paliometoxo wrote:not moving when you have something that can kill you in a bite is easier said then done ;p
your right but how many children how many adults die by accident from these things?
Palio, I don't believe we have had a single fatality from a Snake bite in Australia for many years. Yes, people sometimes get bitten, but all Australian Hospitals and Paramedics have a supply of various anti-venoms.
Yes, staying still whilst there is a Taipan coiled by your feet is a difficult thing to do. It is only natural to be scared. But you don't have much choice. You either make like a statue and don't get bitten, because if you move, then chances are you will get bitten. And they strike like lightning. There is no way you could move quick enough to escape.
I remember at school, we had a Snake Handler who bought a few Snakes with him to show us the different Australian species. He had them in eskies, but then let them loose in the classroom. There were King Browns, Taipans and various other species. This guy literally had these Snakes by his feet. I think it would be good if Cypriot students were also exposed to Snakes at school.
Palio, you are just like most other Cypriots. Most of you do not know a thing about Snakes (and believe me, I am no expert either) and make many assumptions. You need to learn about them. When you do this, then you won't be so scared!