However, more surprising (and I must confess that I find it quite amusing) is the fact that the general 'Morale' of the Brits, appears to be somewhat lower (if such is the correct manner in which to measure 'Morale') than those unfortunates who have been afflicted by both natural AND unnatural events.
There are thousands upon thousands of such individuals, families and associations that have lost EVERYTHING, yet manage to maintain a certain amount of dignity despite their unenviable condition, what a striking difference to the attitude of the Brits who are now apparently under relentless pressure to extricate themselves (through stringent financial policies foisted upon them) from the mess their political leaders have guided them to.
How strange to note that almost everyone NOW seems to be of the opinion that the cowardly attacks on innocent nations were (and are) wrong and that the price in human life and suffering is far too high.
Discontent, disharmony, disillusionment and various other negative vibes now pervades almost every household in the U.K. (as far as I have thus far seen) and I personally think it is fitting that it should be so.
Meanwhile, in the areas that I recently visited abroad, the general 'Morale' is noticeably higher despite the hardships of natural disaster and the enforcement of unlawful restraint, attack, persecution and slaughter of them............... I think I can pinpoint a possible reason for such high 'Morale', they now know that they are on the winning side since all the recent talks (and bribes they are receiving) is a clear indication that the tasks the Western powers undertook, have (and are) proven (proving) to be somewhat more difficult than envisaged at the outset of their murderous campaigns against innocent and defenceless people.
As one old man said to me "Man may defeat man BUT, these fools have taken on the might of Allah"
I will present some thoughts on 'Morality' a little later, duty calls and, much as I am not enamoured at the prospect of remaining in this dismal land, I have much to do in the time I must reside here.
Happy Days....................Schnauzer.