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Sephardi leader Yosef: Non-Jews exist to serve Jews

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Sephardi leader Yosef: Non-Jews exist to serve Jews

Postby yialousa1971 » Fri Oct 22, 2010 1:29 am

Sephardi leader Yosef: Non-Jews exist to serve Jews

October 18, 2010

JERUSALEM (JTA) -- Israeli Sephardic leader Rabbi Ovadia Yosef in his weekly Saturday night sermon said that non-Jews exist to serve Jews.

“Goyim were born only to serve us. Without that, they have no place in the world; only to serve the People of Israel,” he said during a public discussion of what kind of work non-Jews are allowed to perform on Shabbat.

"Why are gentiles needed? They will work, they will plow, they will reap. We will sit like an effendi and eat," he said to some laughter.

Yosef, the spiritual leader of the Shas Party and the former chief Sephardi rabbi of Israel, also said that the lives of non-Jews are protected in order to prevent financial loss to Jews.

"With gentiles, it will be like any person: They need to die, but God will give them longevity. Why? Imagine that one’s donkey would die, they’d lose their money. This is his servant. That’s why he gets a long life, to work well for this Jew,” said the rabbi, who recently turned 90.

An audio recording of some of the rabbi's remarks was broadcast on Israel's Channel 10.

The American Jewish Committee condemned the rabbi's remarks in a statement issued Monday.

"Rabbi Yosef’s remarks -- suggesting outrageously that Jewish scripture asserts non-Jews exist to serve Jews -- are abhorrent and an offense to human dignity and human equality,” said AJC Executive Director David Harris. "Judaism first taught the world that all individuals are created in the divine image, which helped form the basis of our moral code. A rabbi should be the first, not the last, to reflect that bedrock teaching of our tradition."
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Re: Sephardi leader Yosef: Non-Jews exist to serve Jews

Postby Get Real! » Fri Oct 22, 2010 1:35 am

yialousa1971 wrote:Sephardi leader Yosef: Non-Jews exist to serve Jews

Hello? That IS the premise of Zionism! :lol:

That’s why Hitler was alarmed and insulted when he first heard about this while studying in Vienna.
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Postby miltiades » Fri Oct 22, 2010 9:06 am

Extremist and utterly stupid people exist the world over. The Jewish extremists are no different from anyone else.The Turkish mainlanders also believe that one Turk equals 1000 non Turks, the Greeks on the other hand believe that without them we would still be living in caves.
The Islamists also believe that their brand of false religion is superior to that of other false but more tolerant religions.
GR believes that anything American or Western is evil , proof that stupidity has no boundaries, I personally believe that the Cypriots are the greatest people on earth give or take some morons such as the above mentioned !!!
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Postby Gasman » Fri Oct 22, 2010 9:56 am

Have to say just the title of this thread made me laugh!
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Postby Linichka » Fri Oct 22, 2010 10:19 am

Only a handful of sheep listen to this bearded freak in sunglasses. And, GR's smug declaration to the contrary, the likes of Ovadia do not represent Zionism.
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Re: Sephardi leader Yosef: Non-Jews exist to serve Jews

Postby yialousa1971 » Sat Oct 23, 2010 9:02 pm

Get Real! wrote:
yialousa1971 wrote:Sephardi leader Yosef: Non-Jews exist to serve Jews

Hello? That IS the premise of Zionism! :lol:

That’s why Hitler was alarmed and insulted when he first heard about this while studying in Vienna.

Idiot, Zionism is a political movement that was created to put their final plan of world domination into effect. A plan thats three thousand years old. What you're thinking of is Judaism.
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Postby yialousa1971 » Sat Oct 23, 2010 9:06 pm

Linichka wrote:Only a handful of sheep listen to this bearded freak in sunglasses. And, GR's smug declaration to the contrary, the likes of Ovadia do not represent Zionism.

So you don't believe that God gave Palestine to the Jews then? Or that you're God's chosen race. :roll:
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Re: Sephardi leader Yosef: Non-Jews exist to serve Jews

Postby Get Real! » Sat Oct 23, 2010 9:56 pm

yialousa1971 wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
yialousa1971 wrote:Sephardi leader Yosef: Non-Jews exist to serve Jews

Hello? That IS the premise of Zionism! :lol:

That’s why Hitler was alarmed and insulted when he first heard about this while studying in Vienna.

Idiot, Zionism is a political movement that was created to put their final plan of world domination into effect.

Would that not equate to... "Non-Jews exist to serve Jews"? You've shot yourself in the foot! :lol:

What you're thinking of is Judaism.

Does the Torah say or even suggest that "Non-Jews exist to serve Jews"? :roll:

They don't call you Yialoser for nothing you know... :lol:
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Postby yialousa1971 » Sun Oct 24, 2010 2:31 am

The Jews book is the Talmud dipstick!

What is the Talmud

"The Talmud, then, is the written form of that which, in the time of Jesus was called the traditions of the elders and to which he makes frequent allusions (History of the Talmud, Michael Rodkinson, p. 70)."

"The teachings of the Talmud stand above all other laws. They are more important than the laws of Moses (Rabbi Ismael)."

"The decisions of the Talmud are words of the living God. Jehovah himself asks the opinion of the early rabbis when there are difficult affairs in heaven (Rabbi Menachem, Commentary on Fifth Book)."

Phariseeism Is Talmudism

"Phariseeism became Talmudism, Talmudism became Medieval Rabbinism, and Medieval Rabbinism became modern Rabbinism. Both throughout these changes in name ...the spirit of the ancient Pharisees survives, unaltered (Pharisees, the Sociological Background of Their Faith, Louis Finkelstein, p.21)."

"The Jewish religion as it is today traces its descent, without break, through all the centuries, from the Pharisees ...The Talmud is the largest and most important single member of that literature ...and the study of it is essential for any real understanding of Phariseeism (Universal Jewish Encyclopedia under Pharisees)."

What was the doctrine of the Pharisees that would demand in the days of Christ that Gentiles secretly be called the serpent's seed? What is contained in the Talmud that would give us some hint of the serpent seed doctrine?

Frightening Quotes From The Talmud
"Jehovah created the non-Jew in human form so that the Jew would have to be served by beasts. The non-Jew is consequently an animal in human form, and condemned to serve the Jew day and night (Talmud, Midrasch Talpiothe)."

Sanhedrin 57a . When a Jew murders a gentile ("Cuthean"), there will be no death penalty. What a Jew steals from a gentile he may keep.
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Postby Get Real! » Sun Oct 24, 2010 3:29 am

You’re awfully confused!

The Torah is described as “the entirety of Judaism's founding legal and ethical religious texts” and every Jewish home has one, whereas the Talmud is a HUGE set of volumes of debates and such from the past that nobody can keep in their house, and only a few people (scholars) have ever read!

On top of that, there are many other sets of Jewish writings from the past that are not part of the Talmud but are lumped with the Talmud by some to further their propaganda.

ie: The verse/passage you've quoted below does NOT exist in the Talmud although everyone attacking Jews likes to pretend that it does!

yialousa1971 wrote:
Frightening Quotes From The Talmud
"Jehovah created the non-Jew in human form so that the Jew would have to be served by beasts. The non-Jew is consequently an animal in human form, and condemned to serve the Jew day and night (Talmud, Midrasch Talpiothe)."

Sanhedrin 57a . When a Jew murders a gentile ("Cuthean"), there will be no death penalty. What a Jew steals from a gentile he may keep.

However, that’s not to say that you won’t find controversial writings in ancient Jewish scripture, but you and I are not qualified to debate them/it.
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