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Of 'Morale' and 'Morality'.

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Postby miltiades » Tue Oct 26, 2010 2:40 pm

Schnauzer wrote:
Me Ed wrote:Schnauzer,

I was born and raised in the UK from Cypriot/GC parents.

As I grew up, I was fed this myth that the "english" had lower morals.

When I grew up and escaped the greek cypriot bubble (pardon the pun), that my parents had me in when I was a young child, I got to know the english very well and soon learned that there morals are no better or no worse than anyone else.

The english are amongst some of the nicest people you could ever meet and I urge you to get to know them before judging them so harshly. Miltiades is absolutely right; when disaster strikes, the english are the first to dig very deep into their pockets to help out.

I have a neice who came over from Cyprus a few weeks ago to study in University and I asked her if she has ever know any english people and she said no.

I told her the english are some of the nicest people she could ever meet, sure they like a drink, but you will find they are OK.

When I asked her mum how she was getting on, she said OK, she's met some Cypriots.

Groan :(

Having travelled extensively and not wishing to generalise on the 'Moral Conduct' of the populations ANY nation, I feel that I can quite safely indicate that the Western cultures display a cavalier disregard for civilised conduct which serves to elevate the behaviour of other nations considerably.

The U.S.A. is (in my humble opinion) probably THE most decadent society on the face of the earth and I make no apology for stating such an opinion, the moral standards exhibited throughout that nation are a disgrace to humanity, the influence they have had (and are in the process of having) on other nations, can only result in the destruction of the moral fabric of ANY nation that either emulates their society OR is forced to adopt it's standards.

Obviously there are decent and respectable folk everywhere, the pity IS, that they are gradually being cajoled (or forced) into accepting codes of conduct which will ultimately drag them into the same quagmire of filth occupied by the said nation.

Unfortunately, the signs of degredation have rapidly appeared in the U.K. and throughout Europe, the Eastern cultures are now under severe threat, as are the highly (and enviably in my opinion) cultures of many African societies similarly under constant threat.

Let us now join together in a 'Bleating' of "What about Zimbabwe, Kenya and a multitude of other areas of the African continent" whose only fault seems to be that they are vigorously resisting the decadent influences of the 'White Man' who apparently have much to teach. :roll: :wink:

You are talking from the back of your arse stupid.
The Western world is the one that values and cherishes the sanctity of life both human and animal. There hospitals and hospices that look after the sick and incurably ill , there are laws concerning the treatment of animals , there are westerners in every corner of the world and mostly in Africa doing a fabulous job looking after both humans and animals. Along comes a first class idiot such as you who makes his living working for and on behalf of the West and farts away.
Grow up stupid
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Postby miltiades » Tue Oct 26, 2010 2:53 pm

The third world is the most corrupt , the most uncaring and the most incompetent in every sense of the word. Take from the M.East to the far East excluding one or two nations.
As for Africa what can one say , each and every one involved in any public capacity is corrupt .
Without the West they will starve and perish , the West mobilizes aid to help those stricken by famine and other calamities , billions of dollars are expended in foreign aid.
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Postby Schnauzer » Tue Oct 26, 2010 5:05 pm

miltiades wrote:The third world is the most corrupt , the most uncaring and the most incompetent in every sense of the word. Take from the M.East to the far East excluding one or two nations.
As for Africa what can one say , each and every one involved in any public capacity is corrupt .
Without the West they will starve and perish , the West mobilizes aid to help those stricken by famine and other calamities , billions of dollars are expended in foreign aid.

Typical responses from he who only takes note of that which is conveyed to him via the media.

Who knows, one day you might even aspire to understand what is taking place under your very nose, better not wait too long old chap, time is ticking on. :lol: :wink:
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Postby miltiades » Tue Oct 26, 2010 6:09 pm

Schnauzer wrote:
miltiades wrote:The third world is the most corrupt , the most uncaring and the most incompetent in every sense of the word. Take from the M.East to the far East excluding one or two nations.
As for Africa what can one say , each and every one involved in any public capacity is corrupt .
Without the West they will starve and perish , the West mobilizes aid to help those stricken by famine and other calamities , billions of dollars are expended in foreign aid.

Typical responses from he who only takes note of that which is conveyed to him via the media.

Who knows, one day you might even aspire to understand what is taking place under your very nose, better not wait too long old chap, time is ticking on. :lol: :wink:

I will offer to you the same advice I gave to another fool , GR , go join the Taliban and help them win their war against the USA and return the nation , or rather keep the nation constrained by the chains of savagery !
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Postby Schnauzer » Tue Oct 26, 2010 6:49 pm

miltiades wrote:
Schnauzer wrote:
miltiades wrote:The third world is the most corrupt , the most uncaring and the most incompetent in every sense of the word. Take from the M.East to the far East excluding one or two nations.
As for Africa what can one say , each and every one involved in any public capacity is corrupt .
Without the West they will starve and perish , the West mobilizes aid to help those stricken by famine and other calamities , billions of dollars are expended in foreign aid.

Typical responses from he who only takes note of that which is conveyed to him via the media.

Who knows, one day you might even aspire to understand what is taking place under your very nose, better not wait too long old chap, time is ticking on. :lol: :wink:

I will offer to you the same advice I gave to another fool , GR , go join the Taliban and help them win their war against the USA and return the nation , or rather keep the nation constrained by the chains of savagery !

Were you capable of an intelligent thought my friend, you would realise that the Taliban have little need for the likes of either myself or GR, they are perfectly capable of handling their affairs without such support.

The Yanks are currently embroiled in negotiations to 'Buy themselves out' of the predicament they are now (and have for some time been) in, the monies required (which are quite astounding) will be extracted from fools like YOU and others who STILL believe in the integrity of those disgusting nations that helped to lay waste the domains of innocent civilians.

Fortunately, there are those (such as the Taliban) who will always respond to the clarion call in defence of the oppressed, they are to be saluted for their bravery in facing down the hoardes of oppressors arrayed before them.

Meanwhile, tighten your belts, you are about to be the financial victims of the mistakes made by those you voted for. :wink:
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Postby shahmaran » Tue Oct 26, 2010 11:09 pm

miltiades wrote:The third world is the most corrupt , the most uncaring and the most incompetent in every sense of the word. Take from the M.East to the far East excluding one or two nations.
As for Africa what can one say , each and every one involved in any public capacity is corrupt .
Without the West they will starve and perish , the West mobilizes aid to help those stricken by famine and other calamities , billions of dollars are expended in foreign aid.

Milti I cannot believe you are old enough to be my father and yet I can safely say that you really need to read more history.

Africa is corrupt? How many centuries has the West been enslaving those people and still exploiting all their resources?

The level of ignorance is astonishing!
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Postby Schnauzer » Wed Oct 27, 2010 12:16 am

Me Ed wrote:
Schnauzer wrote:
Me Ed wrote:Schnauzer,

I was born and raised in the UK from Cypriot/GC parents.

As I grew up, I was fed this myth that the "english" had lower morals.

When I grew up and escaped the greek cypriot bubble (pardon the pun), that my parents had me in when I was a young child, I got to know the english very well and soon learned that there morals are no better or no worse than anyone else.

The english are amongst some of the nicest people you could ever meet and I urge you to get to know them before judging them so harshly. Miltiades is absolutely right; when disaster strikes, the english are the first to dig very deep into their pockets to help out.

I have a neice who came over from Cyprus a few weeks ago to study in University and I asked her if she has ever know any english people and she said no.

I told her the english are some of the nicest people she could ever meet, sure they like a drink, but you will find they are OK.

When I asked her mum how she was getting on, she said OK, she's met some Cypriots.

Groan :(

Having travelled extensively and not wishing to generalise on the 'Moral Conduct' of the populations ANY nation, I feel that I can quite safely indicate that the Western cultures display a cavalier disregard for civilised conduct which serves to elevate the behaviour of other nations considerably.

The U.S.A. is (in my humble opinion) probably THE most decadent society on the face of the earth and I make no apology for stating such an opinion, the moral standards exhibited throughout that nation are a disgrace to humanity, the influence they have had (and are in the process of having) on other nations, can only result in the destruction of the moral fabric of ANY nation that either emulates their society OR is forced to adopt it's standards.

Obviously there are decent and respectable folk everywhere, the pity IS, that they are gradually being cajoled (or forced) into accepting codes of conduct which will ultimately drag them into the same quagmire of filth occupied by the said nation.

Unfortunately, the signs of degredation have rapidly appeared in the U.K. and throughout Europe, the Eastern cultures are now under severe threat, as are the highly (and enviably in my opinion) cultures of many African societies similarly under constant threat.

Let us now join together in a 'Bleating' of "What about Zimbabwe, Kenya and a multitude of other areas of the African continent" whose only fault seems to be that they are vigorously resisting the decadent influences of the 'White Man' who apparently have much to teach. :roll: :wink:

Ok, what are these signs of degredation in the UK that you have observed?

My apologies to Me Ed for not responding to your question, I can only offer the excuse of having mistook your comment for yet another quite meaningless dig from the direction of my old friend miltiades.

As to the signs of degradation I have observed in the U.K. (which is worthy of an answer) I can state that I have noticed (and experienced) a legion of changes which have been to the detriment of the U.K., the unfortunate affects of such changes are clearly visible to any person who can make comparisons between,

(a) How the general population of the U.K. WERE 20 years ago (or as in my case 30 years) taking account of the general disposition of the said population, it's hopes, it's attitudes towards acceptable behaviour and it's awareness of the fact that moral standards (particularly among the youth of the nation ) were in danger of deteriorating, primarily on account of what could be loosely described as 'Drug Culture'.........and

(b) The current acceptance of those detrimental issues, which now are seemingly regarded as 'The Norm'.

One may point the finger of blame towards the influx of foreign residents, abuse of the social services, failure of communication between schools and parents, breakdown of marriages, single parent families, scroungers, racism and a multitude of other issues, many of which ALSO existed prior to the period I highlight YET, not quite so visible.

A very common statement these latter days, seems to be that the U.K. is becoming more like the U.S.A. and the ambitions of the young no longer focuses on what they may achieve by using their skills, rather more what they may receive by using their wiles.

I personally regard the exported influence of the U.S.A (and it's decadent culture) as one of the greatest sources of deterioration to any nation that becomes contaminated by it, unfortunately, the U.K. governed by it's weak political leaders has fallen foul, I doubt it will ever recover from the disease it has contracted.

(IMHO) :wink:
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Postby miltiades » Wed Oct 27, 2010 9:24 am

!I personally regard the exported influence of the U.S.A (and it's decadent culture) as one of the greatest sources of deterioration to any nation that becomes contaminated by it, unfortunately, the U.K. governed by it's weak political leaders has fallen foul, I doubt it will ever recover from the disease it has contracted. "

The above posted by none other than the Plonker himself Swarfuckingidiot !!!
The reason of the decline of the quality of life in the UK , and I have lived here since 1961 , is the insistence by the political and media influences that we are a multicultural nation and that we should bend over backwards to accommodate shittie cultures from medieval immigrants who insist that even our greatest festivities should be abandoned. Our politicians have lost their balls if ever they had some , they have reduced this once great nation into a third world one. Not Tthe American influence stupid the third bloody world influence , spitting in our streets , denigrating our western culture , carrying and executing parts of their ugly culture right here in the UK , not wanting to learn the language of the nation , insisting in screwing us left right and centre while our political masters are too fucking busy feathering their own nests. You are clueless mate , I dont know what your job is but any thing more than a bloody tea boy would be too much for you.
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Postby Schnauzer » Wed Oct 27, 2010 10:34 am

miltiades wrote:!I personally regard the exported influence of the U.S.A (and it's decadent culture) as one of the greatest sources of deterioration to any nation that becomes contaminated by it, unfortunately, the U.K. governed by it's weak political leaders has fallen foul, I doubt it will ever recover from the disease it has contracted. "

The above posted by none other than the Plonker himself Swarfuckingidiot !!!
The reason of the decline of the quality of life in the UK , and I have lived here since 1961 , is the insistence by the political and media influences that we are a multicultural nation and that we should bend over backwards to accommodate shittie cultures from medieval immigrants who insist that even our greatest festivities should be abandoned. Our politicians have lost their balls if ever they had some , they have reduced this once great nation into a third world one. Not Tthe American influence stupid the third bloody world influence , spitting in our streets , denigrating our western culture , carrying and executing parts of their ugly culture right here in the UK , not wanting to learn the language of the nation , insisting in screwing us left right and centre while our political masters are too fucking busy feathering their own nests. You are clueless mate , I dont know what your job is but any thing more than a bloody tea boy would be too much for you.

Had you taken the time to READ that which I wrote (and that which you so predictably responded to in your usual ignorant fashion) you just MIGHT have noticed that I covered every point you have raised in contradiction to it's contents.

Obviously the level of intelligence required to determine the fact that a reference to "The weak Political Leaders of the U.K. having fallen foul of American influence" (simplified for YOUR benefit) is somewhat absent in YOUR case, to others, I am sure the inference is perfectly clear.

Incidentally, would you not agree that many of the detrimental influences on the youth of the U.K. are certainly imported from the U.S.A.?, I would greatly appreciate a civilized response. :wink:
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Postby miltiades » Wed Oct 27, 2010 12:24 pm

Schnauzer wrote:
miltiades wrote:!I personally regard the exported influence of the U.S.A (and it's decadent culture) as one of the greatest sources of deterioration to any nation that becomes contaminated by it, unfortunately, the U.K. governed by it's weak political leaders has fallen foul, I doubt it will ever recover from the disease it has contracted. "

The above posted by none other than the Plonker himself Swarfuckingidiot !!!
The reason of the decline of the quality of life in the UK , and I have lived here since 1961 , is the insistence by the political and media influences that we are a multicultural nation and that we should bend over backwards to accommodate shittie cultures from medieval immigrants who insist that even our greatest festivities should be abandoned. Our politicians have lost their balls if ever they had some , they have reduced this once great nation into a third world one. Not Tthe American influence stupid the third bloody world influence , spitting in our streets , denigrating our western culture , carrying and executing parts of their ugly culture right here in the UK , not wanting to learn the language of the nation , insisting in screwing us left right and centre while our political masters are too fucking busy feathering their own nests. You are clueless mate , I dont know what your job is but any thing more than a bloody tea boy would be too much for you.

Had you taken the time to READ that which I wrote (and that which you so predictably responded to in your usual ignorant fashion) you just MIGHT have noticed that I covered every point you have raised in contradiction to it's contents.

Obviously the level of intelligence required to determine the fact that a reference to "The weak Political Leaders of the U.K. having fallen foul of American influence" (simplified for YOUR benefit) is somewhat absent in YOUR case, to others, I am sure the inference is perfectly clear.

Incidentally, would you not agree that many of the detrimental influences on the youth of the U.K. are certainly imported from the U.S.A.?, I would greatly appreciate a civilized response. :wink:

Nothing the matter with American society !!!
Fools and criminals exist everywhere , judge a nation by the laws it enacts and its commitment to civilized behavior and not by the behaviour of a minority .
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