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Turkish-Chinese air forces in secret military drill

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Postby insan » Wed Oct 13, 2010 7:12 pm

Chinese military camp in Kazakstan

Sept. 13 (China Military News cited from Xinhua) -- A huge banner reading "Strengthening anti-terror cooperation, safeguarding world peace" is seen at the entrance of the Chinese military camp at the Matybulak range, where joint anti-terror drills has just entered the second phase on Monday.

The exercises, dubbed "Peace Mission 2010," are involving some 5,000 troops from five of the six member states of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) -- China, Russia, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan and Tajikistan. Uzbekistan did not take part in the event.
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Postby Lit » Thu Oct 14, 2010 2:39 am

Chinese warplanes make Mid East debut in Turkey and Iran

The arrival of a new Middle East player startled Washington and Jerusalem: debkafile's military sources disclose that when Turkish Prime Minister Tayyep Erdogan met Syrian president Bashar Assad in Damascus Monday, Oct. 11, they talked less about the Kurdish question and more about the role China is willing to play in the military-intelligence alliance binding Syria, Iran and Turkey.

Erdogan took the credit for China's unfolding involvement in the alliance in the role of big-power backer. Two recent events illustrate Beijing's intent:

1. From Sept. 20 to Oct. 6, the Turkish Air Force conducted its regular annual Anatolian Eagle exercise, this time without US and Israeli participation. Israel was not invited and America opted out. However, their place was taken by Chinese Sukhoi Su-27 and Mig-29 warplanes making their first appearance in Turkish skies.

Our military sources report that the Chinese warplanes began touching down at the big Konya air base in central Turkey in mid-September for their debut performance in the Middle East and Europe.
Konya has served NATO and the United States for decades as one of their most important air bases.

2. Our sources add that the Chinese planes refueled only once on their journey to Turkey in… Iran. When they touched down at the Gayem al-Mohammad air base in central Iran, their crews were made welcome by the Iranian air force commander Gen. Ahmad Migani.

It was the first time Chinese fighter-bombers are known to have visited the Islamic Republic.

The Gayem al-Mohammed facility, located near the town of Birjand in South Khorasan, is situated directly opposite the big American base of East Afghanistan near the Afghan-Iranian border town of Herat.

The Turkish prime minister painted the military alliance binding Tehran, Ankara and Damascus in rosy colors for Assad's benefit as more central to the region and more powerful than Israel's armed forces after overcoming the IDF's military edge.
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Postby insan » Mon Oct 18, 2010 9:59 pm

U.S. Alarmed by Harsh Tone of China’s Military
Published: October 11, 2010

The United States “is engaging in an increasingly tight encirclement of China and constantly challenging China’s core interests,” Rear Adm. Yang Yi, former head of strategic studies at the Chinese Army’s National Defense University, wrote in August in the People’s Liberation Army Daily, the military newspaper. “Washington will inevitably pay a costly price for its muddled decision.” ... =2&_r=4&hp
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Postby insan » Wed Oct 27, 2010 11:12 pm

Turkey inches closer to China
By Saban Kardas

Chinese Prime Minister Wen Jiabao's official visit to Turkey on October 7-8 marked a new phase in Turkish-Chinese relations. During the joint press briefing with Wen's Turkish counterpart, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, both leaders emphasized the importance they place on each other in their external relations and called their flourishing ties a "strategic partnership". The parties signed eight agreements to develop further cooperation in various areas, including trade, transportation and combating terrorism.

Erdogan preferred to highlight the agreement to switch from dollars to the two country's own currencies in bilateral trade. Turkey also signed a similar agreement with Russia and Iran, its other major trading partners. Through such bilateral agreements, Turkey appears determined to underscore its willingness to pursue independent policies in the global economic and financial order, which has been structured around US primacy. As such, Ankara seeks to readjust to a post-American-led world order, as the existing global order is currently in flux. On many occasions, Turkish leaders have emphasized that the gravity of the global economy has been shifting towards Asia, and that Turkey, which had been traditionally integrated into the Western world, now needs to readjust its economic and political priorities.

Erdogan described the decision to use mutual currencies as a step to cement the strategic partnership between China, which is likely to dominate the world economy in the years to come, and Turkey, an emerging economy, which ranks 17th. China and Turkey have been recovering rapidly from the global financial crisis, which may precipitate greater coordination between both powers in the context of the Group of 20 and other international platforms.
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Postby MrH » Wed Oct 27, 2010 11:22 pm

One should remember that there are 35 Million Turkish Speaking Chinese Citizens living in Western China. They may be, like Tibet, in a territorial dispute with the Chinese Government, but ultimately the Country is still united as one and China's interests with the Republic of Turkey are Not only strategically Economic and Military based! Of Course, the tiny Greek Cypriots are still the MOST IMPORTANT people in the EU for the EU Parliament and Council, in their EYES ONLY, so Turkey just Can't be that important, Can it!

GC = Blind as a Bat.
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Postby Me Ed » Wed Oct 27, 2010 11:37 pm

As far as you are concerned, yes we are!
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Postby Get Real! » Thu Oct 28, 2010 1:57 am

MrH wrote:One should remember that there are 35 Million Turkish Speaking Chinese Citizens living in Western China.

Rubbish! :roll:

The day you manage to post just ONE FACT I'll give you an award!

How about your name... can you get that right? :? (Ask your mom first just in case!)
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Postby MrH » Thu Oct 28, 2010 9:32 am

Get Real, you are indeed very funny with your post with how you so dearly expect everyone to treat them as Gospel. As with them all, only when it suits your linear mind of thinking Can you agree! How blind my Greek speaking Cypriot friend!!
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Postby insan » Thu Oct 28, 2010 10:05 pm

Turkish FM hopes better China ties to help Uighurs
Davutoglu said it was of symbolic importance to begin his visit to China from Kashgar and Urumchi in Xinjiang-Uighur Autonomous Region.
Thursday, 28 October 2010 10:16

Turkey's foreign minister said on Thursday that the better Turkey's relations with the central government of China, the more contributions Turkey could make to Uighur region.

Ahmet Davutoglu said that on one hand Turkey had to protect rights of Uighur Turks, on the other hand it would not harm its relations with a global country.

"This will please not only China but also us, and we will help our Uighur brothers at the same time," Davutoglu told reporters en route to China.

Minister Davutoglu said it was of symbolic importance to begin his visit to China from Kashgar and Urumchi in Xinjiang-Uighur Autonomous Region.

Davutoglu is the first Turkish foreign minister ever to visit Kashgar.

"Here is the point we have reached in one year. The Chinese premier visited Turkey and I am now paying a visit to China. Both visits take place within a month," Davutoglu told reporters.

Davutoglu said Turkey's Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan would visit China the following year.

"My visit to China is a part of an action plan we are implementing to solve the crisis with Chinese foreign minister after the Urumchi incidents," he said.
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Postby Get Real! » Thu Oct 28, 2010 10:15 pm

MrH wrote:Get Real, you are indeed very funny with your post with how you so dearly expect everyone to treat them as Gospel. As with them all, only when it suits your linear mind of thinking Can you agree! How blind my Greek speaking Cypriot friend!!

There are just over 10 million Uyghurs and they don't speak Turkish so what compels you to post manufactured rubbish? :?
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