Get Real! wrote:All4114All wrote:Here is a fact on your international law
EU member states had promised Turkish Cypriots to ease the embargo when Greek Cypriots voted down the 2004 referendum on a United Nations-backed plan to reunify the island.
From 17/02/2005…
“Commission welcomes Council adoption of measures that further facilitate trade across the Green Line in Cyprus” ... anguage=enNB: I hope you realize by now that you just don’t have the knowledge to debate the Cyprus problem at CF level. I hope you don’t post again because nobody here is interested in your baseless fantasies.
As a newbie Im ready for backlash I mean I have been following the forum for several months now and then decided to join.
Sometimes being over educated you can be blinded by the basics.
But sorry maybe it was my mistake not to elaborate my statements but I shall elaborate so there is no misunderstanding.
When I said it was a mistake EU to accept Cyprus it was to accept Cyprus into the EU before a solution. Thats that. But Cyprus is in the EU which what is done is done and I accept that well I have to accept to be honest and move forward which will bring me to my second point.
Which was the statement in regards to equal rights. Let me clear this up as a Cypriot neither stating myself as Greek or Turkish my island is recognised. But now we have to seperate that statement into GC or TC. As a TC my rights as a Cypriot allows me to obtain EU Passport and EU ID and I am happy for this because I hold something that is internationally recognised so as an individual no issues. But as a TC represented by a TC political party then I have no rights = politicians have no voice for the TC people internationally and what ever voice they have is squashed by either Turkey or EU as was the recent failure of direct trade with TRNC. However I must be careful because although Turkey still has its many soldiers here it is also the blood line of the TC so I will not tread into that topic here.
See I want my voice to be represented by a TC politician in parliment as the same power your Dimitris Christofias has, see I know and you know that GC power house to represent the TC because remember the EU accepted the whole island is a no no by many here.
Hopefully I cleared a few things out.