Me Ed wrote:Schnauzer,
I was born and raised in the UK from Cypriot/GC parents.
As I grew up, I was fed this myth that the "english" had lower morals.
When I grew up and escaped the greek cypriot bubble (pardon the pun), that my parents had me in when I was a young child, I got to know the english very well and soon learned that there morals are no better or no worse than anyone else.
The english are amongst some of the nicest people you could ever meet and I urge you to get to know them before judging them so harshly. Miltiades is absolutely right; when disaster strikes, the english are the first to dig very deep into their pockets to help out.
I have a neice who came over from Cyprus a few weeks ago to study in University and I asked her if she has ever know any english people and she said no.
I told her the english are some of the nicest people she could ever meet, sure they like a drink, but you will find they are OK.
When I asked her mum how she was getting on, she said OK, she's met some Cypriots.

Having travelled extensively and not wishing to generalise on the 'Moral Conduct' of the populations ANY nation, I feel that I can quite safely indicate that the Western cultures display a cavalier disregard for civilised conduct which serves to elevate the behaviour of other nations considerably.
The U.S.A. is (in my humble opinion) probably THE most decadent society on the face of the earth and I make no apology for stating such an opinion, the moral standards exhibited throughout that nation are a disgrace to humanity, the influence they have had (and are in the process of having) on other nations, can only result in the destruction of the moral fabric of ANY nation that either emulates their society OR is forced to adopt it's standards.
Obviously there are decent and respectable folk everywhere, the pity IS, that they are gradually being cajoled (or forced) into accepting codes of conduct which will ultimately drag them into the same quagmire of filth occupied by the said nation.
Unfortunately, the signs of degredation have rapidly appeared in the U.K. and throughout Europe, the Eastern cultures are now under severe threat, as are the highly (and enviably in my opinion) cultures of many African societies similarly under constant threat.
Let us now join together in a 'Bleating' of "What about Zimbabwe, Kenya and a multitude of other areas of the African continent" whose only fault seems to be that they are vigorously resisting the decadent influences of the 'White Man' who apparently have much to teach.