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Of 'Morale' and 'Morality'.

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Of 'Morale' and 'Morality'.

Postby Schnauzer » Mon Oct 25, 2010 7:51 pm

Having recently journeyed overseas and witnessed the devastation and deprivation visited upon the innocents of Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan, I was somewhat surprised upon being informed that I would be required to undertake a new training session in the U.K. and that my stay there would be in excess of six months.

However, more surprising (and I must confess that I find it quite amusing) is the fact that the general 'Morale' of the Brits, appears to be somewhat lower (if such is the correct manner in which to measure 'Morale') than those unfortunates who have been afflicted by both natural AND unnatural events.

There are thousands upon thousands of such individuals, families and associations that have lost EVERYTHING, yet manage to maintain a certain amount of dignity despite their unenviable condition, what a striking difference to the attitude of the Brits who are now apparently under relentless pressure to extricate themselves (through stringent financial policies foisted upon them) from the mess their political leaders have guided them to.

How strange to note that almost everyone NOW seems to be of the opinion that the cowardly attacks on innocent nations were (and are) wrong and that the price in human life and suffering is far too high.

Discontent, disharmony, disillusionment and various other negative vibes now pervades almost every household in the U.K. (as far as I have thus far seen) and I personally think it is fitting that it should be so.

Meanwhile, in the areas that I recently visited abroad, the general 'Morale' is noticeably higher despite the hardships of natural disaster and the enforcement of unlawful restraint, attack, persecution and slaughter of them............... I think I can pinpoint a possible reason for such high 'Morale', they now know that they are on the winning side since all the recent talks (and bribes they are receiving) is a clear indication that the tasks the Western powers undertook, have (and are) proven (proving) to be somewhat more difficult than envisaged at the outset of their murderous campaigns against innocent and defenceless people.

As one old man said to me "Man may defeat man BUT, these fools have taken on the might of Allah"

I will present some thoughts on 'Morality' a little later, duty calls and, much as I am not enamoured at the prospect of remaining in this dismal land, I have much to do in the time I must reside here.

Happy Days....................Schnauzer. :wink:
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Postby CBBB » Mon Oct 25, 2010 9:06 pm

I did give bullshit early warning!
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Re: Of 'Morale' and 'Morality'.

Postby denizaksulu » Mon Oct 25, 2010 9:42 pm

Schnauzer wrote:Having recently journeyed overseas and witnessed the devastation and deprivation visited upon the innocents of Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan, I was somewhat surprised upon being informed that I would be required to undertake a new training session in the U.K. and that my stay there would be in excess of six months.

However, more surprising (and I must confess that I find it quite amusing) is the fact that the general 'Morale' of the Brits, appears to be somewhat lower (if such is the correct manner in which to measure 'Morale') than those unfortunates who have been afflicted by both natural AND unnatural events.

There are thousands upon thousands of such individuals, families and associations that have lost EVERYTHING, yet manage to maintain a certain amount of dignity despite their unenviable condition, what a striking difference to the attitude of the Brits who are now apparently under relentless pressure to extricate themselves (through stringent financial policies foisted upon them) from the mess their political leaders have guided them to.

How strange to note that almost everyone NOW seems to be of the opinion that the cowardly attacks on innocent nations were (and are) wrong and that the price in human life and suffering is far too high.

Discontent, disharmony, disillusionment and various other negative vibes now pervades almost every household in the U.K. (as far as I have thus far seen) and I personally think it is fitting that it should be so.

Meanwhile, in the areas that I recently visited abroad, the general 'Morale' is noticeably higher despite the hardships of natural disaster and the enforcement of unlawful restraint, attack, persecution and slaughter of them............... I think I can pinpoint a possible reason for such high 'Morale', they now know that they are on the winning side since all the recent talks (and bribes they are receiving) is a clear indication that the tasks the Western powers undertook, have (and are) proven (proving) to be somewhat more difficult than envisaged at the outset of their murderous campaigns against innocent and defenceless people.

As one old man said to me "Man may defeat man BUT, these fools have taken on the might of Allah"

I will present some thoughts on 'Morality' a little later, duty calls and, much as I am not enamoured at the prospect of remaining in this dismal land, I have much to do in the time I must reside here.

Happy Days....................Schnauzer. :wink:

Dear Mr Cunningham, R.I.P.
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Postby Schnauzer » Mon Oct 25, 2010 11:39 pm

As to 'Morality' I draw attention to the recent shocking example of hypocricy (Western Style) illustrated by the notable James Caan who had the audacity to suggest that the purchase of a child from it's natural parents would ensure that the child received a 'Better Life'.

That the ignorant fool was not struck down by the hand of man (which demonstrates the strength of resolve and restraint by the Father) nor struck by lightning (which demonstrates the tolerance of fools by the Almighty) is SURELY a vivid indication of just how far apart the understanding between the culture of the East and the decadence of the West IS.

James Caan is currently attempting to raise funds (and awareness) in order to construct a new village in place of the old which, incidentally, was destroyed by the 'Hellfire' of the invading forces of evil which decimated the village in the first place, the shallowness of his motives AND character will of course be lost to those who readily accept that his intentions are 'Noble'.

What will escape the notice of the masses, is that the whole scenario is a well orchestrated plan to lull the said masses into believing that the aforesaid evil forces are concerned as to the welfare of the afflicted.

Meanwhile, the same forces (particularly those of the U.S.A.) are busily negotiating and bribing the Taliban in the forlorn hope that they may be able to extricate themselves from the predicament they are now in.

To paraphrase James Howell (without being accused of plagiarsm) "A force which seeks to parley, is half defeated" and there is no greater example of such desire to parley than as is now taking place behind closed doors.

Of course, the 'Military Leaders' who initially envisaged a quick and sure victory over the helpless and almost defenceless nation (Iraq) murderously bombarded in the dead of night from high altitude, never gave a moment's thought to the fact that there might be repercussions, they relied solely on their ability to strike terror into the hearts of innocent civilians in the hope that they would immediately capitulate.

Unfortunately, nobody among those 'Leaders' had the intelligence to consider the fact that 'Guerrilla Warfare' was ultimately likely to be a far greater problem than an initial murderous and unlawful attack.

The price to pay for a suitably camouflaged retreat (in the guise of 'Withdrawal' in order to save face) is that which the Brits (and others) are now being gulled into believing that the financial hardships they are currently faced with, are the result of several other widely publicised misfortunes, tighten your belts, the wool is being pulled over your eyes once again. IMHO. :wink:
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Postby RichardB » Tue Oct 26, 2010 9:16 am

James ''Khan''

Otherwise a very thoughtful and interesting post.
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Re: Of 'Morale' and 'Morality'.

Postby miltiades » Tue Oct 26, 2010 9:35 am

Schnauzer wrote:Having recently journeyed overseas and witnessed the devastation and deprivation visited upon the innocents of Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan, I was somewhat surprised upon being informed that I would be required to undertake a new training session in the U.K. and that my stay there would be in excess of six months.

However, more surprising (and I must confess that I find it quite amusing) is the fact that the general 'Morale' of the Brits, appears to be somewhat lower (if such is the correct manner in which to measure 'Morale') than those unfortunates who have been afflicted by both natural AND unnatural events.

There are thousands upon thousands of such individuals, families and associations that have lost EVERYTHING, yet manage to maintain a certain amount of dignity despite their unenviable condition, what a striking difference to the attitude of the Brits who are now apparently under relentless pressure to extricate themselves (through stringent financial policies foisted upon them) from the mess their political leaders have guided them to.

How strange to note that almost everyone NOW seems to be of the opinion that the cowardly attacks on innocent nations were (and are) wrong and that the price in human life and suffering is far too high.

Discontent, disharmony, disillusionment and various other negative vibes now pervades almost every household in the U.K. (as far as I have thus far seen) and I personally think it is fitting that it should be so.

Meanwhile, in the areas that I recently visited abroad, the general 'Morale' is noticeably higher despite the hardships of natural disaster and the enforcement of unlawful restraint, attack, persecution and slaughter of them............... I think I can pinpoint a possible reason for such high 'Morale', they now know that they are on the winning side since all the recent talks (and bribes they are receiving) is a clear indication that the tasks the Western powers undertook, have (and are) proven (proving) to be somewhat more difficult than envisaged at the outset of their murderous campaigns against innocent and defenceless people.

As one old man said to me "Man may defeat man BUT, these fools have taken on the might of Allah"

I will present some thoughts on 'Morality' a little later, duty calls and, much as I am not enamoured at the prospect of remaining in this dismal land, I have much to do in the time I must reside here.

Happy Days....................Schnauzer. :wink:

Its no wonder that you are being sent for further training in the UK , you are a thoroughly mixed up individual who lacks the necessary expertise in dealing with the task at hand. The people that you appear to be there to help HAVE NO option but to endure whatever misfortune had been visited upon them , NO OPTION , their very own people dont give a shit about them , that is part and parcel of the culture they have , they rely exclusively on the Western world to offer the little comfort that they are able to receive. You are a very confused individual , the Western world is there first whener a calamity strikes anywhere in the world, stop criticizing those who employ you and put food on your table , in short dont be a fucking idiot all your life.
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Postby Schnauzer » Tue Oct 26, 2010 10:13 am

RichardB wrote:James ''Khan''

Otherwise a very thoughtful and interesting post.

Thank you for identifying that which you perceive to be an error RichardB, however, my understanding of the situation regarding the name of the gentleman in question, is that he was advised to Anglicise it in order to avoid the imagined stigma of being labelled a 'Paki' in a racially intolerant society.

His fame as a television personality may well have taken a downward turn in the early days since racial disharmony was rife at the time.

(such is the information I have, perhaps you know otherwise). :wink:
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Re: Of 'Morale' and 'Morality'.

Postby shahmaran » Tue Oct 26, 2010 10:13 am

miltiades wrote:
Schnauzer wrote:Having recently journeyed overseas and witnessed the devastation and deprivation visited upon the innocents of Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan, I was somewhat surprised upon being informed that I would be required to undertake a new training session in the U.K. and that my stay there would be in excess of six months.

However, more surprising (and I must confess that I find it quite amusing) is the fact that the general 'Morale' of the Brits, appears to be somewhat lower (if such is the correct manner in which to measure 'Morale') than those unfortunates who have been afflicted by both natural AND unnatural events.

There are thousands upon thousands of such individuals, families and associations that have lost EVERYTHING, yet manage to maintain a certain amount of dignity despite their unenviable condition, what a striking difference to the attitude of the Brits who are now apparently under relentless pressure to extricate themselves (through stringent financial policies foisted upon them) from the mess their political leaders have guided them to.

How strange to note that almost everyone NOW seems to be of the opinion that the cowardly attacks on innocent nations were (and are) wrong and that the price in human life and suffering is far too high.

Discontent, disharmony, disillusionment and various other negative vibes now pervades almost every household in the U.K. (as far as I have thus far seen) and I personally think it is fitting that it should be so.

Meanwhile, in the areas that I recently visited abroad, the general 'Morale' is noticeably higher despite the hardships of natural disaster and the enforcement of unlawful restraint, attack, persecution and slaughter of them............... I think I can pinpoint a possible reason for such high 'Morale', they now know that they are on the winning side since all the recent talks (and bribes they are receiving) is a clear indication that the tasks the Western powers undertook, have (and are) proven (proving) to be somewhat more difficult than envisaged at the outset of their murderous campaigns against innocent and defenceless people.

As one old man said to me "Man may defeat man BUT, these fools have taken on the might of Allah"

I will present some thoughts on 'Morality' a little later, duty calls and, much as I am not enamoured at the prospect of remaining in this dismal land, I have much to do in the time I must reside here.

Happy Days....................Schnauzer. :wink:

Its no wonder that you are being sent for further training in the UK , you are a thoroughly mixed up individual who lacks the necessary expertise in dealing with the task at hand. The people that you appear to be there to help HAVE NO option but to endure whatever misfortune had been visited upon them , NO OPTION , their very own people dont give a shit about them , that is part and parcel of the culture they have , they rely exclusively on the Western world to offer the little comfort that they are able to receive. You are a very confused individual , the Western world is there first whener a calamity strikes anywhere in the world, stop criticizing those who employ you and put food on your table , in short dont be a fucking idiot all your life.

You are the confused individual Miltiades.

If people left to their own devices, there is no reason why they wouldn't prosper and enjoy life just like any other men.

Who do you think you are, God's chosen people? What makes you so special? Just because Cyprus wouldn't be anywhere without Europe.

If the West would stop screwing around with every situation that it did not understand, purely for financial gain, the world would definitely be a lot safer. They have been literally "fucking" everyone under the pretext of "help" for centuries, I can't believe you still buy that rubbish!

They have hit a brick wall with Afghanistan though, I'd like to see them get out of there and for what reason. Why are they there in the first place?!
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Re: Of 'Morale' and 'Morality'.

Postby Schnauzer » Tue Oct 26, 2010 10:25 am

miltiades wrote:
Schnauzer wrote:Having recently journeyed overseas and witnessed the devastation and deprivation visited upon the innocents of Iraq, Afghanistan and Pakistan, I was somewhat surprised upon being informed that I would be required to undertake a new training session in the U.K. and that my stay there would be in excess of six months.

However, more surprising (and I must confess that I find it quite amusing) is the fact that the general 'Morale' of the Brits, appears to be somewhat lower (if such is the correct manner in which to measure 'Morale') than those unfortunates who have been afflicted by both natural AND unnatural events.

There are thousands upon thousands of such individuals, families and associations that have lost EVERYTHING, yet manage to maintain a certain amount of dignity despite their unenviable condition, what a striking difference to the attitude of the Brits who are now apparently under relentless pressure to extricate themselves (through stringent financial policies foisted upon them) from the mess their political leaders have guided them to.

How strange to note that almost everyone NOW seems to be of the opinion that the cowardly attacks on innocent nations were (and are) wrong and that the price in human life and suffering is far too high.

Discontent, disharmony, disillusionment and various other negative vibes now pervades almost every household in the U.K. (as far as I have thus far seen) and I personally think it is fitting that it should be so.

Meanwhile, in the areas that I recently visited abroad, the general 'Morale' is noticeably higher despite the hardships of natural disaster and the enforcement of unlawful restraint, attack, persecution and slaughter of them............... I think I can pinpoint a possible reason for such high 'Morale', they now know that they are on the winning side since all the recent talks (and bribes they are receiving) is a clear indication that the tasks the Western powers undertook, have (and are) proven (proving) to be somewhat more difficult than envisaged at the outset of their murderous campaigns against innocent and defenceless people.

As one old man said to me "Man may defeat man BUT, these fools have taken on the might of Allah"

I will present some thoughts on 'Morality' a little later, duty calls and, much as I am not enamoured at the prospect of remaining in this dismal land, I have much to do in the time I must reside here.

Happy Days....................Schnauzer. :wink:

Its no wonder that you are being sent for further training in the UK , you are a thoroughly mixed up individual who lacks the necessary expertise in dealing with the task at hand. The people that you appear to be there to help HAVE NO option but to endure whatever misfortune had been visited upon them , NO OPTION , their very own people dont give a shit about them , that is part and parcel of the culture they have , they rely exclusively on the Western world to offer the little comfort that they are able to receive. You are a very confused individual , the Western world is there first whener a calamity strikes anywhere in the world, stop criticizing those who employ you and put food on your table , in short dont be a fucking idiot all your life.

miltiades, you have demonstrated severally that you are totally incapable of responding to any opinion that conflicts with your own, without direct insult and foul language.

Your comments, together with their embellishments do you much injustice since I am sure that you must know SOMETHING.

As aforementioned, I am of the considered opinion that your contributions to this forum carry about as much weight as a 'Hobo's Aarschgnoddle' (particularly in the field of politics) and my sympathy is with you in that you are obviously quite oblivious to such a fact. :lol: :wink:
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Postby Me Ed » Tue Oct 26, 2010 11:22 am


I was born and raised in the UK from Cypriot/GC parents.

As I grew up, I was fed this myth that the "english" had lower morals.

When I grew up and escaped the greek cypriot bubble (pardon the pun), that my parents had me in when I was a young child, I got to know the english very well and soon learned that there morals are no better or no worse than anyone else.

The english are amongst some of the nicest people you could ever meet and I urge you to get to know them before judging them so harshly. Miltiades is absolutely right; when disaster strikes, the english are the first to dig very deep into their pockets to help out.

I have a neice who came over from Cyprus a few weeks ago to study in University and I asked her if she has ever know any english people and she said no.

I told her the english are some of the nicest people she could ever meet, sure they like a drink, but you will find they are OK.

When I asked her mum how she was getting on, she said OK, she's met some Cypriots.

Groan :(
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