Viewpoint wrote:Why dont you tell us all the truth Kikapu what did the Turks do to you?
Well Insan knows the story I guess. Once he told kakapouros was 'hurt' by some Turks when he was 8. Acittilar mi acaba?
Viewpoint wrote:Why dont you tell us all the truth Kikapu what did the Turks do to you?
Viewpoint wrote:It must be something that has instilled so much hate and animosity against us that he has no problem running us into the ground at every opportunity and stabbing us in the back with dud plans which would all his bum chums the GCs to dominate us at will .
runaway wrote:Viewpoint wrote:Why dont you tell us all the truth Kikapu what did the Turks do to you?
Well Insan knows the story I guess. Once he told kakapouros was 'hurt' by some Turks when he was 8. Acittilar mi acaba?
Viewpoint wrote:It must be something that has instilled so much hate and animosity against us that he has no problem running us into the ground at every opportunity and stabbing us in the back with dud plans which would all his bum chums the GCs to dominate us at will .
Viewpoint wrote:You are clearly a jester of words a dangerous traitor who will die full of hate and animosity towards TCs. You think you know everything but you know nothing and impress no one your only supporters are GCs.
Viewpoint wrote:No you are clearly the traitor, you have used "true democracy" to sell us out to The Gcs.
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