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Bribe scandal of American politicians to serve Turkish goals

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Postby frogman » Thu Aug 11, 2005 8:57 pm

ChomskyFan wrote:
frogman wrote:
ChomskyFan wrote:
frogman wrote:
ChomskyFan wrote:
frogman wrote:
YeReVaN wrote:The Democrats in U.S senate, Greece, Cyrpus and Armenia are closely watching the developments.

sorry but i have question???

how much money pays the armenian lobby in america for politician???
oh, i think not only in america also in canda, france, switzerland, sweden........

How about the Jewish Lobby? Israel will not survive unless it admits it is stealing and gives in to justice.

you think so???
we have the strongest army in the world! we have high-tec weapon and we have atomboombs!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: 8) 8) 8) 8) 8)
nobody can stop us!!!

My ignorant little friend, as soon as America finds a new 'partner' in the Middle East (i.e. Stooge/Client State), or it's strategic policy changes, America will cut it's Military Aid and there will be hell to pay, you honestly think America going to keep on paying the Aid even though it finds new stooges and energy sources to dominate?

STOP, you forgot our big community in usa and the most big company´s in u.s. is in hand of jewish people!!! :lol:
you and the rest of the world are jealous.... oooohhhhhhh!!!
and we have our owen weapons!!!

That means nothing, the percent of the elite that is comprised of Jews is minimal. I am jealous of nothing, my own father has a succesful business as well as most other Greeks I have met. You realize when the aid is cut you will have to give Palestinians their own state.

you are a greek! your father have no company, your father have olivestrees :lol:
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Postby ChomskyFan » Thu Aug 11, 2005 9:00 pm

frogman wrote:
ChomskyFan wrote:
frogman wrote:
ChomskyFan wrote:
frogman wrote:
ChomskyFan wrote:
frogman wrote:
YeReVaN wrote:The Democrats in U.S senate, Greece, Cyrpus and Armenia are closely watching the developments.

sorry but i have question???

how much money pays the armenian lobby in america for politician???
oh, i think not only in america also in canda, france, switzerland, sweden........

How about the Jewish Lobby? Israel will not survive unless it admits it is stealing and gives in to justice.

you think so???
we have the strongest army in the world! we have high-tec weapon and we have atomboombs!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: 8) 8) 8) 8) 8)
nobody can stop us!!!

My ignorant little friend, as soon as America finds a new 'partner' in the Middle East (i.e. Stooge/Client State), or it's strategic policy changes, America will cut it's Military Aid and there will be hell to pay, you honestly think America going to keep on paying the Aid even though it finds new stooges and energy sources to dominate?

STOP, you forgot our big community in usa and the most big company´s in u.s. is in hand of jewish people!!! :lol:
you and the rest of the world are jealous.... oooohhhhhhh!!!
and we have our owen weapons!!!

That means nothing, the percent of the elite that is comprised of Jews is minimal. I am jealous of nothing, my own father has a succesful business as well as most other Greeks I have met. You realize when the aid is cut you will have to give Palestinians their own state.

you are a greek! your father have no company, your father have olivestrees :lol:

Nah, it's an Import Company. I know a couple of Greeks who are friends of my dad's who made it quite big using the Olive Oil Business.
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Postby YeReVaN » Sun Aug 14, 2005 9:16 pm

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Postby Agios Amvrosios » Wed Aug 24, 2005 5:16 am

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Postby BirKibrisli » Thu Aug 25, 2005 5:14 pm

Hey,you guys got off the topic a bit no?
It was about bribing American politicians to further Turkish goals.
You probably heard about this: A little while ago a plane landed at ERCAN airport in the North supposedly carrying American politicians.Talat's government made a big fuss of it,these brave folks were coming to break the embargo against the TRNC.They were met by high-level officials in suits and ties with red carpet and everything.What came out of the plane were 7 very scared looking young people in shorts,T-shirts and sandals,some even in thongs.They hid there faces when they saw the cameras and were quite puzzled by their reception.If anybody paid for these tourists to come to ERCAN the joke was on the ones who paid.The tourists were recent graduate assistants to Senators or Congressmen or whatever,and they were just there for a holiday.How this advanced Turkey's goals is anybody's guess.Politics is dirty,my friends.People will do anything to advance their cause however distasteful it might be.Get real.Only people power,vigilance,education,and intelligence can get the better of politicians of all nationalities.By fighting each other,by calling each other names,by reciting racist propaganda,by saying my nuclear bomb is bigger than yours,we are only falling into the nationalist trap that has brought us where we are today in the world. :cry:
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