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Papadopoulos and Christofias: the patriot and the fool.

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby Get Real! » Sun Oct 03, 2010 4:32 pm

BOF wrote: From Makarios speech to the UN security council in 1974..

Hey British corrupt and incompetent arsehole,

Always post your LINKS so that others know that you’re quoting from junk “TRNC” sites!
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Postby Murataga » Mon Oct 04, 2010 3:02 am

Get Real! wrote:
BOF wrote: From Makarios speech to the UN security council in 1974..

Hey British corrupt and incompetent arsehole,

Always post your LINKS so that others know that you’re quoting from junk “TRNC” sites!

A certain segment of Cypriots consider the TRNC as their salvation. Do you ever question what you have done that has forced them to arrive at this conclusion?
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Postby boomerang » Mon Oct 04, 2010 4:01 am

Murataga wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
BOF wrote: From Makarios speech to the UN security council in 1974..

Hey British corrupt and incompetent arsehole,

Always post your LINKS so that others know that you’re quoting from junk “TRNC” sites!

A certain segment of Cypriots consider the TRNC as their salvation. Do you ever question what you have done that has forced them to arrive at this conclusion?

i think you need to wear a hat when outside in the sun...the rays are playing havoc with your single cell brain... :lol:
Last edited by boomerang on Mon Oct 04, 2010 4:02 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby wyoming cowboy » Mon Oct 04, 2010 4:01 am

Murataga wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
BOF wrote: From Makarios speech to the UN security council in 1974..

Hey British corrupt and incompetent arsehole,

Always post your LINKS so that others know that you’re quoting from junk “TRNC” sites!

A certain segment of Cypriots consider the TRNC as their salvation. Do you ever question what you have done that has forced them to arrive at this conclusion?

Todays Cyprus problem is nothing more then a cold war relic, the only reason Turkey invaded Cyprus in 74 was to safeguard the island from any USSR and eastern bloc influence...
The TC and Gc were both manipulated to instigate problems with one another in order to give credibility to a Turkish invasion....There was no danger to the Tc at the time of the invasion or during the coup in fact there had been no intercommunal violence since 1967.....
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Postby Get Real! » Mon Oct 04, 2010 10:43 am

Murataga wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
BOF wrote: From Makarios speech to the UN security council in 1974..

Hey British corrupt and incompetent arsehole,

Always post your LINKS so that others know that you’re quoting from junk “TRNC” sites!

A certain segment of Cypriots consider the TRNC as their salvation. Do you ever question what you have done that has forced them to arrive at this conclusion?

That's based on your assumption that they are "Cypriot"!
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Postby Bananiot » Mon Oct 04, 2010 3:48 pm

Christofias said some bitter truths and the forum patriots rebelled against what he said.
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The REAL Christophias?

Postby cymart » Tue Oct 05, 2010 3:02 pm

Much as I want to agree with the positive postings that Christophias has sincere intentions to solve the Cyprus question and I also supported him when he was first elected for this reason,I am beginning to have serious doubts:
As Hermes Solomon wrote in his article in last Sundays Cyprus Mail,he seems to be back-peddling,rather than creating a positive climate why a solution is necessary and how everyone in Cyprus will benefit in the long term as well as the short term.
1)Why does he keep making negative statements about the proposals of the other side and saying internationally that Turkey is not ready for a solution etc?These are seized on by the local media here,most of which is against the compromise solution now under discussion....
2)Instead of running an information campaign since he was elected to give people clear and simple explanations of the benefits,most are now confused and pessimistic that he will achieve anything.
3)He wants to speak to Turkey,yet keeps insisting that the negotiations are only between the Cypriots and refuses suggestions by DISY and others to widen the format to include Greece,Turkey and the E.U. etc?
4)Is his real objective to delay a solution until the end of his term of office in 2012,as some people have suggested with the aim of being re-elected as President of the new Cyprus Federation?
5)Is he afraid to go for a solution now,as all the international players including Turkey are suggesting in case he loses a referendum and is then effectively forced to resign,thus also ending AKELS only period in power since the party was formed?
6)Is AKEL manipulating him in conjunction with DIKO so they can both stay in control after 2012,possibly with Marcos Kyprianou as President if Christophias does not want to stand for re-election?
Of course by then partition will be permanent and even more irreversible than it is now,but in Greek-Cypriot politics,power is everything and the Cyprus Problem is just a tool!
7)Or will Christophias surprise us within the next few weeks if Erdogan and Papandreou meet with him in Athens on the 21st and they all agree that its time to solve the problem???

Dare we hope?
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Postby Costa » Tue Oct 05, 2010 3:19 pm

why not, is there anything else we can do?
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Postby Oracle » Tue Oct 05, 2010 3:50 pm

Bananiot wrote:Christofias said some bitter truths and the forum patriots rebelled against what he said.

The truth is not bitter. Only its misrepresentation (usually by people like you).
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Postby denizaksulu » Tue Oct 05, 2010 4:54 pm

Costa wrote:why not, is there anything else we can do?

Well, yes. Christmas is coming again? :lol: :lol: Dont you believe in miracles?

Welcome to the cf Costa. I hope you are not the Costa I knew a few years back on another forum called 'Costa the EOKA fighter'. :lol:
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