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Postby boomerang » Fri Oct 08, 2010 2:12 am

Oracle wrote:
Mr. T wrote:
Oracle wrote:
Mr. T wrote:
Get Real! wrote:The excuse that one is for distance while the other is for area is the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard!

1. A metre is a measure of DISTANCE!

2. A square metre is a measure of AREA!

3. A cubic metre is a measure of VOLUME!

Some of you should go back to primary school! :?

Well done you have managed to work out the differences or did you copy them from a book? Yes, they are 3 completely different things.

No, you stupid "Poly-educated" person ... they are NOT completely different things, but, inherently, mathematically connected!

OK if it will stop your hair thinning and for no other reason , distance, area and volume are completely the same thing. :roll:

You forgot how we measure how dense you are! :lol:

is that measured in "metres" or in "meters".... :lol:
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Postby Oracle » Fri Oct 08, 2010 2:17 am

boomerang wrote:
Oracle wrote:
Mr. T wrote:
Oracle wrote:
Mr. T wrote:
Get Real! wrote:The excuse that one is for distance while the other is for area is the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard!

1. A metre is a measure of DISTANCE!

2. A square metre is a measure of AREA!

3. A cubic metre is a measure of VOLUME!

Some of you should go back to primary school! :?

Well done you have managed to work out the differences or did you copy them from a book? Yes, they are 3 completely different things.

No, you stupid "Poly-educated" person ... they are NOT completely different things, but, inherently, mathematically connected!

OK if it will stop your hair thinning and for no other reason , distance, area and volume are completely the same thing. :roll:

You forgot how we measure how dense you are! :lol:

is that measured in "metres" or in "meters".... :lol:

I dunno ... but his head looks cubic! :D
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Postby Mr. T » Fri Oct 08, 2010 2:24 am

Oracle wrote:
Mr. T wrote:
Oracle wrote:
Mr. T wrote:
Oracle wrote:
Oracle wrote:
Mr. T wrote:I know that Cyprus uses metres but Dangaman said that you use meters.
There is a difference even if you aren't aware of it.

Kindly tell us what is this difference, because in terms of maths, there is zero difference!

The metre (or meter), symbol m, is the base unit of length in the International System of Units (SI).

OK ... "Mastermind" of the poly-circuit ...

Explain away .....

This forum uses the English language. m is not a symbol for a meter.
Is this too difficult for you.

No. I would have bet you'd use some such excuse for your stupidity. No one in the Western World is unaware of that distinction. Really, did it flummox you so much, Poly-"educated" person?

If you look again at my postings but this time using your brain you will find that this is the gist of what I have been saying all along.

'No one in the Western World is unaware of that distinction.'...........Don't be silly. What about the posting that started this?

Sorry to disappoint you but they didn't have Polytechnical colleges after 'A 'levels when I finished my secondary education but don't despair I expect you will get something correct one day if only through the law of average.

Sorry your "A" levels led to nowhere ... but your immaterial confusion as to the English language and this forum's criteria are not your saviours in this matter.

As ever your ignorance continues but why should I divulge my life's many successes. I only return to this forum for occasional entertainment.

More importantly what has your life led too? Obviously very little with an inordinate part of it spent posting hatred, poorly disguised racist remarks, drivel, inane comments......the list is endless.

I should feel sorry for you.

It has been said by at least one wise forum member (Miltiades I believe is one) that you should be ignored. If everyone did that perhaps you will go and get treatment.

I will try, therefore, to let you get away with the last word no matter how tempting it may be to respond to the utter junk that frequently comes from your keyboard.

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Postby Get Real! » Fri Oct 08, 2010 2:33 am

Oracle wrote:Your "Polytechnic" awards mean nothing to me ... :D

They must be "TRNC" certificates! :lol:
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Postby Get Real! » Fri Oct 08, 2010 2:37 am

Oracle wrote:
boomerang wrote:
Oracle wrote:You forgot how we measure how dense you are! :lol:

is that measured in "metres" or in "meters".... :lol:

I dunno ... but his head looks cubic! :D

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Postby Get Real! » Fri Oct 08, 2010 2:42 am

Mr. T wrote:I only return to this forum for occasional entertainment.

Many people come here to be entertained but the mood soon changes when they discover their own shortcomings and become the entertainment of others! :lol:

It has been said by at least one wise forum member (Miltiades I believe is one)...

:shock: He's even dumber than you! Image
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Postby dinos » Fri Oct 08, 2010 2:47 am

So...let's get back on target here. Will any of the folks fearing the demise of the Euro kindly disclose their positions? I'm not looking for monetary amounts - the number of positions and the ccy pair will do.

It'll be amusing if any of these folks are actually putting their money where their mouths are...
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Postby bill cobbett » Fri Oct 08, 2010 4:03 am

dinos wrote:So...let's get back on target here. Will any of the folks fearing the demise of the Euro kindly disclose their positions? I'm not looking for monetary amounts - the number of positions and the ccy pair will do.

It'll be amusing if any of these folks are actually putting their money where their mouths are...

Yes lets's get back on thread ... hear today by the way that various nations are trying to drive their currencies down to gain advantage ....... and also hear that the US Fed Reserve may soon be getting the printing presses running again.
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Postby boomerang » Fri Oct 08, 2010 4:44 am

bill cobbett wrote:
dinos wrote:So...let's get back on target here. Will any of the folks fearing the demise of the Euro kindly disclose their positions? I'm not looking for monetary amounts - the number of positions and the ccy pair will do.

It'll be amusing if any of these folks are actually putting their money where their mouths are...

Yes lets's get back on thread ... hear today by the way that various nations are trying to drive their currencies down to gain advantage ....... and also hear that the US Fed Reserve may soon be getting the printing presses running again.

Fed Officials Mull Inflation as a Fix

IMHO this currency experiment scheme the US peddle to everyong, the empire tax, replacing gold, has failed big time...

The only solution that will work for the US and everyone, is getting the factories firing again kissing away WTO...
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Postby repulsewarrior » Fri Oct 08, 2010 5:53 am

...ah inflation, a tax on the poor, ('cause the rich always get richer).

really what the world needs is a tax model based on General System Theory infinately variable so that from its measure and identification the consumer pays directly for the externalites their consumption of a product or service produces. as a consumer you will have a total price to pay and compare, beside it the sum of the tax inherant also to compare, (two fridges have the same total price but one has a third of the tax; which one will be a modern environmentally healthy refrigerator (and if you prefer to buy the older design, that would be possible too)). you will go to the grocery to buy milk, the tax will be most modest, the same milk in a restaurant may have more tax, and by consuming milk in a bar, chances are you will pay much more. however, if people in bars do not kill other people they can, by the change in their behaviour, mitigate this tax driving it to the lowest possible amount.
...but i do go on.

...combine that with an income tax that is a representation of the cost of Good Government only, and it will be virtually the same for every citizen, i guess in europe, that would be around 9-14%
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