action today.

All trust and confidence has gone. The boycott by foreign buyers may even be permanent.

Alan Waring, Larnaca
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Postby Mr. T » Fri Nov 12, 2010 12:28 am

Get Real! wrote:
Mr. T wrote:No it was Olympic Gold Medals (PLURAL) and you ARE clutching at straws and trying to take matters away from the claim..

You may be impressed but then you are a Greek Cypriot after all.

What is impressive, as well as Leichstenstein's acheivements, is the FACT that another tiny nation, The Bahamas has won Olympic gold medals and even the likes of Qatar, Luxembourg and Tonga have won medals too.

I expect Cyprus could win one before the Pitcairn Islands but then their population is in the region of 50.

Oh I see what your problem is… you’re looking for a way to insult Cyprus for personal reasons!

I actually have a soft spot for Cyprus as it has been but not the Cyprus it now is...... a backward country that does not deserve to be in the EU. My hope, however, is that you and many other contributors to this forum are not representative of the average Cypriot . If you are not there is hope yet.

You sad fuck… here’s something to put in your pipe and smoke then…

Using such profanities just show you for what you are.

http://common-wealth-games-2010.blogspo ... sults.html

I am well aware of the fact that Cyprus did reasonably well in Dehli but it was only the Commonwealth Games after all with Olympic gold medal winners and world record holders not even turning up. However much you try to get away from the original point the claim was about Cypriot Olympic Gold medal winners who are in fact non-existent

And don’t forget to do your little population to medals ratio comparisons! :wink:

What ratio comparisons? Pointing out that many countries with tiny populations tower above Cyprus with their successes does not fit into this description. When will GCs stop making things up? Could it be that they believe what they say and write or don't they understand simple matters
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Postby Mr. T » Fri Nov 12, 2010 12:32 am

CBBB wrote:
Mr. T wrote:
Milo wrote:Reports of shots being fired at a British TV crew in Cyprus, who have been on the Island investigating and filming a number of property scams, have appeared in the Greek language media.

ACCORDING to reports in a number of Greek language newspapers, shots were apparently fired in the direction of a British TV crew filming in Cyprus for the upcoming ITV series ‘Homes from Hell’.

The incident occurred last Sunday when the crew travelled to Frenaros to film the property at the centre of the Conor O’Dwyer case. While filming at the rear of the house they heard gunfire and the sound of shotgun pellets landing in their vicinity.

At the front of the house the film crew were confronted by a number of men, some of whom were armed. They were told that they were on private property and were ordered to stop filming.

The TV crew reported the incident to the Famagusta Divisional Police Headquarters. But apparently the Police declined to visit the scene saying that the shots probably came from hunters in an area near the property where hunting is allowed.

We shall bring you more news on this story as it unfolds. The TV crew are flying back to the UK this evening and we hope to speak with them early next week. ... /id=006121

The following comments made on the Cyprus Mail website are beginning to touch on the ' Cyprus self destruct button'.

Road Warrior comments:
You could not make it up, welcome to “Banjo Country”, they could not show their country in a worse light.

When this is aired in the UK, it will not matter about Eurocypria going bust, possibly eventually followed by Cyprus Airways, nobody will want to come here anyway, why not just close the airports and build another two golf courses……..

Property industry in meltdown, tourist industry in crisis, people stabbing each other in the street in Larnaca and “The Pres,” is pressing the flesh in New York and on a jolly to Slovakia.

Surely, at the next election the Cypriot people will deliver a reality check.

November 11, 2010 at 7:51 pm
Matt comments:
This really resembles a scene from a gipsy camp you know. Where the police or unwelcome visitors arrive and you’re greeted with a shotgun in your face.

Cyprus – where are you heading? Who really wants to live there and who wants their kids growing up amongst this village culture – Not I for sure.

Holidays from Hell – more like the island that time forgot!

It can only get worse from now on and will the British Consulate step in?

I think not..

November 11, 2010 at 7:31 pm
Andrew comments:
A brilliant idea. Congratulations to the persons who fired in the direction of the film crew.

Now UK ITV will certainly be back again and hopefully BBC, Channel 4/5, SKY NEWS etc and maybe even the world media in General.

November 11, 2010 at 7:19 pm
Peter comments:
Welcome to Cyprus where anything goes in a 3rd World Country, how did it ever get into an exclusive club like the EU?

Even the village idiot knows that shooting alongside houses for a certain distances or in a built up area is forbidden.

Hope the crew got all the pictures for their TV program, it will be worthwhile watching another nail in the coffin of Cyprus.

The ravings of semi-literate benefit fraudsters.

Making things up again when you have no valid argument. Deplorable.
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Postby Get Real! » Fri Nov 12, 2010 12:36 am

Jack M wrote:The court of world opinion has already decided
Alan Waring, Larnaca

Such is the ignorance and/or double standards of the average Brit that they’ll post such ridiculously melodramatic complaints about trivial isolated incidents in foreign countries, yet ignore the utter disgrace in theirs…

The British are committing War Crimes...

The corrupt British solicitor’s portfolio!

The British Corruption Portfolio!

After 36 years in the EU, the UK still LOVES paying fines!

The British animal cruelty shame file!
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Postby Mr. T » Fri Nov 12, 2010 1:00 am

Schnauzer wrote:
Mr. T wrote:
Milo wrote:Reports of shots being fired at a British TV crew in Cyprus, who have been on the Island investigating and filming a number of property scams, have appeared in the Greek language media.

ACCORDING to reports in a number of Greek language newspapers, shots were apparently fired in the direction of a British TV crew filming in Cyprus for the upcoming ITV series ‘Homes from Hell’.

The incident occurred last Sunday when the crew travelled to Frenaros to film the property at the centre of the Conor O’Dwyer case. While filming at the rear of the house they heard gunfire and the sound of shotgun pellets landing in their vicinity.

At the front of the house the film crew were confronted by a number of men, some of whom were armed. They were told that they were on private property and were ordered to stop filming.

The TV crew reported the incident to the Famagusta Divisional Police Headquarters. But apparently the Police declined to visit the scene saying that the shots probably came from hunters in an area near the property where hunting is allowed.

We shall bring you more news on this story as it unfolds. The TV crew are flying back to the UK this evening and we hope to speak with them early next week. ... /id=006121

The following comments made on the Cyprus Mail website are beginning to touch on the ' Cyprus self destruct button'.

Road Warrior comments:
You could not make it up, welcome to “Banjo Country”, they could not show their country in a worse light.

When this is aired in the UK, it will not matter about Eurocypria going bust, possibly eventually followed by Cyprus Airways, nobody will want to come here anyway, why not just close the airports and build another two golf courses……..

Property industry in meltdown, tourist industry in crisis, people stabbing each other in the street in Larnaca and “The Pres,” is pressing the flesh in New York and on a jolly to Slovakia.

Surely, at the next election the Cypriot people will deliver a reality check.

November 11, 2010 at 7:51 pm
Matt comments:
This really resembles a scene from a gipsy camp you know. Where the police or unwelcome visitors arrive and you’re greeted with a shotgun in your face.

Cyprus – where are you heading? Who really wants to live there and who wants their kids growing up amongst this village culture – Not I for sure.

Holidays from Hell – more like the island that time forgot!

It can only get worse from now on and will the British Consulate step in?

I think not..

November 11, 2010 at 7:31 pm
Andrew comments:
A brilliant idea. Congratulations to the persons who fired in the direction of the film crew.

Now UK ITV will certainly be back again and hopefully BBC, Channel 4/5, SKY NEWS etc and maybe even the world media in General.

November 11, 2010 at 7:19 pm
Peter comments:
Welcome to Cyprus where anything goes in a 3rd World Country, how did it ever get into an exclusive club like the EU?

Even the village idiot knows that shooting alongside houses for a certain distances or in a built up area is forbidden.

Hope the crew got all the pictures for their TV program, it will be worthwhile watching another nail in the coffin of Cyprus.

The British have done enough damage to Cyprus already, doubtless they will now wallow in whatever capital they can make out of this nonsensical episode in order to support Conor's campaign (in tandem with their REAL interest in bolstering the position of the 'Carpetbaggers') so that eventually they may extricate themselves from yet another situation they have created to the detriment of the innocent.

The first part of this statement is pure nonsense and typical of GCs on this forum. The carpet-baggers (unscrupulous opportunists) are in this instance the developers, estates agents and lawyers.

Actually, the British public may not be too interested in what the T.V. crews may report............ 'Bad Timing' you see.................... poor Jack Duckworth has just died in 'Coronation Street' and, coupled with 'Remembrance Sunday' and the 'Student Riots', it may well prove to be too much for them to take in at one time, especially since the 'Dossers' are facing severe cutbacks in their handouts.

What the hell have dossers got to do with purchasers of offshore property?

The horrific story of what the situation was and still is in Cyprus regarding corrupt developers, lawyers and estate agents and perhaps even more so the police/legal system will be in, on the radio, the internet and television for months if not years in the UK and elsewhere. All Greek Cypriots will unfortunately pay the price.

Like Karayiannis said (and thank God) "You are not in England now!".

Absolutely no doubt Karayiannis is glad he isn't in England or for that matter in numerous other countries where there are decent legal systems
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