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A possible "Yes" on the Direct Trade Regulation?

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby MrH » Tue Oct 19, 2010 10:48 am

Hi Gregory,

Flagrant words, but missleading my friend. I can assure you that the Lisbon Treaty was initiated due to a lack of a "Democratic" decision making process that takes in regard the "Bigger" boys against those smaller nations whose prior level of influence Do Not Adversley affect that of the Entire Union, and theirs interests. It's to complicated to go through all of the indicators of the update within the Lisbon treaty, but I would suggest you run a Very fine comb through it to. And, when doing so think about Cyprus and Germany let's say, and how Cyprus, under this new treaty, would ultimately have absolutely No affect on Germany for instance if Germany were to force any subtle changes against the will of a tiny statlet like GC-Cyprus. As I've said, the treaty is huge, where the GCs clearly didn't read it properly. Trust me Gregory, you couldn't challenge me on the specifics and implications of this treaty even if you were a Bar'tr from Lincoln's Inn, London!

I'm writing this from my Blackberry so sorry for the Typo errors...I can correct any later if you need any clarification.
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Postby MrH » Tue Oct 19, 2010 11:00 am

Read the following I managed to dig up written by a fellow colleague of mine. It may be a little old, but interesting!
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Postby Get Real! » Tue Oct 19, 2010 11:31 am

I’m trying to write this from my Strawberry but I accidentally dipped it in whipped cream so I’m not sure if this message will come through… :?
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Postby B25 » Tue Oct 19, 2010 11:44 am

MrH wrote:Read the following I managed to dig up written by a fellow colleague of mine. It may be a little old, but interesting!

The US has naff all to do with the EU decision making process. They are full of shit anyway and have their own problems elsewwhere as our good friend GR keeps reminding us.

In summary,


Haven't you got the hint yet???? NO ONE FUCKING WANTS YA!

When you going??? :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Postby Gregory » Tue Oct 19, 2010 11:47 am

MrH wrote:Hi Gregory,

Flagrant words, but missleading my friend. I can assure you that the Lisbon Treaty was initiated due to a lack of a "Democratic" decision making process that takes in regard the "Bigger" boys against those smaller nations whose prior level of influence Do Not Adversley affect that of the Entire Union, and theirs interests. It's to complicated to go through all of the indicators of the update within the Lisbon treaty, but I would suggest you run a Very fine comb through it to. And, when doing so think about Cyprus and Germany let's say, and how Cyprus, under this new treaty, would ultimately have absolutely No affect on Germany for instance if Germany were to force any subtle changes against the will of a tiny statlet like GC-Cyprus. As I've said, the treaty is huge, where the GCs clearly didn't read it properly. Trust me Gregory, you couldn't challenge me on the specifics and implications of this treaty even if you were a Bar'tr from Lincoln's Inn, London!

I'm writing this from my Blackberry so sorry for the Typo errors...I can correct any later if you need any clarification.

I fear you're taking a simplified layman's approach to the treaty and do not fully understand what this means to the union.

- Exclusive Competences: Policy areas where only the Union may legislate and adopt legally binding acts, the Member States being able to do so themselves only if so empowered by the Union or for the implementation of Union acts. Examples of such policy areas are the customs Union, the monetary Union, the common trade policy, competition, etc. These competences are outlined in Article 2B of the Treaty on the Functioning of the EU.

In addition, the Treaty of Lisbon provides that the approval of the European Parliament will be necessary for the conclusion of association agreements between the Union and third countries as well as for the conclusion of agreements which concern areas which fall under the ordinary legislative procedure.
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Postby shahmaran » Tue Oct 19, 2010 11:59 am

humanist wrote:shahmaran: If Turkey is not interested in the EU membership why does she not declare it so the EU stops further discussions on the matter?

The question could be reversed and asked to the EU, if they do not want Turkey why do not just say so, instead of coming up with crap like "oh maybe we can have a special limited membership for them" ?

The entire EU membership ordeal is also a pretty good thing to go by for internal politics, think about it, it will not suit any Turkish politician to join because thievery and making their allies filthy rich is an accepted fact of Turkish politics, on the other hand they cannot "just say no" because they also believe that the people want to join and is a good promise to give when up there giving one of them dirty speeches. So you pretend you want to join. Nice :)

Do you really believe that Erdoğan or Gül are actually religious? Dont be silly! It is the same thing :lol:
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