insan wrote:Gasman wrote:Obviously a liar, a hypocrite AND a Hellenist! There's a few of those on here!
What is it about GCs that they seem to believe every word their politicians say?
Most other countries wouldn't trust their politicians as far as they could throw a grand piano - they ASSUME they lie. Here in Cyprus, they hang on their every word! Big Mak said it - it must be true. Pres Chris said it - it's the gospel truth.
Then, if anything they don't like is reported to have been said by them - they DENY it lol! Mis-reported, misquoted, twisted his words, lost in translation!
I find this quite hilarious.
Well said, Gasman! It's one of the most ridiculous situation about some GCs on this forum!
politicians can say anything they want and that includes Makarios, nevertheless the people can outrun their politicians rhetoric and move on beyond them as the Gc obviously were doing after the Zurich agreements. You cannot answer the obvious question, between 60-67,when Greece was not under the junta, where were the outcries from
the gc population for enosis with Greece? Your arguments have no substance, you cannot admit that external powers placed you in the situation that you are in today ie......embargoed by Turkey, and facing extinction on your own lands....once you realize your faults and weaknesses then a solution will be right around the corner