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Cyprus post customs

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Should Post Customs Officer charge VAT for shipping?

Poll ended at Tue Nov 02, 2010 3:10 pm

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Cyprus post customs

Postby root » Wed Oct 13, 2010 3:10 pm

Hi all,

Got pair of shoes on amazon US for a 100Eur including shipping and bloody customs officer charged me 20 eur for income tax/vat or whatever. I mean is there any tax free value like 100$ or something?
I know that there is no such thing as "gift,warranty replacement etc" like it was before.

And why the hack they charge for shipping too? I mean WTF? I paid for shipping as for service and it's done I got no profit on it?
Is there any official place online where I can read about customs charges and stuff?
I tried to check but didn't find anything related to postal service :(

Appreciate your time and thanks.
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Postby Get Real! » Wed Oct 13, 2010 3:26 pm

It doesn't seem like you understand what you were charged even!

And btw, the US is not in the EU so don't expect relaxed customs!
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Postby root » Wed Oct 13, 2010 4:04 pm

Get Real!> Thanks captain,

My initial question was " where I can find info about import tax/VAT charges in cyprus for private postal items ?
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Postby Get Real! » Wed Oct 13, 2010 4:24 pm

root wrote:Get Real!> Thanks captain,

My initial question was " where I can find info about import tax/VAT charges in cyprus for private postal items ? ... n?OpenForm
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Postby root » Thu Oct 14, 2010 9:12 am


Incoming package ex. DSLR camera
cost: 1000$
shipping cost: 100$

Customs officer must calulate only the item price so it will be
1000/15%VAT=150$ I have to pay for taxes to the customs officer and I agree with that.

In real life
Customs officer calculates the tax in following method
1000+100shipping+1100/15%VAT=165$ tax

Question: Is this legal? and where I can find info about it?
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Postby CBBB » Thu Oct 14, 2010 9:53 am

Don't buy stuff from the States, stick to the EU!
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Postby BOF » Thu Oct 14, 2010 10:45 am

CBBB wrote:Don't buy stuff from the States, stick to the EU!

Plus some items that are sold in America are slightly different spec to European items.... Digital SLRs being one of them.
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Postby root » Thu Oct 14, 2010 11:46 am

Wierd stuff,ppl that have no idea about topic, just need to say something without a reason and just offtoping :( trollers :(
I didn't ask where to buy stuff that was not the question, If you don't have the answers just piss off! whats the reason giving loser suggestions I ain't gonna use them anyway?
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Postby FragnaticDeath » Thu Oct 14, 2010 12:12 pm

root wrote:Wierd stuff,ppl that have no idea about topic, just need to say something without a reason and just offtoping :( trollers :(
I didn't ask where to buy stuff that was not the question, If you don't have the answers just piss off! whats the reason giving loser suggestions I ain't gonna use them anyway?

when you want to deliver something locally, don't you pay tax?

IMO your asking a stupid question.
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Postby Sotos » Thu Oct 14, 2010 12:47 pm

VAT is calculated on the total amount including shipping. If that is all you paid then you are fine, because for certain items there is also import tax, and if you order items which are over a certain amount (it used to be 500 pounds) then you also have to pay for a service for certain paperwork as business do when they import stuff. These is all normal. This is the whole point why EU was initially created. A common market where most of these barriers do not exist. ;) Also keep in mind that when you pay in US dollars with credit card, visa, mastercard etc take a small percentage for the transaction. So there are several costs that you need to factor in when you are ordering from USA. It is not just the price of the product and the shipping.
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