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Shocking article in today's Cyprus Mail

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Shocking article in today's Cyprus Mail

Postby cannedmoose » Sun Aug 07, 2005 2:49 pm

If this can happen to an ambassador's dog, God knows what they treat the rest like... :shock: Very worried about bringing mine over eventually...

‘They treated my dog like luggage’
By Jean Christou

FORMER EU ambassador to Cyprus Adriaan van der Meer yesterday accused Cyprus Airways (CY) of killing his family’s pet dog by leaving him out in the sun for 50 minutes.

Van der Meer, who left Cyprus last week after a three-year stint on the island that saw through the Annan plan referendum, Cyprus’ EU accession and the opening of the checkpoints told the Sunday Mail the loss of his pet constituted “a bit of a bitter end to an interesting three-year stay in Cyprus.

“My dog got heatstroke because they left him too long on the tarmac before loading,” he said. “Basically it was gross incompetence and mishandling by Cyprus Airways.”
Van der Meer said the airline had no special handlers, no procedures, and no special place to keep animals before boarding.

Full article at ... &archive=1
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Postby hincyprus » Sun Aug 07, 2005 3:40 pm

This is typical Cyprus attitude to pets.

A farmer opposite us left a mother and two 4 month old (approx) pups out in the sun with sod all shelter....

We informed the Government Vet service. (we did not want him proscecuted just the dogs in shelter from the sun). It took them 2 weeks to attend. Then they gave him a week to put them in good cover, and decent food instead of the dry bread he was feeding them.

Two weeks later they still had not come back to inspect and in that time he put the dofs in an open field with no water at all.

To cut a long story dog disappeared, later found in a field with some cover but little water and no food.

The other pup died ten minutes before I got him to a vet.......after we saw the farmer looking at something in his watermellon field and kicking it.....we went over to find it was the dog he waskicking as it lay dying.

The mother he set loose but she stayed locally so we could get food and water too her.

Thanks to a RSPCA rep in Nicosia who steamed into the Vet service they have now got him to rehouse mum properly.........

Not all but many Cypriots treat the dogs/cats with disdain. Why they have them I do not know....

In my village I have never seen a Cypriot owned dog with a licence tag, cos it nowmeans chipping, Gov Vet registering etc etc..

I rest my case but I am deeply sorry that an animal should have been alloed to die in those circumstances.

Hopefully someone will be proscecuted for this crime......and it is a crime.

If anyone else feels like cxampaigning against animal cruelty in Cyprus get in touch.

Yes I know the UK can be just as bad............That pisses me off as well but I can do something here and so can you...

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Postby cannedmoose » Sun Aug 07, 2005 3:55 pm

H, when I finally get over there, you can count on my support for your campaign. I hate people who harm defenceless animals, they're one of the lowest forms of coward. I also hate people who just let their dogs roam freely across the land. Most dogs have been bred to remain domesticated and need human company. I've never understood the mentality that says they should be left outside in a shed and left to fend for themselves. I probably pamper my own pooch too much, but to me she is my daughter and I have undertaken a responsibility by owning her to care for her, show her affection and make sure her life is a happy one. I just wish more people did the same. Count me in my friend.
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Postby Piratis » Sun Aug 07, 2005 4:29 pm

If this dog died just with 50 minutes in the sun then it means it wasn't made for Cyprus weather and it shouldn't have been here.

I hate people who harm defenceless animals

Do you eat meet? From where do you think it comes from?
Cultures treat different kinds of animals in different ways, but there is no better culture regarding this (except the vegetarians).
For example in India the cow is a a holy animal, and in Sri Lanka rabbits are pets. In some countries they eat dogs.
Now I am not saying that any animal should harmed without a reason. Personally I even throw cockroaches out of my home instead of killing them. However being over sensitive on these matters while at the same time consuming a ton of meat is very hypocritical in my opinion.
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Postby hincyprus » Sun Aug 07, 2005 5:19 pm

[quote="Piratis"]If this dog died just with 50 minutes in the sun then it means it wasn't made for Cyprus weather and it shouldn't have been here.

You really are talking a load of bollocks.................its not often I swear but that dog had lived here for several years and had come to no harm at all........

It was the result of blatant disregard and ineptitude that, that dog died.....whoever was responsible cared not one fig for the animals' well being and personally I would be the first person to lock the b......d up.

With regard to eating meat, fish, etc ......I must agree that it is hypocritical but we have learned to live with it, a) pets bred for the purpose and b) animals bred for eating.

Neither should be subjected to inhumane treatment but I realise that it does happen (veal).

I personally could never be a farmer as I could not take my cattle/birds/fish to market .

But yes, I am afraid I would eat them, and do.

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Postby ChomskyFan » Sun Aug 07, 2005 5:35 pm

I remember my dad told me a British soldier threw his cat into the harbour and so it drowned (because it couldnt get up) and died.
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Postby cannedmoose » Sun Aug 07, 2005 6:02 pm

Firstly I second H's comments re: Piratis' statement. Yes, I eat meat, but at the end of the day those animals are not pets, they are bred for human consumption and have rules governing their treatment from birth until death, so your point is both meaningless and disingenuous and designed to distract from the point of this article.

As H pointed out, any dog left in direct sunlight during the heat of the day without a source of water would be in trouble. The fact that the harm to this dog occurred under those who were entrusted by Van Der Meer to be responsible for its welfare is even more sickening. If someone treated my dog like that I would be tempted to confine that person in a cage for 50 mins under the midday sun and see how they responded... the chances are that no-one will be punished for this, because animals in the eyes of Cypriot authorities mean virtually nothing.

When I'm in the same position and transporting my dog to Cyprus (which I only intend to do once), I intend to get off the plane and stand on the tarmac until my pet is removed from the aircraft, whereupon I will make sure that she receives the appropriate checks on her welfare before being transported to the terminal building. If the proper procedures are not followed, I will make it my business to cause maximum damage to the career of the individuals concerned. It may sound OTT, but to lose a family pet is like losing a member of the family and should be that way if you really care for your animal.

Chomsky, as for your comment regarding the actions of a British soldier in the 1950s, I fail to see its significance here beyond an attempt to claim that all British people fail to care about animals. We have some bad apples yes, but the RSPCA is an effective body to deal with such idiots. Also, in my experience, the animal reception centres at Heathrow and other British airports are second to none in the care they provide for animals in transit. I only wish I could say the same about Larnaka and Pafos... bringing my dog to Cyprus is a logistic task in itself, without having to worry about how others could harm her in the process.
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Postby demetriou_74 » Sun Aug 07, 2005 6:17 pm

my first post after my 2 week holiday in cyprus is..........
if god did not want us to eat animals he would not of made them out of meat.
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Postby cannedmoose » Sun Aug 07, 2005 6:18 pm

In order to get this thread back 'on topic', I post a quote of the most recent post directly relating to the subject...

Cannedmoose wrote:Firstly I second H's comments re: Piratis' statement. Yes, I eat meat, but at the end of the day those animals are not pets, they are bred for human consumption and have rules governing their treatment from birth until death, so your point is both meaningless and disingenuous and designed to distract from the point of this article.

As H pointed out, any dog left in direct sunlight during the heat of the day without a source of water would be in trouble. The fact that the harm to this dog occurred under those who were entrusted by Van Der Meer to be responsible for its welfare is even more sickening. If someone treated my dog like that I would be tempted to confine that person in a cage for 50 mins under the midday sun and see how they responded... the chances are that no-one will be punished for this, because animals in the eyes of Cypriot authorities mean virtually nothing.

When I'm in the same position and transporting my dog to Cyprus (which I only intend to do once), I intend to get off the plane and stand on the tarmac until my pet is removed from the aircraft, whereupon I will make sure that she receives the appropriate checks on her welfare before being transported to the terminal building. If the proper procedures are not followed, I will make it my business to cause maximum damage to the career of the individuals concerned. It may sound OTT, but to lose a family pet is like losing a member of the family and should be that way if you really care for your animal.

Chomsky, as for your comment regarding the actions of a British soldier in the 1950s, I fail to see its significance here beyond an attempt to claim that all British people fail to care about animals. We have some bad apples yes, but the RSPCA is an effective body to deal with such idiots. Also, in my experience, the animal reception centres at Heathrow and other British airports are second to none in the care they provide for animals in transit. I only wish I could say the same about Larnaka and Pafos... bringing my dog to Cyprus is a logistic task in itself, without having to worry about how others could harm her in the process.
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Postby Piratis » Sun Aug 07, 2005 6:43 pm

Yes, I eat meat, but at the end of the day those animals are not pets, they are bred for human consumption and have rules governing their treatment from birth until death, so your point is both meaningless and disingenuous and designed to distract from the point of this article.

if god did not want us to eat animals he would not of made them out of meat.

We are animals too, the only difference is that we are "smarter".

For me the life of all animals worths the same. What is a pet and how is treated depends solely on the society which sets the rules and these rules are made to serve our feelings and not the feelings of the animals. If we cared about the feelings of the animals we would all be vegetarians.

I also like some animals more than others. However i find it very hypocritical to complain about killing animal Y when I am eating (=killing) other animals every day.
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