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E.LA.M. The National People's Front

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby Piratis » Tue May 24, 2011 4:36 pm

Pourgourides was a member of EOKA B, but now he is your friend because he supported the racist plans you wanted to impose on Cyprus? It is no surprise actually, since the high ranking members of EOKA B, just like the high ranking members of DISY, have always followed orders from the Americans.

As far as DIKO goes, it paid the price for staying in the government when Christofias was making such huge compromises without receiving anything in return.
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Postby quattro » Tue May 24, 2011 5:03 pm

elams new poster....

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Postby Paphitis » Tue May 24, 2011 5:13 pm

Piratis wrote:Pourgourides was a member of EOKA B, but now he is your friend because he supported the racist plans you wanted to impose on Cyprus? It is no surprise actually, since the high ranking members of EOKA B, just like the high ranking members of DISY, have always followed orders from the Americans.

As far as DIKO goes, it paid the price for staying in the government when Christofias was making such huge compromises without receiving anything in return.

And a moderate for supporting the Annan Plan! :lol:

The wheels have well and truly fallen off! :lol:

Anything else Bananiot? :wink:
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Postby Bananiot » Tue May 24, 2011 10:41 pm

Paphitis, I know you are far away but this is not an excuse to make a fool of yourself by seconding the cheap ranting of Piratis. Many people who supported the Annan Plan were elected with flying colours on Sunday. In fact, hardliners who banked on the “NO” vote to make a political career have seen the exit, like, Kolokasides, Sizopoulos, Themistocleous, Rikkos and others. EYROKO, the single monolithic party on the Annan Plan, that built a reputation for being stanchly anti BBF too, has lost half its electorate. What happened in 2004 did not have an impact in these elections. It is clear that 2004 is now dead and buried and it is now behind us. I will not claim that the majority of the AKEL and DISI elected MP's are staunch or moderate supporters of the Annan Plan, because I would fall into the same hole Piratis keeps jumping in.

Pourgourides was not a member of EOKA B as far as I remember. In fact, in 1974 he was a student in London. It is true that he supported the National Front, like many GC's at the time, but he had the b*lls to apologise publicly, something that is so rare in Cyprus. The allegation by Piratis that EOKA B members were following orders from America is utterly unfounded and stupid since this theory that aims at shifting the blame to the others (our favourite pastime) has been reduced to smithereens by the recent files of the era that have been made public. It does not, in any case, take a nuclear scientist, to understand that a coup in Cyprus in 1974 was not in the interests of America and her allies since the eastern Mediterranean wing of NATO was at stake, in the midst of the cold war.

Furthermore, Piratis claims that DIKO paid the price for staying in the government. Again, this is totally unfounded. Take EDEK, who did the normal for this party, leave government in protest after one year. How much has this helped EDEK? Zero, absolutely nothing, so what in heaven are you on Piratis?
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Postby supporttheunderdog » Tue May 24, 2011 11:13 pm

1,08% of the vote? Not a bad figure over all - could have ben better e.g, 0.5% or less, but it shows that 98.02% of those who voted were not fooled by the populist Rhetoric from a movement that relies on bigotry and hate.

The difference between a patriot and a facist?

A patriot loves his country but won'nt beat up an elderely newspaper seller who disagrees with his views
A facist thinks loves his country but he and his mates (its easier to disguise cowardice with bravery in a gang) will beat up an elderly newspaper seller who disagrees with his views
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Postby kurupetos » Wed May 25, 2011 12:05 am

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Postby bill cobbett » Wed May 25, 2011 12:20 am

supporttheunderdog wrote:1,08% of the vote? Not a bad figure over all - could have ben better e.g, 0.5% or less, but it shows that 98.02% of those who voted were not fooled by the populist Rhetoric from a movement that relies on bigotry and hate.

The difference between a patriot and a facist?

A patriot loves his country but won'nt beat up an elderely newspaper seller who disagrees with his views
A facist thinks loves his country but he and his mates (its easier to disguise cowardice with bravery in a gang) will beat up an elderly newspaper seller who disagrees with his views

Well said and put Spot.
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Postby denizaksulu » Wed May 25, 2011 12:28 am

kurupetos wrote:

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Postby kurupetos » Wed May 25, 2011 12:30 am

denizaksulu wrote:
kurupetos wrote:


:shock: You must be upset. :lol:
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Postby denizaksulu » Wed May 25, 2011 12:37 am

kurupetos wrote:
denizaksulu wrote:
kurupetos wrote:


:shock: You must be upset. :lol:

Me? Why would I be upset..
I love the mosaics in St. Sophia.
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