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Bribe scandal of American politicians to serve Turkish goals

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Postby Main_Source » Mon Aug 08, 2005 3:01 pm

Chomsky, Remember don't hate the player - hate the game

This aint Boyz N The Hood the more you people come out with lame statements like this to justify ruining countless lives accross the world for you won political greed...the more chances you'd get of another Boeing 747 crashing into your head.
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Postby ChomskyFan » Mon Aug 08, 2005 3:10 pm

Main_Source wrote:
Chomsky, Remember don't hate the player - hate the game

This aint Boyz N The Hood the more you people come out with lame statements like this to justify ruining countless lives accross the world for you won political greed...the more chances you'd get of another Boeing 747 crashing into your head.

Source my friend, calm down, a lot of Americans do not know what is done in their name, but I'm sure if they would they would be absolutely disgusted. I know it is annoying at times that many of them are so exposed to the lies that The Democrats and Republicans (two sides of the same coin) peddle, but please calm down a bit.
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Postby YeReVaN » Mon Aug 08, 2005 7:47 pm

The point is, if Turkey was so proud of its history and have nothing to hide, why did they pay the FAT BASTARD, Denis Hastert money to stop the recognition? ... p?prid=790
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Postby Turkey (( * » Mon Aug 08, 2005 8:16 pm

The $50,000 is money that was given to Dennis Haster’s, but was sent to his political campaign, not his personal bank account. Of course, there are ways to manipulate campaign money, but it cannot be used for his personal gain. All politicians by law have to keep third party, stringent public accountants on their staffs in an effort to manage the money. He cannot just go withdraw the money, as he wants out of the bank and buy a car with it. I sure he can throw a few, “Campaign dinners” at his house or on the beach, but it would be tough to hide $50,000.

A few years ago, the Clinton’s would rent a ballroom, and charge $1,000 dollars a plate for their fundraisers. It could be seen as a bribe, (buy a plate-meet the Clintons) but the money just went from the dinner guest to the Democratic Party campaign accounts.

Trust me, if the Democratic party (Haster’s opposition party) believed that he personally accepted $50,000 he would be out of a job immediately. They would remove him as Speaker of the House.

Reagan almost got in trouble with this. Clinton’s VP almost got in trouble with this.

Any US Citizen can only legally provide up to about $3,000 dollars as an individual to another individual running for a public office. But as a member of a political party (which any one could be), one can donate as much as they want and can donate for a campaign in 3 to 6 years in the future. The 50K most likely would have been for his campaign fund.

Now for the conspirators and the haters, lets just say Dennis Haster was an Ultra-Pro, Turkish sympathizer. A real-anti-Greek, anti-Cypriot idiot….. it really would not matter.

This is what JustAnAmerican said. Do you agree or disagree, if you do why??
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Postby YeReVaN » Mon Aug 08, 2005 8:32 pm

Trust me, if the Democratic party (Haster’s opposition party) believed that he personally accepted $50,000 he would be out of a job immediately. They would remove him as Speaker of the House.

Democrants just found out about this news. Fat Bastard did not get off the hook yet. I think the whole transcript will be released in September.
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Postby fi » Mon Aug 08, 2005 9:41 pm

Well I think it's the whole worldwide move from democracy to despotism. Also a shame as in a democracy supposedly anyone can run and be elected, but in reality the system itself only allows the few rich to be able to cope financially with the campaign etc. and many seek shady means to gain funds. Also greediness and lack of moral values.

Government posts should offer to my opinion no financial gains (besides any normal salary similar to what all people get) but be mainly a moral reward.
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Postby JustAnAmerican » Tue Aug 09, 2005 4:10 pm

Main_Source wrote:
Chomsky, Remember don't hate the player - hate the game

This aint Boyz N The Hood the more you people come out with lame statements like this to justify ruining countless lives accross the world for you won political greed...the more chances you'd get of another Boeing 747 crashing into your head.

Source, Is the momma's boy, DJ-jazzy-Source making a personal threat?

Son, I have dealt with professional assholes in my years of overseas experience, folks that had a real reason to be angry, believe me boy, you ain't shit.
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Postby YeReVaN » Tue Aug 09, 2005 7:50 pm

The government of Cyprus is following closely developments regarding assertions in the US magazine ''Vanity Fair'', that US MPs have been bribed to promote Turkish interests in political issues regarding Cyprus, Armenia and Greco - Turkish relations.

''The government is following the developments and holds explanatory contacts to ascertain if the magazine's claims are true'' Cyprus Government Spokesman Kypros Chrysostomides said today.

Asked if the government's contacts have brought any results, he said ''nothing concrete yet''.

He added that the issue ''concerns first of all the US'' and expressed conviction that it will be investigated.
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Postby ChomskyFan » Tue Aug 09, 2005 7:53 pm

YeReVaN wrote:The government of Cyprus is following closely developments regarding assertions in the US magazine ''Vanity Fair'', that US MPs have been bribed to promote Turkish interests in political issues regarding Cyprus, Armenia and Greco - Turkish relations.

''The government is following the developments and holds explanatory contacts to ascertain if the magazine's claims are true'' Cyprus Government Spokesman Kypros Chrysostomides said today.

Asked if the government's contacts have brought any results, he said ''nothing concrete yet''.

He added that the issue ''concerns first of all the US'' and expressed conviction that it will be investigated.

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Postby YeReVaN » Tue Aug 09, 2005 8:26 pm

Like I said the Fat Bastard is not off the hook yet.
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