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CarpetBuggerers Buggered, Embargoed, Isolated and Banned

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

CarpetBuggerers Buggered, Embargoed, Isolated and Banned

Postby bill cobbett » Mon Oct 11, 2010 12:23 pm

Dropped in the other night on a couple of sites, whose names and links wouldn't want to dirty the good name of CF with, you'll all know which am referring to.

You'll all also know that several hundreds of the thieving CarpetBugs have fallen victim to a scam by the even Bigger Bugs the Organised Criminal Conspiracy known by some as "tnuc", aided and abetted by the HSBC and Turkish Banks.

Curious world when would-be thieves become victims of a bigger bunch of thieving b'strds and then expect sympathy.

Anyway, in true ex-pat bull-dog spirit the Stealing Scumbags aren't taking things lying down and ..... are agitating ..... and protesting ...... in an English Garden Party sort of way, holding a silent vigil with candles!

Well at least they would be, but unfortunately the even Corrupter Regime have been giving them the run around for weeks by refusing them permission to assemble peacefully and confess their Thieving Ways to the world... and again keep in mind these aren't the sort of protesters who are planning to dump cars off highway bridges or who will need dispersal by the tear-gas of the TA's "police" in riot gear.

Looks like the CarpetMolesters have been Isolated, Banned and Embargoed.

Any one got any advice for them? ...... (just asking)
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Postby Get Real! » Mon Oct 11, 2010 12:39 pm

They should count their losses and get out of there ASAP, and return to live in a recognized and civilized place which is accountable of its actions.

And the next time they hear that a certain place is an illegally occupied territory… BELIEVE IT and steer clear from it!

And the next time they hear that a certain people have been ethnically cleansed from that territory… BELIEVE THEM and give them your support!

And in future never parlay with criminals again, lest you get bitten on the bum yourself and because it is immoral!

Good luck.
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Postby Oracle » Mon Oct 11, 2010 12:56 pm

Do as the TCs once did (without provocation - you have reason!).

Form enclaves and then call Motherland Britain to invade! :D
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Postby revolver » Mon Oct 11, 2010 1:15 pm

What is it? I don't understand?
Somebody tell me what is going on in simple English please?
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Postby Me Ed » Mon Oct 11, 2010 1:29 pm

Commit a terrorist atrocity on themselves and then blame the Turk Settlers/TCs.

Do they have any radio stations or churches over there?
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Postby bill cobbett » Mon Oct 11, 2010 1:31 pm

revolver wrote:What is it? I don't understand?
Somebody tell me what is going on in simple English please?

Simple English? .... oh dear ........ will try...... some of the ex-pat would be thieves who live in the Occupied North have fallen foul of banks with prior mortgages, fallen foul of permission to purchase requirements. Property is being re-possessed by banks, the banks are trying to auction some off etc ... and they are being denied permission to hold a peaceful protest.
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Postby Oracle » Mon Oct 11, 2010 1:45 pm

They should make their way down to the British Bases and hold their vigil there.
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Postby boomerang » Mon Oct 11, 2010 3:17 pm

whats happening to this world when there is no honour between thieves...lets blame the gcs on this one bir will same, the master con artist, it's not the poor tcs fault...
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Postby Nikitas » Mon Oct 11, 2010 5:42 pm

I got some nice land in Ghaza for them to move to. Beachfront, prime land, view clear all the way to Gibraltar.
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Postby Gasman » Mon Oct 11, 2010 5:47 pm

some of the ex-pat would be thieves who live in the RoC (and some GCs too) have fallen foul of banks with prior mortgages, fallen foul of Title Deed scam. Property is being re-possessed by banks, the banks are trying to auction some off etc ... but they are allowed to hold a peaceful protest.

GCs on here take the piss out of those too.

What was that thread about Janus? Two faces? Would that be the smiling face of the Developers, Estate Agents and lawyers who take your money and 'sell you' your house and then laugh behind your back about how they ripped you off and got away with it?

Or the smiling faces of the mine hosts in the hostelries where they have two prices for everything - smiling as they charge you and then laughing behind your back about the pushto englezi ripoff?

RoC should clean its own act up.
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