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Get Real's "Greek Cypriot" Education!

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby denizaksulu » Sun Oct 10, 2010 2:28 pm

Oh what ashame and what a load of..........................missed opportunities. :cry:

.and the language on this here forum...........let us all have a day of verbal diarhhoea.

All of you go forth and make love. :roll:
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Postby Hermes » Sun Oct 10, 2010 2:37 pm

BirKibrisli wrote:You have been told many many times,the average TC does not give a damn whether they get assimilated into the wider Turkish society...Some would welcome it with open arms,saying they have returned to their spiritual and ancestral HOME...Keep ridiculing the TC reality and PARTITION will become the inevitable outcome...Don't say I didnt warn you...

Right. These are the same T/Cs so grateful for Turkish rule that they have emigrated in droves.

If Turkey thinks there is any chance that Greek Cypriots will endorse the legal partition of their island, they are living in cloud-cuckoo land.

The Republic of Cyprus is an EU member, enjoys a high standard of living, global recognition and has the weight of international law on its side. Greek Cypriots are not about to give this up. The only deal on the table is land for a share of power in a future federal state under EU law. In other words, Turkey fucks off out of Cyprus. Come back to us when you're ready...
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Postby MrH » Sun Oct 10, 2010 3:42 pm


Are you sure you didn't mean HURRIYET? Of course your Googling is as bad as your lying LOL

I am good friends with those at Hurriyet and can assure you that what you said in your last post is a laugh an-a-half. What utter rubbish. Mate, are you sure you didn't mean "Politis" or Papadopoulos' Law company.

I would love to know whom it is you imaginery know at Hurriyet as I can sit with them tomorrow lunch time and discuss your version of the historical and potential future of the island of Cyprus. Do you exactly know what type of paper the Hurriyet is, who owns it and what angle it takes? Obviously not. Making up stories is abviously a common factor with the Greek Cypriots and Liberal Brainwashed TCs who wish to live under one Greek Cypriot dominated Cyprus.
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Postby boomerang » Sun Oct 10, 2010 3:46 pm


Are you sure you didn't mean HURRIYET? Of course your Googling is as bad as your lying LOL

I am good friends with those at Hurriyet and can assure you that what you said in your last post is a laugh an-a-half. What utter rubbish. Mate, are you sure you didn't mean "Politis" or Papadopoulos' Law company.

I would love to know whom it is you imaginery know at Hurriyet as I can sit with them tomorrow lunch time and discuss your version of the historical and potential future of the island of Cyprus. Do you exactly know what type of paper the Hurriyet is, who owns it and what angle it takes? Obviously not. Making up stories is abviously a common factor with the Greek Cypriots and Liberal Brainwashed TCs who wish to live under one Greek Cypriot dominated Cyprus.

geez you sem to b moving in all directions buddy...are you a jumper by any chance?... :lol:

i did say sorry for the spelling errors...i was laughing too i am now...sorry and laughing... :lol:

PS...who is laughing at you kid... :lol:
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Postby boomerang » Sun Oct 10, 2010 3:50 pm forgot to say sory for the speeling mistakes while typying on the blackeberry and wanking at the same time...

again sorry for the spelling mistakes...typying while laughing...
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Postby repulsewarrior » Sun Oct 10, 2010 4:40 pm


...this is in Cyprus Problem?
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Postby ttoli » Sun Oct 10, 2010 5:02 pm

miltiades wrote:Mr H , firstly there were NO T/Cs killed prior to the Turkish invasion , NONE !
WTF are you smoking???, have you upgraded your website yet?
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Postby Talisker » Sun Oct 10, 2010 5:47 pm

MrH wrote:And I guess the rest was gained at Saturday Greek School in Australia? They must have really set a good example and explained how, and why Turkey had to intervene after the 15th July 1974 Greek Junta Coup and how many Turkish Cypriots had been killed, civilians, women and children, when the Greek Cypriot forces were ordered to stop fighting themselves and kill are Turkish Cypriots before Turkey's force were able to save any!

What I am getting at here my friend is that the ONLY way of Compromising on the island is to face the reality that both Greek and Turkish Cypriot can not live under one roof until this mentality is removed and trust is reinstated. Where, and I'm sure you'll agree, will take many years of working at. But, they can not even commence unless the foundations are laid first and it's the Greek Cypriots that are preventing this. It's a bit like the lesser of two evils. Recognise Two CYPRIOT states now so one day those two states could gradually work to settle their differences bit by bit, or continue as we are until the Turkish Cypriots finally decide to unify with the Republic of Turkey. You may deem this as impossible, but it's soon becoming a reality on the Turkish Cypriot side, and the Greek Cypriot negative stance and failed agreements is what is empowering such an inevitable scenario.

If you don't believe what I saying, just watch this space on Feb 2011!! I can not warn you enough when Turkey annexes Northern Cyprus and adopts the "Norway Model". You must have read something about it? Turkey knows where it stance in the face of its EU application and has now reached a stage where it's ready to cement its long term position.

Why am I saying this, well, let's just say that once Turkey has adopted this Norway Model and has integrated Northern Cyprus into its territory, how many Turkish Cypriot will be left to tell the tail? How many Turkish citizens will move to Northern Cyprus and eventually filter over to your side in the South after Turkey Opens its port to the GC-ROC in a counter move?

Turkey is not stupid Get Real, and don't think for two seconds that it doesn't know what's really going on. I meet with Greek Cypriot and Turkish journalists on a regular basis to discuss possible outcomes related to the Cyprus issue and they all boil down to the same scenario!

Stop pushing the Turkish Cypriots away, as you are only pulling them closer to Turkey. Turkey has played the Greek Cypriot once already in the no to distant past with the opening of the check points in 2003. That was not down as a good will gesture only. Please think about it. Think about what if the Green Line was removed completely over so many years - would it integrate Cyprus or Could it just Impose an automatic "Turkish" Border!

Sorry again for any typing mistakes, I'm still waiting for my train and typing on this blasted Blackberry device. By the way, I'm on my way to interview a Greek Cypriot MEP, Guess who?

Blah de blagh dee bla. Sorry for the typing mistakes but I am blowing you a raspberry whilst I contemplate your wisdom. :P
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Postby wyoming cowboy » Sun Oct 10, 2010 6:08 pm

Get Real! wrote:And what if I were to inform that my only Greek Cypriot education was the first three years of primary school because the Turks suddenly invaded and put an end to it?

How much “brainwashing” could the Greek Cypriot education system have possibly managed over me while I was struggling with the ABC?

This was my "propaganda" reading book during the first year... :lol:



I remember these books... :lol:
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Postby MrH » Sun Oct 10, 2010 6:38 pm

I remeber those books as well - Burning them after the 1974 intevention. In fact, I remember using them to heat up the Greek Cypriot house I managed to claim, after realising that mine in Larnaca was destroyed and not compensated to build your Airport on!!
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